Chapter 9

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Louis POV.

"Fizzy? What are you doing here." I ran up to her and squeezed her tight. "I thought I would come visit my family, I haven't seen you all in forever." She said hugging me back.

I let go then stepped aside and let her in. She looked at everyone else then smiled and hugged everyone, as she was hugging everyone Harry came up and hid behind me.

Fizzy turned to me then noticed Harry and smiled. I moved so she could see Harry and he started to get all nervous. I walked up to him and whispered in his ear, "Shes not going to hurt you baby, she just want to say hi its ok." Harry nodded then looked at Fizzy and smiled.

"Hi I'm Felicite but everyone calls me Fizzy." She said holding out her hand towards Harry. "I...I'm Harry." He said shaking her hand.

"I've never heard of you...are you a friend of Louis?" She said looking at me then back at Harry.

Harry looked at me then Fizzy looked at me and raised her eyebrow. "Um well Harry is my bo-"

"IT'S HIS BOYFRIEND." Daisy and Phoebe screamed out.

Fizzy looked at the twins then back at me and was shocked. "I didnt know you were gay." Fizzy said walking closer to me. "Well I wasn't until I met Harry and it kinda sorta happened." I held out my hand for Harry to hold and he grabbed it and I squeezed his hand twice.

"Sounds like the best romance story ever, but I'm glad your open." Fizzy said giving me and Harry a group hug.

"Thank you Fizzy, but how long do you plan to stay here?" I said pulling away from the hug.

"I'm not sure but it's a mystery to all of us." She said laughing. "Well I'll run to the store and get dinner." Jay said grabbing her coat. "I'll go with you." Fizzy said grabbing Jay's hand. Jay smiled then all the girls walked out which leaves me and Harry home alone.

I waited until I heard the car leave to say anything. "You know they really shouldn't leave us home alone." I said with a smirk.

Haha so there is some bad smut coming up so if you need to skip feel free I'll let you know when it's safe.

"And why is that Louis?" Harry said smirking back. "Cause your just so irresistible." I said pulling Harry closer to me.

Harry smiled then started gently kissing my lips but I pulled him in so there was no gentle. He quickly picked me up and walked to my bed then set me down.

"You know it's sad that your younger and can pick me up with no struggle." I said rolling my eyes. "That's what makes you so cute, your just so small." Harry said before planting more kisses on my lips.

"I'm not small...I'm big." I mumbled. "Mhm." Harry said with a smile. I smiled back then Harry took my shirt off then lightly let his fingers go up and down on my stomach.

I could help but get turned on by any little thing Harry does, it wasn't my fault though...I just had a boyfriend who is the hottest man in the world.

"You know I love you right?" I whispered to Harry. "Yes, and you know I love you right?" Harry said smiling at me. I nodded and he went back in for a kiss.

"I'm gonna top this time." Harry said with a smirk. I got excited but tried to control myself but I had no control.

Harry started pecking kisses all over my body then found my sweet spot and sucked lightly until a delicate mark appeared.

"Now everyone will know your mine." Harry said looking at the mark.

I grabbed Harry's neck then pulled him down so I could kiss him then he started to rub himself up against me. I had to admit the boy knew how to turn someone on quick.

Kissing My Best Friend (L.S) **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now