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BACKSTORY: Kuroo is your older brother, and he has been best friends with kenma since you could remember. You and kenma are both same age and you guys don't talk that much and are just friends...right?

also guys bare with me this chapter isn't the best!!

|It's the first day of school|
your alarm wakes you up~
"ughhh i hate school i wish i could stay in bed all dayyy" you said whiningly.

you lye there on your bed for a few minutes and then heard kuroo screaming from the other room
"okay okay! i'm getting ready hold on" you got outta bed and started getting ready for the day.

Once you get ready and eat your breakfast you and kuroo head out on your way to kenmas house. You see Kenma waiting outside his doorstep for you guys

Kenma: Hey kuroo, hey y/n
Kuroo: yo!
y/n: hi kenma!

you and kenma looked at eachother for a few seconds and immediately...something felt different there was awkward silence until kuroo broke the silence by saying:
"C'mon we got to get to class or else we're gonna be late!"

You get to school and go check to see what classes you have. Kuroo had already left for his class so, it was just you and kenma.

"Oh, y/n looks like we both have science together" said kenma with a slight smile.
"Oh uh that's great! at least we aren't alone" you were kinda nervous to be honest.

you guys head to class together talking small talk on the way there. It's never really been awkward between you two since you've known eachother for so long but, today felt different... not awkward... just different then usual.
you guys get to class and u sit next to eachother. A few minutes goes by your eyes are just wandering around the class, you look at kenma and feel some type of way... not sure what to call it, kinda a nervous feeling. You've never felt this way before so you were quite confused.

"y/n, you okay?"
"huh" you looked up and saw kenma from the seat next to you "what? yea ofc u-uhm why wouldn't i be?"
"just asking... you seemed kinda zoned out." said kenma with a worried like look on his face.

you realized you were probably zoned out stating at him. "i'm such and idiot" you thought to urself.

Class finishes and you and kenma go to your separate classes.

Once schools over you head to where you kenma and kuroo planned on meeting to head home together. You get there and see kuroo and kenma waiting for you.
"took you long enough idiot!" said kuroo while slightly hitting the back of your head.
"hey y/n" kenma said while laughing.
you felt embarrassed.. which was new for you kuz you were used to kuroo teasing you...
"Shut up kuroo! and hey kenma" you guys started walking home.

kenma went back to playing on is DS and you kept your eyes on him, looking at him gave you butterflies in your stomach.

kuroo: Uhm... you guys coming?
y/n: huh? OH yea ofc um yea let's go!
kuroo: umm okayyy?

you guys are walking home, kuroo and kenma are walking in front of you and you hear kenma telling kuroo all about his new video game that he recently got. you find yourself smiling like crazy hearing him so happy and cheerful. You guys get to kenmas house and it was time to say goodbye for the day.

"Mkay see ya kenma!"
"mhm bye kuroo, bye y/n"
"byeeee see you tomorrow!"

you guys stare for a bit while walking away and kuroo notices

"umm y/n? you should look ahead of you instead of staring at kenma you know."
"HUH? what are you talking about? i'm not staring at kenma. "
"mmhm whatever you say."
"shut up rooster head"

you guys go home teasing eachother but... you can't seem to get kenma out of your head........
and you had so many questions
What was this feeling you kept getting? Why'd you feel this way? Why now? Was it a one time thing? Or is this gonna end up being some sort of an issue......

My brothers best friend //kenma x reader Where stories live. Discover now