7. How they asked you to move in

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-John Shelby

He asked you by letting his youngest kid come up to you with keys you kind of looked confused then read the note that was on the keys and looked up to see John John infront of you so you nod yes with a smile.

-Thomas shelby

He asked you after he had 4 glasses of whiskey he was nervous when he asked you but when he did you said of cause which made him shocked. He always asked because it was the safest way for you because she didn't want them to get you like a gang did with ada once.

-Micheal Gray

He asked you when you and him went hotse riding in the country.

-Finn Shelby

He asked you when you and him finished your studying

-Arthur Shelby

He asked you after he had a break down and you were there to help him calm down

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