Chapter 16 Heading to Vancouver

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Justyna's POV

"So, who is your favourite character?" Lana asks me. "She ships Captain swan," Jennifer says from behind me. "Really?" Lana asks surprised. "Yes, I ship Captain swan," I say. "But, who is your favourite character?" Lana asks. "If I had to choose I would say Emma, I guess."
"You like Emma?" Emilie says surprised. "How could anyone not like Emma," Jen says jokingly.

"So, Justyna tell me about yourself," Lana says. "Well I'm 17 years old, I don't have any siblings, I love music, and well I guess I have a pretty great life," I answer. "Sing something!" Emilie says. "No, I am a horrible singer," I say. The truth is I love to sing, I have all my life. However, I can't sing. Well I only sing in the car when there is a song on the radio I love. My dad says I can't sing, so I guess I can't. Nobody knows this about me, but I want to be a singer when I grow up, I want to inspire people through songs, but it's totally unrealistic because I can't sing. It's never gonna happen it's such a stupid idea. "Well okay," Emilie says disappointed.

For the rest of the plane ride Lana and I watch a movie on the little T.V that is attached to the back of the seats. We watch "if I stay" we were both kinda in the mood for a romantic movie. "Have you ever been in love?" Lana asks me. I go to an all girls school, and I don't really know that many guys. "I go to an all girls school, I don't really even have like a guy who is a friend," I tell Lana. "Oh," is all she says. A lot of people always ask me what it is like to go to a privet school, but really it's basically the same as all schools. The only difference is there are no boys and I have to wear a uniform.

People also always ask me if it is boring. I guess it is kinda the same thing everyday, but occasionally there are changes. Who am I kidding it is the same everyday day. Yes it is boring. Sometimes I wish I could go to a regular school and see what it is like. I wonder if it is much different from my school.

The movie basically takes up the rest of the trip. I have never been to Vancouver before, so I am really excited. From pictures and what Jen tells me it sounds amazing, but cold.

Jennifer's POV

Usually I sleep or listen to music on the plane ride, but this time I find myself listening to Justyna and Lana'a conversations. Justyna is really fitting in. She and Lana seem to be getting pretty close, and Emilie seems to really like her. Maybe I should take Justyna to Vancouver with me more often. If I had her around with me I wouldn't be so board.

After the plane lands we grab our luggage, and head outside to look for our ride. When we get to the lobby of the airport a few fans see us, so Lana, Emilie and I sign a few autographs. We wait inside until we see the Van. Turns out Giny, Josh, and Colin are already in the car.

I sit at the front of the car so that Justyna and I can sit together. "Hey guys, this is Justyna she is my cousin!" I say introducing Justyna to the whole cast. "Hey," Justyna says shyly. I still don't know that much about Justyna. She is pretty shy, so she doesn't talk that much. Hopefully I can get to know her better on this trip. Giny wanted to talk to Justyna, so I let Justyna sit next to her. Once again I am alone in the front of the van. I am tempted to go to the back of the van and talk to Colin, but he probably doesn't want to talk to me. I feel so bad though because I really want to make things right with him.

We wait in the van for another 20 minutes for Jared. Justyna and Jared seemed to get along pretty well. I think Justyna even has his number on her phone. They have been texting a lot. They are sorta the same age, they are 3 years apart. Justyna and Jared want to sit next each other, so I have to go sit next to Colin. He similes his silly smile and I slightly laugh. I have really missed this guy.

Hope you liked the chapter! Do you think there is something up about Justyna? What do you think will happen about Justyna and Jared's plan? Comment and vote please😘

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