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SOOOOO this is at atleast 99k veiws WHICH IS UNBELIEVABLE BC IM A BARE SHIT WRITER but thank you all for that! X

Also I apologise for being offline writing-wise lately the reason is that I was going through a lot during lockdown and writing was my way of disappearing and becoming this character and going through all these experiences as y/n goes through.

The other reason is that I've been at school working hard because if you're England I'm in year 10 which means it's study hard year because next year i have my GCSEs for business studies, photography and maths. This year i believe I'm doing my English lit and biology early because my full year of school was year 7 so they're trying to get this other and done with which I found utterly ridiculous and I wished they would make us repeat year9 but that's not possible because it would mess up alot of things.

I know this is long but PLEASE bare with me! :) I'm worried about my future because I do not know what and where ill be when I'm older. My goals are to do sixth form and subjects would either be criminology, films studies, psychology or health and social care I do not mind where I go for sixth form i just want it to be near the area I live in. For university I want to either go do law (impossible), creative writing, journalism, performing arts or criminology.

As I am worried that if I do law or criminology I've had issues with police before when I was younger because they 'murdered' my dad because he was a 'aggressive black man'.

For where I want to go for university is either Edinburgh, Manchester, London or Cambridge  ( Impossible one :) ) hahaa.

But thank you for letting me rant for a bit! I hope you enjoy my new chapter for ww1: reader x Thomas shelby! X

Love you all and make sure you're prepared for anything! Also DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WHEN YOURE OLDER DONT LET ANYONE STOP YOU
Only if its something strange or unreasonable then maybe listen to them hehe.

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