Chapter 2- Bad dreams become reality

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You and William had finally got to the first aid room. "Ladies first." William said has he held the door for you. "Heh thanks." You said while you were clutching you nose in pain. You walked in and sat on a tiny red chair that was in a row of three, William had got out the first aid kit out and started to rummage though like a raccoon in a dumpster.

"Now love i'm gonna need you to sit up and tilt your head back." William smirked. "O-ok!" You said nervously. William looked into the the freezer that was in the corner of the room and grabbed an ice pack. "Ok darling, now take this ice pack and only breathe through you mouth." He smilied as he sat next to you and handed you the ice pack.

"Thank you so much William! But you should really wash your hand." You said as you looked at the dried up blood on his hand. "Ah right! Heh i'm so used to blood i didn't notice!" William laughed. "What do you mean..?" You said with worried look. "O-oh! It's nothing to worry about that love!" He said as he started to wash his hands.

After about harf an hour of talking to William and having some giggles you knew you had to get on with the job. "Hey William i think my nose has stop bleeding now. Maybe you should start showing me around..? You ask. "Your absolutely right love! Now come on let me show you around!" He said with his classic toothy grin. He extended his arm out to help you up but when he grabbed your hand he didn't let go. You blushed at this as you were both walking out of the first aid room.

William started to show you around. Showing you the main dining area / play area. Showing you the kitchen and the staff and even showing you Henry's office. "And here is my office. And now the last thing I need to show you is the supply closet." William said as he still hadn't let go of your hand. You and William walk down the hallway as you had finally found the supply closet.

William open the door or to find just a small little room with mops soaps scrubbers etc. "This is your equipment mrs (y/n). William said. "Oh! You have it wrong! I'm not a mrs i'm not married! Or have a boyfriend! You said with a nervous giggle. "My apologies I assumed with that beautiful face yours you would have a partner." William winked. You blushed and snatched your hand away from Williams to cover your face. "No need to be embarrassed love." William giggled. "Anyway its nearly rush hour and since you've had the longest break I can think of I don't think henry will mind if you start working when the kids are playing." He Shrugged.

"oh ok Mr Afton! I'll start with the main stage area shall i?" You questioned. "That's a brilliant idea love! You can start there and your next break will be in about an hour! I'll call you when that is." He winked and he was off down the hall to his office.

You stood there in shock the anxiety was taking over you. 'it's going to be ok just act like you act when you're around Rikka confident and yourself!' You thought. You grabed some stuff out of the closet and started to walk down the hall to the main stage area. You saw that their were a few dirty tables already so you started to clean them up and put plates away. As you were doing that a child ran up to you. It was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, he looked to be about 6. "Miss miss!" He screamed as he ran up to you. He rushed into you and gave you a big hug. "Ah! Hey kid watch it!" You said. "Oh miss! Are you one of Freddys helpers!" He asked with a smile. You looked around looking for a parent, then you saw her! A woman with blue eyes and brown hair smiling and waving at you. She didn't mind that you were interacting with her child and you suspected she wanted you to look after him. "Oh yes! Yes i am kiddo! But as one of Freddy's pizza helpers you gotta go have fun kid!" You smiled at the young boy. "Ok miss!" He said with a little solute and ran off into the ball pit.

You chuckle to yourself thinking how adorable he was. And with carried on with your work for about a few hours. It was around 4 pm now I'm you were still wondering why William hadn't called you for a break. 'right I got to go find him something may have happened.' You thought to yourself as you put your mop and bucket down and stormed off. At this point you have been looking around for about 10 minutes wondering were William was. You have looked in his office you even looked in Henry's office and he had seemed to not have come in today at all regardless of what is email said.

You turn down the hallway that you haven't been down yet and then you saw it. The thing that was in your dream. You looked at the trail of blood on the floor as your eyes scanned it further and further down the hallway. Until you saw a body on the floor and a shadow man in the distance. You start to hyperventilate not knowing what to do and sadly this made you known. The person turned around and looked at you. You realise that they wrre in a full-on Bunny Suit which creep you out even more. Somehow there wasn't blood on the suit though. They knew that they were caught at this point so he booked it down the hallway. As they did this you chase after them in a blind rage. "Come back you scum bag!" You screamed, but you stop chasing him as soon as you got to the body and realised it was the cute little boy from before. You were on your knees started to whale and cry. You looked backup to see were the murder was but they had gone and had completely disappeared into the shadows.

"HELP! PLEASE SOMEOME HELP!" You cryed and screamed as you hugged the little boy close in your arms. You noticed that the cause of death was damaged to the head as he tell the skull was damaged. You heard people running your way down the hall as people crowded the boy and you. "HE WAS WITH A BUNNY MAN! BEING DRAGGED HIM DOWN THE HALL! A-AND THEY SAW ME AND RAN!" You cried not knowing what to do.

You could hear the noise of high heels running down the hall and saw the mother from before and her getting into her knees and practically snatching her child from you. "MY BABY!" She screeched. This was a moment of pain and misery you never wanted to relive.

It had been a few hours now since the incident the restaurant had closed early and you had gone home to take a shower. You told Rikka all about the incident and cried into her arms. "Its not you fault i promise (y/n)." Rikka whispered. "B-but i feel like it is!" You sobbed.

At that very moment your phone started to ring and you looked at it and saw it was an unknown number and picked it up. "Hello darling its William. I was just calling to see if you are ok i heard about the incident today. I just want to say definitely wasn't your fault I also want to say that they're doing an investigation on the restaurant this week. And it wasn't only one child it was three including the one you found. I'm so sorry about this darling. I understand if you want to quit your job and never set foot inside the pizzeria again please just say the word." William spoke in a soft tone. "No no honestly I still want to work their it's the only job I can find at the moment and I want to find the bastard that killed those poor children. So I will see you tomorrow at 11 to clean up the restaurant?" You spoken while sobbing. "If you're up for it darling. And if you want I can pick you up tomorrow please tell me your address." He demanded in a soft tone.

"Ah right! It's 24 evergreen st." You cried." ok darling I'll pick you up around 10:30am tomorrow morning. Try and get yourself some sleep. Goodnight." And with that William put the phone down. You wiped your eyes and looked at Rikka. "I'm gonna go to bed. I have work tomorrow." You said tears spilling down your face. "Ok (y/n). Goodnight" Rikka said calmly.

And with that you were up the stairs and in bed. Trying to forget about this horrible day.

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦! -A William Afton x Reader Where stories live. Discover now