Chapter 69- Will she answer

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Dalton's POV

As I texted Gemma my mind to a million and one places all once. What will happen? Will she text me back? Or will she just ignore me for now? If she does ignore me will she just ignore me for the rest of the day or something like that.

I hope that she will text me back either way. I would rather hangout with someone that is not Grace. Since she decided that she was absolutely rude and disrespectful towards my dead little brother's name. He doesn't need this within the first twenty-four hours of his death. She didn't need to do that so soon. If she waited a long time before saying rude comments it'll still hurt. She could of still waited till I grieved the death of my little brother. It's not she knows what it feels like from being a sibling to basically an only child again in a matter of moments. Even though he still lives in my heart it's not the same.I wish that he is still here with me living the life that he deserves. He has been taken away way too soon. He was only fourteen years old. He still had a whole lifetime to live to do whatever he wanted.

I need to get out of the house. I need to get some fresh air. Whether it is going to hangout with Gemma or just going out for a walk.As long as I'm doing something. I need to get out now. I should just get out now while it is on my mind. Before I blow. It would be a good idea after all. I'm sure that my parents would appreciate it either way. Since I'm sure they would rather me cool off than have me going off at them. Even though Ash did just died yesterday so it would make sense. I'm sure that they would want me to deal with my feelings the best way I can.

I don't know how to feel about everything that had happened within the last twenty four hours. I would never think that someone or something would want to kill Ash. I can't believe that it actually happened. It doesn't feel real. It is like a really bad nightmare that I can't escape from. Even if I really want to. How would I do it? It is not like it is in the rules of a time-tearer to bring someone back from the dead. As if I've even done it before. I don't think I've ever met one that has done such things. If any time-tearer can do such things then it is a super top secret thing. I wish that he is here with me living his life. He deserves to have the best possible life. WIth his kind nature and gentle smile. He would do anything for anyone. People loved him for that.

I walked downstairs without even thinking about it. It's like my body doing what it wants without me even realizing what's going on. I'm not exactly sure how it happened. Either way I guess I'll just text my parents that I'm out.

I looked at my phone as I put my shoes on. In case Gemma texted me back. It would be perfect timing if she did. Since I'm getting ready to leave. Almost no other time would be perfect. Except maybe if I just so happen to be somewhere close to where she is at when she texts me back. It would almost be too perfect.

As soon as I got my shoes on I looked back at my phone to see if Gemma or anyone texted me. It would be awesome if I could hangout with someone. Well except for Grace. At least at this point. No one talks about my dead little brother like that and get away with it. Especially since he's not here to defend himself. I would of still protect his name and honour if he was still alive. Since he will always be my little brother. Nothing will ever change that fact. He has lived even though it was a short life. I hope when he died he didn't have many regrets or was in a lot of pain. I don't want to imagine seeing him suffering at all. What brother would want to see their sibling suffering or in pain at all.

When I opened the front I heard someone from upstairs come to the stairs. Which one of them is it? I know that it has to be one of my parents. The question is which one? I can't really say for sure which one it is at this moment.

"Dalton, are you leaving?" my mom called out.

"Yeah, I'm going out for a walk," I said.

"Don't be out for too long, kay," she said.

"I'll make sure that I won't," I said.

I left the house after I said that. I need to get out of the house for at least a little while. I don't care how long I'm out for. If my parents get mad or upset with me about it then I really don't care about it.

As I was walking around I felt my phone going off. Who is trying to text me? I hope that it is Gemma.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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