Chapter 1- Hide and seek

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You woke up on a cold dirty floor in you pajamas. The cold sensation on your back making you shiver. You felt like you couldn't move you were so tired. You kept looking at the buzzing yellow light above which started to make your eyes water since you were staring at it for so long.

"One...two...three! Ready your not here i come!" The British sounding accent echoed out. (y/n) slid up from the cold checkered floor. She looked around in all directions and saw many things such as wires, childrens drawings and greasy walls. She gagged at the unsettling smell of pizza. "Ew what is this greasy hell hole?" The moment she said this, she heard a blood curdling howl and a low British voice. "I have found you love..." She turned around to see a hallway with a body on the floor and a shadowy man running at her.

"Shit!" You immediately got up and started you run. The sounds of your bare feet pitter patterning on the checkered floor. Her breaths started to harden with she gasping for air. "There's no point of running from me love! I will always find you some HOW!" In that moment the shadowy man grabbed you waist...

You woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air. "Not agian..." Sadly this wasn't the first time you dreamt the shadowy man playing hide and seek with you. But this was the first time it wasn't in your house. As you started to calm down your door slammed open with a big thud. "(Y/nnnnnn)! Wake upppppppp! You have got that job interview today!" It was no other that your roommate Rikka. Her lion main hair all over the place and her convenient Lion King pyjamas.

"Oh hey, yeah i'm up but not exited." You huffed. "Awww how come! Your working at a pizzeria which means free lunch!" She grinned as she jumped onto the edge bed of your bed. "Yeah but i'm twenty five and i'm following a career in cleaning at a greasy and loud pizzeria." You got up with a sigh and pushed the cat like lady off you bed. "Owie!" Rikka squealed.

You went to the bathroom and got in the shower. The heat burning your (s/c) skin. When you got out of the shower you brushed your teeth and got changed in your uniform. A blue shirt and plain black pants. You look in the box that they gave you to check if there was a tie. "Oh come on! No tie! I get my job isn't that important but jeez! Adleast remember my uniform!" You raged.

After finally getting changed you went down the stairs to grab your breakfast. "Catch (y/n)!" Rikka tossed a burning hot pancake at you. It just about landed on the counter."Rikka be careful next time!" You pinched the pancake and picked it up and polished the hole thing off. "Ok i'm off! See you at 8!" You sang as you grabbed your small book bag. "But i thought the pizzeria closes at 7?" Rikka shouted. "After work cleaning!" And with that you slammed the door and you were off. You got into your rather old car and looked over email you got sent by the pizzeria owners.

Dear miss (l/n)

Were glad to inform you that you got the position as our new cleaning lady at freddys pizzeria! We will send your uniform in the mail, and we expect you to start work the monday. Your workimg hours will be between 11am to 8pm.
With main rush hours being at 12pm and 5:30pm. Your breaks will be between those main rush hours so you don't get in the childrens way. Since i will be busy on the first few hours of you being on the job the co owner William will be helping you get around so please meet him in his office. Hope see you on monday miss (l/n).

Yours sincerely Henry Emily

"Ok let's do this!" You said in the most unenthusiastic tone ever. You put your keys in the ignition and started your journey. It was only a 20 minute dive. Honestly you could have just taken the bus but you didn't trust Rikka by herself with the car. You had arrived at the car park and pulled into a spot. You grabed your keys and put them in your book bag. You step out of your car to feel the hot summer sun on your skin. You open the door to the pizzeria and started looking around. 'Why dose this place look so familiar?' You thought to yourself. But you shook it off. You look around for Mr Aftons office since Henry didn't put it in the email. You felt like a fool, you were getting some pretty weird looks since this was a children's establishment.

You just kept you head down not wanting to look at anyone's judgemental faces. You were walking around near the kitchen and all of a sudden a door swings out at you. You fall to the ground holding you noise in pain. "Hey watch it jackass!" You growled. The person steped out of the kitchen and looked at you on the ground. He was tall with beautiful brown locks and dust grey eyes. "Oh i'm sorry there love I did see that pretty face of yours. Are you hurt? The handsome man held out his hand to you. "Um i'm fine i guess." You grab the mans hand and realise their was blood on it. "Darling your having a nose bleed." You process that sentence for a minute and then realise what he meant. "Oh my god! I-i'm so so sorry!" You squeaked

"Don't worry about it love. I'm not at all squeamish about blood. I'm William by the way. The co-owner. And you are...?" He gestures. "Oh right! Um i'm (y/n). The new cleaning lady." You said all embarrassed. You held your nose you thought you were going to practically bleed out. "Oh right your (y/n)! Ha! Henry has told me about you. Damn i didn't know that was today... any who! Lets get you cleaned up!" And with that you two both strolled down to the hall way the first aid room.

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦! -A William Afton x Reader Where stories live. Discover now