Is it a one way thing?

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Time skip to friday!

The week went by really fast, everyday was basically a repeat of the other. Wake up, get dressed, go to school, go home, repeat. Sounds boring, and it was. You were still crazy confused as to why your feeling this way when you've known him practically all your life and you never even thought of him as anything more than a friend.

You got to go home early today since your teacher was sick and your supply never showed up. You were at home sitting on your couch wearing some baggy sweats and a t-shirt. Then there was a knock at the door. You automatically assumed it was kuroo since this was the time you guys would usually get home. You get up and open the door.

you see kenma outside of the door "Oh, hi y/n"
"hey kenma, what's up?"

"kuroo told me you had early dismissal but he never showed up to walk home together either, so i decided to come and check since i was supposed to come over for a sleep over on our way home."

"Oh, well he's not here at the moment . He probably got detention or something. You can come in if you want to."

"Sure, thanks."
"don't worry abt it!"

Kenma takes a seat on the couch. You went to the kitchen to get a drink for him.

"hey kenma, coke or dr.pepper?"
"dr.pepper of course"

You grab 2 cans of dr.pepper from the fridge. You walk up to the couch and toss one to him.

"Thanks y/n"
"no problem, wanna play some minecraft until he gets here?"
Kenma nodded his head while taking a sip of his drink. Your heart fluttered.
You got up and put minecraft on so u guys could play together. You tossed him a controller and made a world.
a few minutes passed by and you guys were making a little house to stay safe from the mobs.
kenma was finishing building the little roof. "This is rlly small but it's fine it's just for tonight."
"yea it'll have to do."
You place down your minecraft bed on the left side assuming kenma would put his across. He walked up and placed his minecraft bed next to yours. Your heart skipped a beat and you thought to urself "am i really getting butterflies over this stupid thing...omg embarrassing "

You looked over at kenma and he looked back.
and a few seconds later—

you and kenma quickly look away from each other and see kuroo coming through the front door.
"where were you? school ended like 35 minutes ago" you said with an annoyed expression. "detention, i was arguing with yaku again"

You and kenma looked at eachother and giggled.

"OHH KENMA! you're here too hey! "
"hey. do u always have to scream everything say?"
you giggled

You went back to playing minecraft. Kuroo walked up and saw your beds next to eachother.

"ouuuu kenma and y/n sitting in a treee~"
"huh?" you both said really confused about what he was talking about.
"your beds are next to eachother ouuuu" said kuroo teasingly
"shut up there was no other space!" said kenma defensively
"it's just a game not a big deal" you said while rolling your eyes at kuroo
you guys both got a bit defensive.
"oh we all know this is more than just a game" what kuroo had just said made so much tension between you two.

you and kenma awkwardly looked at eachother and there was so much tension.

kenma: shut up kuroo it's not like that...
kuroo: mmhm what every u say~

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