Forgotten Meetings • T.S

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Title: Forgotten Meetings • Thomas Shelby × reader is Alfies younger sister.
Word count: 663
Requested by kelly20008
Hope you liked it! Sorry that it took a month to do x
Who's speaking:
Anyone else

Word count: 663Requested by kelly20008Hope you liked it! Sorry that it took a month to do xWho's speaking:ThomasY/nAnyone else

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Loving a Shelby was hard work but loving Thomas Shelby was even harder than loving any other.

Thomas was a businessman we can all say that but He gets himself involved with people normal minded people would be afraid of and that scared me at times but knowing I could trust my lover made it easy in a way. Anytime I stared into his dark blue orbs I could be lost for days.

People said that loving such a man would be a death wish but I was risking it all just to be with him but the main struggle was making sure my big brother Alfie doesn't and never finds out about my little nightly affairs with the second oldest Shelby but I guess that may change today.

"Thomas sweetheart you're going to stress yourself too much." I spoke entering the office "Y/n not know I'm busy." His gloomy voice spoke I wasn't going to have him speak to me and I won't let him out stress himself so I sat on his desk in front of him making and he leaned back into his chair his eyes staring into him "You're going to out stress yourself sweetheart." "I'm not going to out stress myself Y/n I'm a businessman this is what I do for a living stress myself out so when I come home I can relax by sleeping with you." He smiled a little "who says you can't sleep with me right now ?" I say with a cheeky smile on my face "Because I'm not risking the chances of any of my colleagues walking in" he said with a smirk "what about a kiss then ?" He was thinking to debate if he should or not "come on I haven't got all day~" "oh shut it." His raspy voice spoke when he stood up and got between my legs spreading them aside so he can be in the middle his left hand held my waist making sure I didn't dip back while his other hand was holding my cheek ever so gently. "You are going to be the death of me Solomons." He smirked and gently kissed my plumped lips then he got greedy he started to kiss my cheek, jaw and neck and went back up he was about to kiss my lips until a very recognisable voice interrupted

"What the bloody hell is this ?"

Shit...for fuck sakes Alfie.

"Oh shit." I cursed and got off the desk while Thomas stepped back letting me step away from him "Is anyone going to ask my fucking question rather than looking at me like a fucking headless chicken?" He cursed "Alfie-" "shut it Y/n get in the car it's parked outside I want to talk with Mr Shelby here." Alfie said with venom in his voice (if ya get what I mean I love you ;) )

-no one pov-

"Solomons I forgot we had a meeting," Thomas spoke truthfully when y/n left the room obeying Alfies orders. "Don't try and bullshit Thomas now what the fuck did I just see because I swear if you have been fucking my sister behind my back I will get my men to fucking kill you. you got that ?" He swore his expression was just full of anger and hate Thomas was silent "You have been fucking my sister haven't you ?" He said in disgust "Yes." Thomas admitted and he sat on a desk chair while Alfie sat in front of him "I will ask you this question just this one little question....why?" He asked Thomas had to think for a bit he didn't know either.

"Why have you been fucking around with my sister knowing damn well she's a married woman?"

"Why have you been fucking around with my sister knowing damn well she's a married woman?"

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Part 2? X

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