Coming home for the Holidays

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It was Christmas time. Lights of Red and green were hung from wall to wall, illuminating the Castle. Twelve luxurious Christmas trees stood proudly decorated with old glistening ornaments. All week the students have been anticipating break and were excited for the hiatus from classes and schoolwork.

Katherine was overjoyed to go back home. She missed Mimi and was so excited to see her
new nephew. Her nephew Sean Taro Ono Lennon was born October 9th. Dumbledore sadly didn't let het leave for the occasion so Christmas will be her first introduction of the adorable baby. She threw in her last pair of socks before closing her luggage and hauling it up.

She laid on her bed thinking about the other night. Her talk with James that is. It was the first time they've ever really spoken to each other, and definitely the last. The past couple months since that drunken night, he went back to ignoring her. Carter would often tell her that "that Potter boy is staring at you again.", but whenever she turned to look at him, he was always laughing with his friends.

She had a week to forget about this. To forget about James. And she was more than willing to take it. This break should only be focused on family, excellent food and presents. She did all her shopping during the summer, opting to hid them in the bottom of her closet.

The loud bell rang through the school, signaling that it was time to head to the train, preparing to travel the long hours back home. With a sigh she got up form the bed and struggled with her luggage for a minute or two, dragging it behind her down the stairs with a clunk, clunk, clunk.

When she made her way to the train she caught eyes with the man of the hour. His hazel eyes shimmer under the harsh sunlight. He seemed tired. Purple bags rested under his crusted eyes that were tinted red. Glasses more crooked than usual and his hair messy, as if he didn't even attempt to do anything with it. His clothes were all distressed and wrinkled as if he rolled out of bed in them and he constantly yawned, signaling his lack of sleep.

The final bell rang, cutting her examination short and she went in line behind a few first year Hufflepuffs going on and on about how excited they were to see their families. Once it was kitty's turn to get out to the door, she handed Filch my luggage and stepped up and in. Thankfully she wasn't that far back in line so she was able to claim a compartment to herself.

Katherine walked down the long and narrow corridor and picked the third to last compartment. Our compartment. The compartment that we would sit in every time we were on this train.

She opened the sliding door, closing it behind her and sat on the leather seats. She was on edge, not having a chance to eat or drink her beloved coffee. She was grumpy, hungry, tried and un caffeinated.

James woke up late. The bell for the train would ring in an hour and he didn't even start packing. He jumped out of bed with an unknown burst of energy and scrambled around his dorm throwing clothes left in right in his open luggage, not knowing if they were his or not. He didn't usually pack his belongings other than clothes unless he was going home at the end of the year so the packing was a little easier.

He was up late again, stalking Katherine on the map. He noticed that she felt off for the last month and a half. He just didn't know why, or how to fix it. He's completely ignored her after their drunken charade. He double checked to make sure that he packed her Christmas gift. It was something he's thought of for months. He saw it in a jewelry store in Hogsmead. He knew her birthday was in August so her birthstone is a Peridot. And he found the perfect necklace. It was a heart shaped necklace that was made of sterling silver. It was very expensive but he didn't care. As long as she liked it and wore it, that's all that mattered. He prepared to give it to his owl; Snitch, after the golden snitch, on Christmas Eve. He wrote a note that was folded in the box, signing it as a secret admirer. He was excited for Christmas, the boys would be staying the entire trip and he couldn't way too get back to hopefully see his gift sitting around Katherine's neck.

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