Chapter Two

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Here's chapter two! I have decided to make it two different POVs (Lance&Kai) so now this is Kais point of view. Hope you've had a great day(or will idk wuts goin on with u)!!😁😘


"And Kai Lee"
I look over to see a tall boy with gorgeous black hair, he was grimacing. I felt panic cloud my mind, did he already decide to hate me!? Is it cause I'm gay or cause I'm a crossdresser, was it both?! Oh my gawdddd what do I do! I fidget with the hem in my skirt/dress. When the teacher was finished pairing us I slowly walk over to Mr. Grey eyes.
"Are you Anderson?" I ask sticking out my hand awkwardly. He nods staring at my hand as though he couldn't stand the thought of touching me. I instantly felt self conscious about what I'm wearing. I put my hand down. "I have a friend with a dance studio, when practicing we could go there?" K try again. He nods again. I feel my smile melt of my face I feel tears sting my eyes, god damn why am I so emotional.

"Right well is that all?" He asks rather rudely. I nod stiffly ad walk away to my friend Julie. She smiled.
"He's a cutie, thats Lance." She teased looking over at the raven haired boy. She was right he was very attractive but looks only count for 49.99% and he doesn't make up for the other half plus 1%.
"Hes a jerk though and I have a bf." I said turning my back on him when he looked back over at me. Julie nodded.

"Whats his friend like?" She asked surveying him.

I shake my head. "He is into some bad stuff. Under age drinking and smoking, he's rich so he hosts some big chaotic parties, they get busted by cops. Ricky and him are friends." I didnt have time for parties and getting in trouble. I spent my time in libraries, studying I know I know I'm a snooze but Rick is ok with that, it's kind of scary if your baby is really attractive and naive and you go to a party with drunk horny guys. The teacher pulls me and Julie away from each other when she says its time for us to head home. I grab my book back, throwing it on i walk towards the door when a thought crossed my mind, I sigh turning around. I pout going back over to Mr. Grey eyes.

"Hey." He said looking anywhere but at me, the audacity!
"Excuse me but whats your problem?" I spat, that got his attention.

"What do you mean?" He asked finally making eye contact. I gasped a little and absent mindedly brought my gaze to my feet. I shrugged shyly.
"You seem to hate me?" I cringe as I hear my voice crack with sadness. I looked up after a few seconds of quiet.

"Nah. I just know Richard, a billion ways he'd kill me if I accidentally dropped you crossed my mind." He laughed, it didn't sound sincere but I nod, maybe I'm just a bad judge of character. "Hey, can I get your number, so I can text you. We can figure out a time to meet up." I smile placing my phone in his outstretched hand. He quickly typed in his number. I bounced on my toes nervously, I grab my phone back quickly placing it back in my school bag around my neck/shoulder.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked, smiling. "To apologize for acting rudely towards you." Well i did need a ride. (I could call my mum though....)
"Sure!" I giggled. I followed him to his locker. He grabbed a handful of black clothes. Goth much! He shoved it in his bag and offered his hand, wanting to carry my bag. What a true gentleman.😒🙄 I hand over my bag, his smirk widening. When we got to his red truck he went to my side, opening my door and helping me in before jogging over to his side and getting in.

"Ok so where do you live, Blondie?" He asked. I scoff at the nickname making him laugh. I shake my head "Mary Street, 15378, big red house."

"Are you still mad at me?" Anderson puzzled.

"Call me 'blondie' again and we'll have a problem." I say absently, he laughed again turning his head to smirk at me.

"You don't like it? Or do you just not like me?" He asks. Looking back at the road.
"Well, you do get on my nerves and I've known you for only two hours..." he lets out a chuckle. Ok, maybe I might have prematurely decided to dislike him. He was actually easy to talk to. It didnt take long before he parked by the side walk near my house.

"You didn't need to drive me you know. I could have......" i started but the truth was that both of my parents (who were divorced, worked a lot and my older sister didn't like driving.) I look over at him who was looking at me thoughtfully.

"Its no problem really. It was nice, the company was decent and I have an excuse to stay away from my psychopath of a mother." I laugh at this, his smile made the pit of my stomach warm.

"She loves you. At least you see her." I sigh.
He nods "your parents workaholics?" He ask softly I shrug.

"They go to work at 4am and come home past 11pm, does that make them workaholics?"

"Only child?" He asked. I hesitated, I dint tell people about Cass, my big sister. She is mute and hardly leaves the safety of our house. It makes me sad when people ask questions about her, I couldn't talk about her with out people pitying her. She hates everyone's fake sympathy. I realize I've been quiet for a while glaring at the dash as though it has insulted me personally.

"Its fine you don't need to talk about-" he satrted.
"I have a big sister. Cassie, I love her to death but people don't know about her, she is mute...i just don't talk about her much." I surprise my self when the words come out of my mouth.

"I..My dads dead." He whispers. I turn to look at him, he was staring at the steering wheel. I touch his arm lightly.

"Your....How...? Wait, sorry I shouldn't snoop." I ask.

"No, no kai I feel like I can talk to you. Is that dumb? He was shot, walking home from work. Mum was pregnant with me still. She...stopped eating, going to work, she didn't even get out of bed for practically a month." He hesitated looking up at me his eyes were rimmed slightly red. "Doctor said I almost died of complications." I pull his hand of the wheel into my own hand squeezing it gentle.

"Im sorry, me complaining about my parents working...i feel bad, Lance..." he shook his head. "I'm not pushing you out of the truck or anything but I should probably get home to mum." I nod opening the car door. Jumping gentle to the sidewalk.

"Thanks for the ride, Lance!" I smiled grabbing my bag from the middle seat.

"No problem, see ya, Blondie!" I growled, at his teasing slapping closed the door. I toss my bag onto my back and jogged up to the door, I turned and watched the red of his truck disappear around the corner before heading inside. I walked straight into the living room. Seeing Cass I run to the couch flopping down lying my head in her lap.

"Hi, babes. " I say as she looks down at me and starts running her fingers through my curled blonde hair. She rolls her eyes at me, she is very pretty to be honest. If she wasn't practically locked up in our house boys would be all over her, she had long blonde hair with dark purple tips and dark blue eyes, she had a very curvy body that boys would fawn over, her and I could be twins, same eyes, same hair i have the same slim waist and wide hips. She shook her head seeing my mind qander and went back to her TV watching. I sat up pulling a blanket on top of us, we cuddle and watch Law and Order, until we fell asleep.
*buzz buzz*

I woke up to a vibration in my lap. I pushed off the blanket and pick up my buzzing phone i clicked it on gentle. 1:12. Who's texting me at one in the morning.
Lance Anderson:
Morning, Blondie😘😴

I felt my self smile, butterflies hurting my stomach. What the heck! I have a boyfriend. I click off my phone, that's a tomorrow problem.

Would you look at that it's the end of the chapter! Bravo you did it.😀😁😄 So heres what I'm think, Kai has attachment and abandonment issues, he also suffers from anxiety and is way to over protective of his family. Cassie is only selectively mute but no one knows that (except Kai, maybe) cause they hide her away from the world, she doesn't talk to her parents cause they are hardly around, she would talk to Kai but he learned sign language so she did not need to push herself to talking. (Just so you know ok have a good day.🥰⛅)

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