"Climbing through somone's window is not only creepy, it's illegal."

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After a long train ride full of laughs, jokes and teasing, they've finally arrived back at King's Cross and once they step out of the train, Winter break will have officially started. Katherine was very excited because Lily will be staying with her the duration of the break due to some... complications with her sister.

She was also excited because her older brother will be picking her up and that means she can blast music in the car and scream out the lyrics at the top of her lungs. She and Lily have planned out their entire break, seeing as this was the first time the Evans girl will be visiting Liverpool, Katherine decided to be her unofficial, official tour guide.

Once her and the girls said goodbye on the train she grabbed Lily's weirdly cold hands and dragged her down the hallway before she could even form a single word, laughing obnoxiously as the redhead tried to protest and begs for her to slow down.

When they got out of the crowdedness of the magical platform and into the platform of regular Muggle London it was easier to locate the tallish man. Muggles weren't able to enter the platform so she told him to wait by the wall for them.

Katherine gave one last final look to the curly haired boy who was laughing at something Sirius said before leaving the platform.

When Lily saw John Lennon she literally squealed! She didn't make the connection to on between the last names and that her older brother was the actual John Lennon. She was absolutely obsessed with the Beatles and owned every album. She, just like every young girl in the world was devastated when the band broke up, but since they were still extremely close knit, made it a tiny bit better. And now she is actually in his presence.

"You ok there, Lils? You're turning a bit green." The younger Lennon laughed at her best friend's state.

"I-I-I" she closed her gaping mouth and took a few breaths, steadying her heart. "I just didn't realize your brother was John Lennon." Lily says, her face turning redder than her hair.

"Well we do have the same last name." Katherine smiles cheekily at the bashful redhead. "I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

"Oh whatever. Let's go. I don't want to keep your mum up." Lily says in a teasing tone.

"Y-yeah.. let's go. John, please lead the way." Katherine stuttered.

She didn't want to correct Lily. She was embarrassed that she wasn't raised by her mother. She didn't care what anyone in Liverpool though because they already knew the story but this was different. Her wizard life and her muggle life were different. What would her friends think if she told them that her mother lost custody of her for being a druggie?

With a nod her older brother led the two girls towards the car. Her aunt's 1968 Thunderbird, that she barely even drives because she believes women shouldn't drive.

Kitty and John didn't say anything for the remainder of the walk while Lily, who didn't pick up on the tension was talking about anything under the sun.

When they got to the light blue car, John got into the driver's seat while the two 15 year olds sit in the back, their luggage in the trunk. Kitty leans forwards, her butt practically in Lily's face and turns on the radio; David Bowie's Starman blasting through the speakers.


And that's how the next four hours went. Song after song, the volume of their voices got higher and higher. Finally John started slowing down and then pulled over in front of an average looking home. The home was a yellow color with big blocky windows on the second floor.

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