Summer, 1975

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It was mid summer. In the town of Liverpool the streets were filled with children riding their bikes, teens chatting while their lungs filled up with the addictive nicotine, al the windows in houses were open, letting the light breeze and the shimmering sun into their houses. In one house in particular, the second floor, in a light pink room with the walls covered in every inch by band posters, pictures of family and friends, tickets from shows, records, fliers promoting gay rights and anti war. A person would barely be able to tell that the room was pink if it wasn't for the small spaces where the puzzle pieces of memorabilia didn't quite fit.

There on a small bed sat a 15 year old girl with blue eyes and mid back length black  colored hair pulled high into a pony tail was gently strumming the guitar her older brother got her for her most recent birthday. The young girl grew up surrounded by music, for her older brother is none other than John Lennon himself. The 35 year old man adored his baby sister, and took every moment he wasn't with his bandmates or family to spend with the young girl. He was 20 years old when she was born and the look of euphoria on his face that day just showed how much he already love his sister. She officially started living with her aunt Mimi when she was a little tyke. Her mother abandoned her for a week to go out, get high, drunk and have sex with random strangers. She was on her way to Surrey when the constables found Katherine and immediately placed her in the care of her aunt Mimi, and she hasn't seen her mum since.

The man was the one and only John Lennon, from the Beatles. He was free on the beautifully sunny day so he decided to bring over a gift for his sister. A beautiful guitar. But this was not any guitar, this was a guitar that was signed by all four Beatles. Katherine screamed when she saw this. She absolutely loved the Beatles, and not just because it's her sisterly duty to love her brother's band, but because their music is tasteful. 

She was gently strumming her new guitar, letting her calloused fingers brush softly against the strings. She was playing one of her favorite songs,  Hey Jude. She was softly strumming the intro. John just happily stared at the young girl. He knew she was destined for great things, and when she turned eleven a strange man came to their house claiming she was a witch, his theory was confirmed.

"Hey Kitty," John's hoarse voice spoke gaining his little sister's attention, "Are you excited to go back to school?"

Katherine stopped her meaningless strumming, looking at her older brother's identical eyes. She was conflicted, on one hand she was excited for another magical year but she was also worried. Rumors of a war was floating around and muggle families seemed to be ending up dead.  She didn't want to worry her brother who would definitely tell their aunt which would make it way worse so all she did was smile and nod.

"Yep, everything is all packed. I can't believe it's already fifth year. It seems that it was just yesterday that found out I was a witch and now, my schooling is almost done. In three years I am going to be an adult. That scares me, John."

"I know it does Kitty. Growing up fuckin sucks. I wish I could tell you that it get's easier but in all honesty, it doesn't. Just make these adolescent years count. Now, are you all packed?" He asked the young girl.

"I think MiMi would have a heart attack if I wasn't." She smirked a response.

"True. She always nagged me about having my glasses. Thank god I don't live with her anymore." John laughed.

"She tells me to wear my contacts. She is trying to marry me off as soon as possible." Kitty started, "You need to marry a nice catholic boy, Katherine" She mocked.

"Love, I don't think you're ever going to settle down." John exclaimed to his little sister.

"Don't tell that to Mimi." Kitty scoffed, "She'd have a heart attack."

"So Kitty. How is it going with you and that boy?" John asked in a  teasing tone.

Katherine has had the most colossal crush ever on one James Potter. She has made googly eyes at him since second year. Everything from his fluffy hair to his adorable smile and infectious laugh made her belly swarm with butterflies. She really really liked him. He made her insides all tingly and giggly, but every time she ever tried to talk or approach him he would instantly turn the other way and run as if he was being chased. She didn't understand why he did it or what she ever did to him but it hurt her to no end. Every time this action occurred, here heart broke even more, more than how it breaks whenever she saw her longtime crush pinning after the redheaded, emerald eyed, perfect Lily Evans. There wasn't any bad blood between the two, in fact, they were best friends. Katherine was just jealous of all the attention she got. The attention that Katherine so desperately wanted.

Realizing that she hasn't answered her brother, she shot him a small smile and just replied with a "normal. He doesn't acknowledge my existence."

John knew that was his cue to change the subject. James Potter was a sensitive subject for her. After a couple of hours, John Lennon stood up from his previous spot. He gave his baby sister a kiss on the forehead before claiming that he had to go.

Young Katherine spent the remaining few hours left of summer staring out of her window, wondering if James Potter was thinking about her, just like she was doing now.

James knew that from the moment he looked into the deep blue eyes of Katherine Lennon that she was the only one for him. The she was his soulmate. He couldn't get her out of his head. All he ever did was think about was her. In class, during meals, free time. It was worse since he shared every class with her. He was however, fortunate enough to sit behind her during classes, so he could just sit and stare at the back of her head during the duration of the class. He was unable to pay attention to anything the teacher said but how could he when the woman he was in love with was sitting in front of him. He knew that playing with Lily the was he was, was wrong, but it was the only was to get close to Katherine.

He loved going back to school. Not for the actual lessons, but for the adventure, magic, pranks and most importantly, for Katherine. His friends teased him about his obsession with the young girl. He wouldn't call it an obsession... just an strong need to stare at her and know where she was at all moments of the day. During meals he'd stare at her, during classes he'd stare at her. Free time he'd go around the school looking for her just so he could stare from afar. A common routine for him was to sit on the other side of the library and stare at heras she studied for hours, being jealous of the books she gave her every drop of attention to. He constantly would sit in bed at night with the Marauders map to see her in bed or the Astronomy tower, where she spends most nights. He never Actually spoke to her. He'd actually tried his very hardest to avoid all forms of communication with the girl. He would go as far as to run away from her whenever she approached him. He would beg his teachers to switch partners when he was paired up with her. He knew it was stupid and sliming his chances of getting her to like him back, but he was afraid of talking to her. He didn't know why but he just couldn't talk to her. If she got close he'd start to sweat like crazy and his throat would close up. The closest he got to actually speaking to her was when he threw up on her shoes while trying to ask her on their first hogsmeade trip in 3rd year.

His last few hours of summer was spent sitting on his roof staring at the stars and thinking that the couldn't possibly be brighter and more beautiful than Katherine Lennon, and how this would finally be his year. This would be the year he talked to her.

A/N: so! This is the FIRST official chapptterrr! Yay! Please let me know how you like this and how you'd like the story to go! Enjoy♥️♥️

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