Chapter 1

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A/n this is completely my aus so a lot of fandoms overlap with each other I'll make a chapter talking about it.

Across every world in the universe for once it was completely peaceful no attacks no fighting just pure peace. Though peace such as that could never last long in the blink of an eye hundreds of people across the multiverse vanished in a flash of light from where they were sitting into a strange room. Friend, foe, and strangers all standing in a large room young and old together. Ancient beings, gods, aliens, humans, and more all united together.

Although people from worlds where they were used to attack who grew up fighting or those who have been fighting for years it was clear they were suspicious demigods drawing swords and knives and bows. Wixens drawing their wands. Everyone with a weapon drawing there. Superheroes in full costume and so were the villains. It was tense in the room nobody knew where they were or why they were there. They didn't have a single reason to trust each other. The people who trusted each other formed small defensive circles most surrounding younger members.

One thing caused everybody to freeze all lowering their weapons it was another flash of light and this time the people who appeared were those people in every universe who were dead. Looks of shock, horror relief of joy filled faces all across the room. It was then clear something was going on something that none of them knew of something none of them could've predicted. They couldn't be enemies it was clear they would have to work together. Whatever this situation was it wasn't something that they could be fighting each other over if they wanted to get out they would have to work together instead.

A note floated to the floor, which one such Asgardian god picked up. Loki read the note to the crowded room: "To the people who have been gathered, there is a threat large enough to threaten every one of you, every life in the entire multiverse. You were brought together because only you have hopes of beating this threat and winning this war."

Everybody listened to the note contemplative looks on their faces and just as he finished voices exploded over one another. Hundreds of people yelling and talking over each other. Heroes and villains were refusing to work with each other. The heroes were shouting that the villains could never be trusted to save people and that they refused to work with them. The sound of the room was deafening. Plus it wasn't just the multiple people. There were past versions of people as well. Alex looked around the room at all the screaming people.

They climbed up onto the table, "QUIET!" She bellowed. It was just enough to startle everyone into being quiet for a little bit. Everybody's eyes went to her with varying faces of concern, shock, anger, and for some thankfulness that it was quiet again.

Alex looked around the room at the people, "In case you all haven't noticed there are over a hundred of us in here shouting and yelling at each other is not going to work. Plus it seems like they're is more than one version of each of us I know I've seen a younger version of myself. We were brought together for a reason. Whatever it is whoever or whatever brought us together believes this threat is big enough to make us not just work with strangers and allies but also some of our worst enemies. And if it is that big of a threat perhaps we should be figuring out just what this threat is." Alex spoke her tone serious as her eyes wandered over the crowd.

Another voice spoke up, Barry Allen, "How can we trust any of these people? All they have ever done is hurt us. They'll probably betray us and join whoever we're meant to be fighting."

Annabeth Chase spoke her hair was tied back and she had on a New Rome University sweater, "Because whoever brought us together believes this threat is big enough to destroy everything and since from my experience most villains don't want to die but to take control and rule. They can't rule anything if the entire universe is gone."

The heroes slowly and grudgingly nodded at that along with the villains. The two groups were unhappy to work together but luckily seemed willing enough to grudgingly put aside their differences for the time being. Alex hopped off the table as everyone kind of stood around, some taking seats on the offered couches, and some friends who hadn't seen each other in a while were talking and catching up.

Nobody knew what to do they were aware that there was a threat they were meant to defeat but nobody knew what this threat was. So they weren't entirely sure what to do. They didn't know what they were fighting they didn't know the weakness they didn't know how to defeat them. Besides that, they didn't know each other they were supposed to make an army of strangers. Trust was needed for an army and right now the room was extremely lacking in that factor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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