Chapter 18: Astrid

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When everyone was gathered in the Great Hall, I sighed and stood up. All eyes where on me. The look of anticipation was everywhere you turned. They didn't know, and I was the one who had to tell.

I cleared my throat. "As you all know," I began. "We went to Outcast island to find the chief."

"Did you see him?" Someone called out.

I tried to ignore all the faces, especially Valka's. "No," I said to the floor.

There was an angry outburst of multiple vikings, none happy.

"Where is he?"

"What do we do now?"

"Did Alvin already dispose of him?"

"Silence!" I yelled. It felt good. Like I was getting rid of all my anger at Alvin for taking Hiccup.

The Hall slowwly got quieter. "Thank you. Now, I know you all want to attack Outcast island for taking Hiccup, but we have to think straight. Its no use to plan a rescue party when we don't even know i- where he is." I was about to say, if he's alive, but I stopped myself. No use thinking on the dark side. I took a deep breath. "We'll keep a look out for Hiccup. We'll search the whole island if we have to! We will bring the cheif home, or die trying!"


When everyone filtered out of the Great Hall, Valka came up to me. "I'm glad you came back safe." She gave me a hug.

"Mom?" I asked.


"What if he's already gone?"

"Oh, don't give up like that," Valka said, stroking my cheek.

"But he wasn't anywhere in the prison."

"Maybe he escaped," Valka said. "Maybe he's making his way home right now."

"I hope," I said.

Valka smiled softly. "Us Haddocks have a way of always being late." She laughed a little, quietly, "I was twenty years late. I doubt Hiccup will wait that long. Now when he has you to come back too."

Valka's smile was infectious. It soon spread to me. "Thanks mom," I pulled her into a hug. "I'll check the surrounding islands tomorrow, incase he's there."

"Goodnight, Astrid."

"Night, mom."


I looked around my room. I couldn't sleep. If Hiccup was out there somewhere, I needed to find him. Toothless needed him. His tribe needed him. What if Alvin killed him? No, he wouldn't do that. He needed him. I don't know what for, but he needed him. An upcoming attack on Berk? We had to be ready for anything. We weren't ready for that. We clearly showed that in the raids. Some of our dragons where still recovering from that. And Gobber hadn't had enough time to repair the damaged weapons.

I sat down on my bed with a sigh. I'd ready taken off my shoulder pads and taken my boots off. I still couldn't seem to get in a comfortable enough position to sleep. I blew out my candle and the room went pitch black. I layed down. Nothing was more annoying to me then not being able to sleep when you could barely keep your eyes open.

Eventually, my body compleatly shut down on me and I feel into a fitful sleep.

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