Chapter 15: Meaning

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I became still and dreading every second because I know what was coming next for me. I have no escape plan and there's no use for escaping. Henry tighten his grip on my wrists and began to slowly pulling up my shirt with his other hand. I closed my eyes, hoping that I can somehow make myself to pass out. Soon, the driver had no more control of the car anymore and we began to slide across the road. Henry quickly jerked up and pulled the emergency brakes. Within a second, he held me close as possible to him as I heard a huge loud crashing sound. Everything went quiet. And black.

All I could hear was the faint pants from Henry.  I began to look through Henry's arms to see my surroundings. I could see the driver looked  pass out. I studied harder and I made a gasping sound. Blood from the car's broken window was running down his temple and onto the air bag that he was leaning on. I could barely see his non blinking eyes, staring out in the distance. I began to hyperventilate and almost to crying. 


He spoke quietly into my ear, "Shhh...calm down...everything's fine. Kylee, just look at me and nothing else. I promise I won't do anything to you and will explain everything." He slowly got up as glass started crunching together and I kept staring at Henry.

He slowly opened the car and I stayed still as I was watching him and making a pathway for me. I could see blood coming down his muscular arms and his temple. He was studying me before he held out both of his hands to help me out of the car. I weakly grasped his hand as he pulled me close to him and into a cradle.

After I snapped out of it, I began to panic. " he! He's dead! He's dead! Why-!"

"Just take a deep breath, and calm down. You're safe, there is no need to worry," he said in a calming tone to help me to relax.

"I can't! The-"

He covered my mouth and whispered in a low tone, "Be quiet... someone will hear you and then we will both be like the driver." He started running deep into the woods with me in his arms. He gently set me down on the ground after he felt it was far away enough to be safe. I finally began to calm down, but still very scared and just stared at Henry to make sure he will not do anything to me.

"Wh...what's happening... just tell me... I am tired of being clueless for so long and being afraid for about a half a year or so," I barely spoke with my shaky weak voice.

He sat next to me and took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. In a low, soft voice he said, "Believe it or not, I am in the same mess as you. I am what you call a 'boyfriend'."

I looked into his green eyes, "What do you mean 'boyfriend'? What does it have to do with any of this situation?"

"It has to do with everything. A 'boyfriend' in this situation is not the same kind of asking out for a date to lunch or prom, it is a term used in human trafficking. They are handsome, attractive boys that will pick certain victims and get really close to then eventually sell them to the blackmarket which was where we were going until I made us flip over and crash."

I was trying to process this shocking information and I began to shake in fear of imagining of how close I was going to be pass on, but Henry saved me. "Why me?"

"You are the perfect victim. You don't live with your parents, do not have any siblings protecting you, already head over heels for me, extremely insecure about yourself, you were living with an elderly women that couldn't even remember her own address and the list can keep going on and on."

"How do you know about all of that? You barely even know me. You just kidnapped me one day and never bothered learning more about me," I said in a bit of frustration anger from not understanding this along with embarrassment of my terrible background.

"I know a lot about you. More than you think, even more than I listed. Ever since I started school at the one you are attending, I had a feeling you were perfect. After I confirmed with myself that you have a big crush on me, I began talking to your friend and asking her a lot about you. Everything to what's your favorite color to how you were like when you were little. Now with kidnapping you, I had a deadline to make. Remember my 'parents'? They are really not my parents, just the people that runs this whole show. They are also apart of managing the modeling company. If I did not make my deadline, I would have been in the same boat as you."

"How long were you watching me from a far?"

He began to think to himself, "About a year." He paused for a long while and spoke again, "I regret working with these people. You are not my first victim. I have been in this business since I was 13 and gone through about 90 or so girls in my years and was the best out of all of the 'boyfriends'. Out of all of those girls, I know about zero girl's names, faces, and just everything about them. All I know is that I made so many families suffer, and who knows if those girls are alive or dead and where in hell are they. I was just selfish and only thought about myself and how I didn't want to end up like them. "

"How did you get mix up in this in the first place?"

"I was mixed up in gangs since I was 9 with my older brother. He wasn't the leader, but second in command. Then one day, there was a new and much more dangerous than any other gangs in the city that I used to live in. That gang was a picking a fight with us and my brother told me to stay behind, despite my struggles of trying to help. Then the leader was killed by the gang and took me and the remaining members. Those people only took the most attractive boys and I am not sure what happened to the rest. I was kept with my older brother and played the little brother when I was 10. When I turned 13, they decided that I should get girls on my own. By that time, my brother was starting conflicts with our host of our home. The last I saw my brother was when he was taking this girl a year older than him with him to the car and left. When the car came back, it was only the driver."

"I'm sorry to hear about that... but why did flip the car over and almost killing us?"

"I rather be dead than do this.  I also did not want you put you in the mess that I put so many girls through," he said quietly without looking at me.

"So... are the other male models are.."

He nodded his head, "Even Nathan is one."

I gasped loudly and started panicking about Mary. "Is he going to hurt Mary?! He can't! We-"

"Calm down Kylee, he's like me. There are only a couple of models that are tired of this. I know them somewhat personally before we got drag into all of this. The head of the people will be on the look out and not going to take their eyes off of the other models within this city along with people trying to find us. A model was one step ahead of us and have a hiding out house close by."

I calmed down and nodded. "What about Nathan and Mary?" 

"We will get them after we get to the new place," he told me as he picked me up and started walking down a path. I held onto him and slowly drifted to sleep. I wonder to myself what will happen in the nearby future. I knew that for a long while I will only be feeling worry and fear until this whole thing is over. The only exception to that is being in Henry's arms, that is the only time I will feel secure and maybe a bit happy inside. 


Thank you for reading and/or voting for this book. I know I have been putting this book off for a long while and it was actually intended for it to be ended for the last chapter until a couple of my friends made me realized that it was not a good enough ending and it should continue. I will continue this book if readers want more of this. Also, if you have any story line suggestions or critiques I will be happy to hear. Thank you for all of the support ~Kirari Fuji (Cupcaketaic) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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