in need of comfort

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**y/n pov**

i'm such an idiot. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. The movie was close to an end and I was hoping that kenma and kuroo have forgotten about what i did.

~time skip to after the movie ended~
It was getting late, and we were all getting kind of hungry. I got up to go see if there was anything we could eat in the kitchen.

you started watching back to the couch and said " There's nothing here, unless you want cereal"
"wanna pitch in and get pizza?" asked kuroo
Me and kenma nodded our heads.
"okay it's settled then"
"i'm gonna go in store instead of delivery, i wanna go for a drive anyway, wanna come?"
"i'm too tired" said kenma
"alright then i'm off" said kuroo whoel exiting the door.

Me and kenma were still on the couch both on our phones. Our legs were touching and I was resting my head on his shoulder. I was so comfortable and relaxed.
Then, i got a text from my a familiar number

"Hey y/n, long time no talk sweetie"

It took you a second or two to realize who it was. When i did, my heart dropped. I picked my head up off his shoulder and sat up. Kenma looked at me confused, "Y/n you okay?"
I had a shocked expression on my face, and my hands were slightly shaking.
i didn't respond to kenma.
kenma then sat up and put his hand on my shoulder and said " hey y/n answer what's wrong??"
i could tell by the way tone he was talking in that he clearly was worried.
i started breathing heavily.
kenma then grabbed me and made me face him. He looked so worried. I felt so bad that you couldn't reply to him. "y/n please... what's wrong you can tell me"
All of a sudden i bursted into tears and pushed face into my hands, dropping my phone onto the ground. I was sobbing.
Kenma quickly grabbed me and pulled me close, my head was pushing against his shoulder/neck area and my arms wrapped around his waist. He started reassuring me everything was fine and that i'll be okay, despite the fact that he didn't know the reason why i was crying.
"hey don't worry, your okay. let it all out i'm here for you" he started to rub my back slowly and gently, which helped me calm down a bit.
"i'm sorry" i said while sobbing into his arms.

"don't you dare apologize right now y/n although i'm not sure what's wrong, you have every right to express your emotions. I'm here for you for as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere until i know your completely fine."

I grabbed him tighter, bringing him as close as possible. I was trying to calm myself down by focusing on his smell. He smelt like a baby, it was adorable and oddly comforting. He was bringing me so much warmth that although i calmed down a bit i didn't want to let go. I thought i might've been making him uncomfortable so i was gonna try to apologize even tho my breathing still wasn't steady. "kenma i'm so"

he cut me off and said "don't say it. i already told you that you have nothing to apologize for i'm being serious y/n. I'll do this all day long if you need, i don't care or mind at all. I just want you to be okay" Hearing that made me sob again because he sounded so sincere.

Once i fully calmed down, i pulled away. We were sitting in front of each other. His arms were still holding onto my shoulders, rubbing them up and down. I was rubbing my hand onto my arm while looking down. "Thank you kenma, really."
"no need to thank me y/n. hey i'll be right back, okay?"
i nodded

he came back a minute later with a cup of water and a box of tissues. He handed me a tissue and put the box on the coffee table, then he handed me the cup of water looking back at me then the water, signalling me to drink some

"You wanna talk about what just happened? You don't have to if your not comfortable but please talk to someone about it, anyone. I don't want you to feel like your alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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