chapter twenty six - learning to love

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“Now” started Daphne, “last year I was successfully able to fool the whole of London society - including Lady Whistledown - into believing that I was courting the Duke of Hastings. And today I am going to teach the two of you to do the same. And who knows, perhaps your fortune will end in a similar fashion.” She smirked at Anthony who, it seemed, did not understand what she meant.

At present Daphne, Anthony and Aurora were now congregated around the desk in the Viscount’s study.

On it they had placed a single sheet of paper covered with Daphne’s delicate handwriting. In the very centre was enscrawled: fooling the ton.

This piece of paper had taken Daphne all afternoon and she certainly seemed proud of it.

“This paper will not go further than these four walls, in fact after today it will be burnt in the fire on the other side of the room. Nobody can know that this is false or scandals will emerge.”

The intended couple glanced at each other, nervous for what was to come.

Daphne continued, “Firstly, there is a ball tomorrow being held at Lucas House. It will be a large one and everyone whose opinion we need to sway will be there - most importantly, Lady Whistledown. If you can convince her of your affections then the rest of the ton will follow. Thankfully you are off to a good start. She seems to believe you so far. The Lucas’ ball will be the perfect chance to introduce yourselves to London society as the future Lord and Lady Bridgerton.”

“I-“ Aurora made an attempt to interrupt Daphne’s rousing speech.

“I will answer questions at the end.” Daphne shot back, very much entrenched in her plan.

The Viscount shared a look with Aurora and both had to bite their lips to stop themselves from laughing.

“Tomorrow night you will need to wear complementary colours to show you are in union - I suggest blue and gold. You will dance together twice and spend the rest of the evening in each other’s company. People will most likely be congratulating you and you would do best to accept these compliments as a pair. Furthermore, I think it would be wise if some kind of contact is initiated - perhaps you might have your arms linked. It will show that you are unified.”

Anthony scoffed. Daphne’s speech was beginning to become aggravating. He was not an idiot, he knew how one was supposed to act during a courtship!

“Is that all sister? Or is there even more you wish for us to do?!” He had not meant for his tone to be so harsh but quite frankly he would rather have been anywhere else but here.

Daphne sighed and shifted her voice to a softer tone, grabbing his hand in comfort.

“I know that this is difficult for you Anthony. I am sure you are not enjoying this but please, think of father and of the Bridgerton legacy.”

That struck him. She was right, after all. He had been somewhat selfish and forgotten that this was his duty.

“Very well.” He turned to his fiancée. “Will you be joining us again before tomorrow night?”

Aurora finally spoke for the first time since their arrival in the study. “No, I do not think so. I have other plans for tomorrow. If that is alright with you?”

The Bridgerton was surprised in her asking.

“Yes of course. You may do as you like, you needn’t ask for my approval. And that will remain the case as well after our - our”

He started to stumble over the words, reticent about using that one particular word.

“Marriage?” Aurora answered for him.

Anthony nodded his head in response.

“You can say it you know. It’s just a word.”

Daphne, who had now fallen silent, was observing their conversation with curiosity. The two rarely spoke to each other and it was uncommon to have the chance to witness a genuine exchange between them. The eldest Bridgerton girl was pleasantly surprised though at their reactions to each other.

She would never have mentioned it but she had certainly noticed how their body language was becoming more receptive to each other - a sure sign that the young couple was slowly beginning to accept their future together.

“You are right” replied Anthony. “It is just a word. Marriage.”

The Grey girl laughed at his discomfort. She suddenly noticed the time on the Viscount’s watch.

“Goodness, I did not realise it was so late! I should be getting home. My companion must be getting tired.”

Anthony had noticed her glance at the watch and suddenly felt it’s eight resting upon his shoulders - the weight of his father’s legacy.

“I’ll see you both out.” He suggested.

They were saying their goodbyes, Aurora and the Bridgerton’s (for they had all gathered on the steps of Bridgerton House) when Benedict appeared from thin air with a smile on his face.

‘How bizarre’ Aurora thought.


I’ve just had my first day back at ‘school’ and somehow I managed to get all my work done on time which is a miracle.

Sadly my teachers enjoy giving us loads of homework because we’re year 13 and currently have absolutely no possibility of any kind of social life.

Stay safe
Valentina x

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