Chapter 3 - I know what you saw!

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You woke up in a rut, you didn't want to move. Your face was puffy your body ached, 'what is the point?' you thought. After awhile of contemplation you got out of bed and walked to bathroom to clean yourself up. After doing your business you got into you work uniform, when you were harf way of getting you shirt on you got an unexpected phone call.

You quickly got your shirt on and answer the phone. "Hello?" You said with a dry voice. "Ah hello love! I'm here to pick you up for work!" William said in a chipper voice. 'How can he be so happy?' you thought. "Ah ok... i'm coming down now." You mumbled and abruptly put down the phone and put your shoes on.

You went down stairs, put you shoes on, grabbed your book bag and opened the door. William was in a old purple car, he had a big grin on his cute British face. You walked around the car and got in the passenger seat. "Good morning  William..." You said with a weak smile. William looked at you in silence, his grin getting wider and more grim. He grabbed you chin and looked into your eyes. A small blush rushed aross your face.

"W-William!?" You questioned him. "I know you saw me..... kill those children love..." he said with an insane smile. "YOU WHAT!?" You started to panic your breathing getting heavy. You rush for the car door handle but it was already locked.

William let go of your chin and his hands grabbed yours. "Love. Let me tell you this. You tell anyone about what you saw. I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT." He growled. "B-but i did even see anything!" You cryed, tears spilling from your eyes. You grabbed back Williams hands for comfort. You thought to yourself 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!' but for some reason it felt right. William looked confused then thought for a moment.

"Ah... i think i have you mistaken..." William mumbled. You looked at him in shock and for some insane reason you started to laugh. "Aha aha ahahaha! I-i'm so sorry but how stupid are you! Ahahah!" You were laughing and still balling your eyes out. You thought it was one big joke. Until you opened you tear soaked eyes and saw William holding a knife to your throat. "I wasn't joking (y/n)." He stared at you with bloodshot eyes. You were shaking, your breathing became more heavy.

"S-sorry! Please William i won't tell anyone just please don't hurt me!" You screamed. He took the knife away from you and began to dive you two to work. You curled up in your seat whimpering and crying. William put his hand on your back, trying to comfort you. "I'm sorry love. It had to be done. Now sweetheart please calm down and let me see that smile." He grinned. You blushed as you turned to look at him. You thought to yourself 'what the fuck is wrong him!?' but you weakly smiled back him.

"Are you going to hurt me..." you said mumbling. He looked at you calmly. "I rather not, someone as beautiful doesn't deserve that.." He humbly smiled. You looked at him with a weird look but didn't comment.

You soon pulled up to the pizzeria. As you were taking you seat belt off you caught William looking at you. You blush but you didn't know why. 'Do i like him? WHAT NO!' you argued with yourself in your mind. You got out the car and started to walk up to the piazza. Police cars everywhere.

William open the door for you and you were met with a another man with light brown hair, looking very stressed and tired. "Ah William!" The man spoke. "Hello Henry." William replied. "And you must be (y/n) Correct?" Henry asked. "Yep thats me.." You mumbled.

"Well i'm Henry! Your other boss! I'm so sorry about yesterday are you ok!?" He questioned. "Yep i'm fine..." You looked down at your shoes. In that moment a man in a police uniform came up to the three of you. "Ah yes miss (l/n). We need to take you in a separate room for questioning." He said putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yes yes that fine!" You quivered.

As you began to walk away with the officer. You turned back around to see William starting at you. He winked. You shuddered. 'This is gonna be a long day'...

(A/N) sorry that i have not been consistent and that the chapter is short. I have not have much time recently to write much. But i am gonna try to be more consistent! Yay!

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦! -A William Afton x Reader Where stories live. Discover now