↳ I'm Sorry | A Marvel Fanfiction (pt. 2!)

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Hi!!!! Guess who's back!

Upon looking at old music that I had a binder stashed in my room, I came upon some more of I'm Sorry

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Upon looking at old music that I had a binder stashed in my room, I came upon some more of I'm Sorry. So, I figured why not finish it off. No one was asking for it, but when has anyone asked for anything I post. 

I read through it and-
*facepalms HEAVILY*


Also, slight profanity ahead.
And yes, I still will not be changing anything. Grammar will be terrible. 


*me as I type the story out*

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*me as I type the story out*

Chapter 2-

"That's good. I guess." She seemed like a good fighter. Mr. Stark was in good hands. Ish. 

"Some Avengers are downstairs. And the 'others' too. They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy. Come on." 

I walked downstairs with Mr.-Steven. I took a quick headcount. 11, including Steven. 

"Well now that you are all here, is there anybody not in this room?" That makes 12 with Fury. 

"Everybody that didn't dust." Said Sam. 

"I am Groot." 

Everyone but the alien lady, blue tattoo guy, (So the actual adjective written is 'takoo' and everything but the k is written very clearly. And there is no extra letter that indicates that it's supposed to be tattoo. *throws hands up in the air*) and Fury turned to look at the talking tree creature. 

"You've said the same goddamn thing since we've got here and I still don't care!" Fury yelled. 

I moved to a couch next to Mr. Barnes. 

"Groot says that we need to get out of here." Said the blue dude. 

"No shit Sherlock." Mr. Barnes mumbled.

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