Chapter One

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This is my very first story on Wattpad 😊 Plz be nice and sorry in advance for mistakes and if it's cringe😜



*Beep beep*
I hear the alarm clock furiously state that it is time for me to get out of bed. I knew it was morning a while ago, the newly reddish tinge on the back of his eyelids had given it away, but I wanted to hide under my covers, at least for a moment more. Saying that I didn't want to get up cause of school would be a lie, if im being honest thats the only reason I could pull my lazy ass out of bed. Just because it was my first day of school, high school (I am 17 for reference, heads up kai is 16 but Taylor is my age. Soon that statement will make sense btw.), doesn't mean I was scared, more excited actually. I go over to my big closet that didnt have much clothes in it. I search around a bit fining nothing. Come On! I spent the first 16 years of my life in here i should know my way around.

After pulling on a Green Day shirt over my head and throwing on some skinny black jeans and stapping up my combat boots I run to the bathroom brushing my teeth and run a comb through my raven hair that was still messy from sleep. I had cold grey (gray?) eyes, from my mother, though i don't know what my father looked like I assumed I got my black hair from him, my mum had naturally beached blonde looking hair. (Though she might have not been telling me the truth. 🤥🤔) my father was shot while walking home while my mum was still pregnant with me. (I almost died from my mum completely shutting herself of from the world💀) I find myself staring into my own eyes for a creepy amount of time, I sigh nobody really knows what happened to my pop, I don't like discussing it though. Not even my best friend Taylor Ray knows. Taylor and I are the same grade but now that it's our first day of high school I might not even see him at lunch. I pull myself from my thoughts and walk into the hall throwing myself down the stairs. (Not literally so shush.) I grabbed my black school bag with band patches ironed on and grab an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Hmpf!" I hear from the couch. I turn to see my mum looking at me, disapproval written on her face "your wearing that for your first day of high school." What!? I mean seriously mum.

"Whats wrong with this? Huh?" I ask, offended. She shrugged coming over and kissing my cheek.

"Just...have a good day. Alright." She muttered. I knew she was worried about me, she worried about me more then I did. I nod making her smile. I fling my bag onto my back with it clinging onto my one arm. I take out my keys and climb into my truck. I pull out of my drive way into the street.

As soon as I got to school I park and head in. I head to my locker pulling out some books grimacing looking at my schedule. 8 minutes until I have to go to math. Bluck!

"Hey bud." I hear Taylor laugh. I force a smile as he grabs my schedule. "We have second period together and lunch!"

"Second period?" I ask pulling back my schedule, gym. Yay! Wait, now I can't look forward to my boring classes.

"Dude. Guess what I found out!? There is another after school contemporary/ballet dance program!" Taylor squealed jumping on his toes. (Just kidding he was actually pretty calm about it but whatever I'm telling the story.) Taylor and I loved dance. All through middle school we were in this dance program, but it shut down half way through last year. The bell rung over head making both of us jump.

"Ok, see you dude!" He smirked punching my arm playfully, it hurts though. I walk of to class room A12. I grimace as I was probably the last one to enter class. I sat down at the back of the class. When class starts I look around. I didnt recognize anyone. My eyes found a short blonde boy sitting in the fifth row, the one infront of me. He was turned around in his seat talking to some other kids. He looked to young to be in this class. He had a pointed face and soft Tanisha skin. He had deep blue eyes i slowly got lost in...wait! I sat up straighter what is wrong with me. What was I doing. I sigh, promising my self not to stare like a creep anymore. I tried listening to the lesson though not even ten minutes in i plugged in my head phones and flicked through my songs, finally making a decision to listen to "All the Angels." My Chemical Romance. I rested my head on my folded arms and let my eyes flick shut. (Listen! Dont fall asleep in class kids.ok thats all. You may continue.🥰😴😘)

The bell for next class went off and I literally jumped out of my skin. (Yes I'm a little dramatic.and no I didn't 'literally' jump out of my skin. Ya im breaking the fourth wall, so be shush.) I walked out quickly putting away my ear buds and phone. I walked quickly to the locker room for gym, changing into my jogging pants and t-shirt then I waited for Taylor

Time jump (no i didn't just skip the intire day because I did not knowing what to write, don't be ridiculous!)

The bell rang to signal the end of the day. I hurled myself out of the class room to my locker and put away my books. I quickly grab my jogging pants and gym shirt and go to the boys bathroom to change. When I come back I open my locker to put back my clothes. I hear a knock on the side of my locker and look to see Taylor who is on his phone. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Ready to go? I can drive you home, Tay." I ask closing my locker. He declines my offer and starts pulling my arm of to the dance studio i follow willingly. I walk in there was two very main groups the male dancers and the female dancers. Well thats not true, some of the boys were standing with the girls, my eyes found the same blonde boy from math, earlier he had been wearing a red plade button up shirt over black leggings and combat boots, now he had ballet shoes and the same black leggings but now he had a soft flow white dress on that didnt pass his knees. I sigh my eyes following him.

"Oooh, who we staring at? The blonde? He is cute." Taylor started teasing. He was the first I told about me being gay, I wasn't exactly out of the closet. "You should watch out, he is dating Rick Jones." I sigh, of course. Rick is the football captain who came out as bi a few months ago.

"How old is he, he looks to younger then us but he's in my math class." I ask ignoring Taylors dumb smirk.

"Oh, Kai? Hes actually only 16 but he got boosted up a grade cause he's a smarty pants or something." He punched me in the arm so that I tore my eyes away from his gentle feminine figure. "Come on." He pulled me over to a big group of male leads, most staring at the group of giggling girls, others chatting. After a few minutes a tall brunette women jogged into the room from a different door then we used to get in. She clapped her hands together over her head drawing our attention to the front.

"Ok people." She boomed in a loud voice, that wasn't at all harsh. Her voice echoed around the room."I have made a list of partners for this year. This partner will not be the only person you dance with but once a month you and your preassigned partner will come up with a dance routine for the hole class to see. Questions?" My mind spun trying to process what exactly this meant but my mind was brought back when she shouted "Taylor Ray and Jessica Blake." I turned to see a short red head wave to Tay, she was truthfully, very beautiful but I just didn't find her attractive like I do when I see cute/hot boys. I turned my attention back to the front when I hear my name called "Lance Anderson and..." my heart stopped as she quickly read over the name. Of course knowing my luck how could it not be. "Kai Lee"

Yay! Ok so I finished one chapter and yay you actually read it. Sorry if A. It was boring or B. It was to long or short. And C. If it wasted your time. I hope you liked it though and, you know, dont give up on me. I plan on updating once every one or two weeks but life happens so dont quote me.
P.S comment so I know what your thinking. And if I write any other books plz check them out, I'll tell you about them. Bye! 🥰😘😊

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