Fundy and Techno want Dream? Part 1

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This will be an smut omegaverse AU, the ship is Techno x Fundy x Dream. (Because Techno x Dream and Dundy are my favorite ships other than Gream which I've done a lot. And I will be using their yt names not real names and this includes cursing. This part will only have slight smut at the very end.)

*Dreams pov*

I woke up in a cold sweat.... "Phew.... Mmmmmm, what time is it...?" Dream says to himself as he rubs his eyes to look at his phone. "9am that's fine I'll get ready at 10.... WAIT THE AIRPORT!" I curse to myself remembering I had to pick up Fundy, Techno, Wilbur, Sapnap and George from the airport. We all wanted to meet up and since it was summer we wanted to go on vacation at the same time so they thought my place in Florida was the best option.... yay my vacation is gonna be so new and fun... Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to see them but Florida's kinda boring now since no new interesting things happen anymore, before there used to be some random stranger on the news everyday for something like 'Breaking news! A Florida man tried to bring a lawn mower, his wife, to a prison and let out almost all the prisoners!' But whatever. I get up out of bed to go brush my teeth and change, and go downstairs to fix myself some oatmeal. I quickly packed a small bag just full of medication, my wallet, keys, and my phone. I look at my watch to see it's already 9:45 so I run out to my car to pick them up at the airport.

I made it to the airport around 10:55 which was perfect timing because Techno and Fundy just came out of the airport. "Fundy, Techno! Over here!"

*no ones pov*

Techno and Fundy look at the small man who wore a green hoodie, gray trousers, a white face mask and glasses. They both assumed it was Dream since they had given each other descriptions of their outfits so they could find each other easier. They then walked over to the smaller man and started to talk, mostly bout recent videos and video ideas but Techno only talked a little because he didn't really wanna talk in public. Dream had texted the group chat where he was and what his car looked like, before Wilbur, Sapnap and George came. They all got into Dreams car to drive to Dreams house and talked the whole ride.

*Dreams pov*

'mMmMMmmm why does my stomach feel like this... wait... am I going into heat?! Fuck, this is bad.... aren't they all alphas? Shit why did I have to be an omega....' I took one hand off the wheel to search my bag for my heat pills, "You need something Dream? You're driving here, I can get it for you, what did you need?" Fundy said as I lowered my head a little. "I umm, need medication... The bottle is labeled HPH." I felt my lower body start to move on it's own. I could hear Fundy rummage through my bag and pull out a bottle, handing it to me. "I think those are the right pills, what are they?" I felt my cheeks start to burn up, this was so embarrassing, and why did I have to go into heat NOW? I quickly took 2 pills and thanked Fundy, avoiding the question.

*No ones pov*

We had finally made it home as we started unloading everyone's luggage into my place. I had 2 guest bedrooms and my bedroom. "So who's sleeping in what room?" I asked

"I can sleep with MY best buddy George >:)" Sapnap says as George nods at him with a smirk.

"I can share a room wi- ow!" Wilbur says as Sapnap stomps on his foot

"Wilbur wants his own room. So Dream, you can sleep in your room with Fundy and Techno!" Sapnap said with a smirk as he gave 'that look' to Dream, making him blush. "U-uh alright, f-follow me, I can take your luggage." Everyone shakes their heads and grab their own luggage. "O-oh are you sure? I can carry them-"

"Dream, you don't need to, it's alright." Techno said as Dream nodded, blushing a little and showing everyone to the bedrooms. After about an hour everyone is settled in and playing minecraft. They all decided to do a ~drunk minecraft stream~ because they could. Dream grabbed alcohol for everyone and shot glasses. Every time you die you have to take a shot. They also added a random potion effect every minute mod to make it harder. They all got into the world, and started streaming. They played like normal, but the potions made it more chaotic. Dream had died 4 times, Techno got really unlucky so he died 8 times, Fundy got really unlucky and died 9 times, George and Sapnap died 6 times, and Wilbur was gone, he died like 15+ times. Techno and Fundy could only handle about 8 shots before breaking so when they both died from the same potion effect they took a shot but went to the bathroom. Fundy and Techno ended up going in a circle (Even though Dream's house wasn't even that big) and ended up in the same bathroom but were really drunk and couldn't think straight. They just kinda stared at each other for about 10 seconds before saying nsync,"Dream." they somehow knew what each other meant so they went back to the room. "Frick frick frick mother fricker no no nOOoOooO!" Dream was on half a heart after getting hit with levitation with no water bucket or food, and wither. "HOGEVOUHLRWJI" Dream somehow said? But then started quickly running back to the little wood shack they made for shelter at night until he felt someone grab his chin. "Hmm? Techn-?!" Techno pulled Dream into a kiss making a few noises and making Dream stop dead in his tracks, making his viewers confused.

Littlepeach-What happened?

Glassykid- Did he say Techno?

KittyGirlUwU- Omg are Techno and Dream dating?! :0

Dreamyboy21- Maybe Techno's staying with Dream

Josihrlivre- He's about to die sad

Dream then felt a pair of hands make their way up his shirt, going for his chest... he tried to stop but he couldn't stop making little noises...

Word Count: 1039

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