Chapter Three

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Hi my fwiends 🤗 heres another update! I have a lot of ideas for this book, I hope it doesn't feel slow😑 OK so enjoy, ignore me and have a good life (the cringe tho)
Also this is Rick (football captain/ Kais bf)⬆️



It had been over an hour since I dropped of Kai and he was still on my mind. I was stalking...i mean looking at his Instagram, to kill time not as a creepy stalker. I texted him at one in the morning like an obsessed idiot and was surprised to get a replie, thought it was very rude.
I smirk at this. He was adorable i felt a pang of guilt when I remembered how I acte

d towards at first. Stupid move. I click of my phone, damning myself for stayup all night. I put my phone on my nightstand. Black dots appeared when I looked up, most likely from straining my eyes staring at a screen for the past 7 hours.(Give or take a few.) I pull the blankets up to my chin and roll over snuggling into the covers. As I fall into a deep sleep only one thing was on my,stupid, fall for the cute blonde who is dating a friend of a friend mind; Kai.

I was startled awake by a crash from the kitchen. I grab my phone. 2:42am. Burglar?! I stumble of the couch keeping quiet as I peer from behind the arm of the armchair, the only thing, besides a wall, protecting me from the kitchen. Wait?....if it were a Burglar they would be more quiet. With tha in mind I straighten up. Wiping my wrinkled dress from the day before. When I enter the kitchen I catch the culprit sitting crossed legged on the island in the middle of the kitchen eating from a tub of ice cream. Cass looked up, face stuffe fit to burst with chocolate icecream,she saw me and her smile got even bigger as she waved me over patting beside her on the island.
"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell at her. She scoffs rolling her eyes while handing me the spoon. "Thank you Cassandra." I smile, changing my tone with her. I at a few spoonfuls before handing it back to her. "You nearly gave me a heart attack. WhT where you doing in here, anyway? Bwling?"
"Drama Queen. " she signs with her free hand. I slap her hand before hopping of the counter.

"What would mom think of you eating all the icecream in the middlenof the night?" I ask her using sign language, as to not wake my parents. (I never have been good at whispering, at least I've been told.)

"Piss off, [Fucker]." She signed with a lack of enthusiasm.

"You love me!" I mutter kissing her cheek before returning to the living room. I plop down, tucking myself in with the thin blanket from earlier. I pull my phone up to my nose flicking through contacts.

Online just now
Babyyyyyyy! I can't sleep😭😭
Aw my poor princess...i could sneak out and come to your window if you unlock it😁😘

I smile at the text quickly agreeing.


I kick the blankets off of me then quickly, but quietly, jog up the stairs and unlock my window pushing it up so that the cool breeze blows into the room chilling me I look in my mirror attached to the door of my wardrobe. My hair stuck out at odd angles and white gown was wrinkled. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair and opening my closet door. I pull of my gown and leggings so I was standing in just my black....panties (yuck! I hate that word.) I pull my favorite sweater on over top. (A white sweater with rainbow drips coming from the hood. Ya ikr I am themost stereotypical gay ever.)

I pace my room waiting for over fifteen minutes before I here the low rev of a motorbike coming from outside

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I pace my room waiting for over fifteen minutes before I here the low rev of a motorbike coming from outside. I walk to the window, I love this spot, there was a white step to get up to a seat  where there was a cushion and a book. Sitting on top of the book where a pair of round, gold reading glasses. I move the fragile object before leaning out the window as I see Ricky jogg up to the garbage bins right below my window. Yes this isn't the first time he has had to sneak into my room, I have a sleep disorder and I often as him to come over in the dead off night. I watch as he gracefully climb onto the garbage then grabs hold of the window seal pulling himself up and into the room.

"You make that look easy." I pout as he chuckles. I love the thrill of sneaking out the window but getting back in? Not so much. Rick grabs my wasit and pulls me into his lap. I giggle at his touch.

"How was dance?" He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"It was great actually! Its to bad your to busy with the football team, I was paired with some random guy that will now be lifting me over his head and throwingmethrough the air. He'll have a great view though." Purposely guilting him for not wanting to be my dance partner. I mutter the last part though, to bad for me he heard it any way.

"Oh I see how it is." He said wraping an arm around my hips while the other hand starts to ticke me mercilessly.
"Stop!" I finally shreak gasping greedily for air. Fleeing form his grasp, but j start pouting when irealize that meant leaving the comfortable chair that was his lap.

"No fair!" I whine, crossing my arms and stomping my foot like a child.

"What?" He teased, raiseing an eyebrow. "You wanna come back?" He asked patting his lap. I wasnt fooled though I saw the evil look in his eye. He most definitely had ill intentions. I walk over to the bed sitting down.

"Come cuddle me. It will help me sleep." I demand lying down into the sheets making grabby hands for him. He sighs in defeat shutting the window and stripping into his boxers. I feel heat crawl up to my cheeks, he smirks reading my thought easily and I hate that it encourages his ego. He crawls into the bed wrapping up in his arms and kissing my forehead.

"Night, Gorgeous." He whispers. I loved how he said it like it was my name, I was falling in love with Richard Jones...Not Lance Anderson and I would rather live poor and homeless but with Rick then in as a rich millionaire in a big mansion with one Lance Anderson. I feel rick close the space in between us as he phlles me back against his chest. There was no competition.

"Good night, Ricky."

Alright peeps thats all done. So...what do you think of Richard Jones? Is he better for Kai or is Lance?...also should he be like real nice and super likeable or a jackass jock? Tell me in the comments plz plz plz. 🥰😘😋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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