25. Turbines

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Post Date: 01.08.21

Word count: 918

Based off: 02x15 "Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1


The next morning Raven was knocking on your door obsessively.

"What?" You ask annoyed as she woke you up.

"Sorry to wake you but I was hoping to ask if you could come to Mount Weather with Wick and I," Raven asks.

"Help with?" You question.

"The dam," She says.

"Yeah, sure. I'll meet you guys in the shop in like 20?" You say.

"Great bring a backpack too," Raven says and rushes off. You get ready and head over to the workshop. Raven explains the plan before the three of you head to Mount Weather.

You stand on the stairs and shoot your arrow at the mountain man guard. You then make your way through the turbine room with Raven and Wick.

"Go cover the door," Raven says to the grounder.

"You sure he's alone?" Wick asks.

"He's the only one I saw," You say as you get to your destination. Raven and Wick begin to disable the poser on the turbines as you keep an eye out for them.

"Three down, two to go," Raven says as you guys make it around the turbines. "As soon as I'm done, you set the detonator," Raven says to Wick.

"I know the plan, Raven. It's my plan," Wick says. You make your way around the room a bit more to make sure there isn't anyone coming. As you made your way back to the two you hear a woman speak over a radio.

"Four-oh-two, report," She says.

"Where did that come from?" Wick asks.

"Whose is it?" Raven asks as you point to the ominous radio by the wall. The woman repeats her request.

"Wick! Watch out!" You say right before someone tackles him. Wick is able to get up but before he could knock him out the man speaks back into the radio, "We've got intruders in the dam," He says.

"Come again, four-oh-two. Did you say 'intruders'" Four-oh-two, are you there? Backup is on the way," The woman says.

"They know we're here. Wick, they're sending back up. We have to do this fast," Raven says.

"Welcome to the ground," You say grabbing the wrench from Wick's hand.

"Give me the last bomb," Raven says to Wick. We all look over to find that the last bomb was broken.

"What happens if we only blow four of the five?" You ask.

"Powe stays on. Door stays locked. Everyone we care about dies," Raven explains. Raven quickly goes to work on figuring out what to do.

"Wick, stop," Raven says as he taps his foot.

"I'm not doing anything," He protests.

"Exactly," Raven responds.

"I'm not the one that didn't make enough bombs," Wick says.

"Five turbines. Five bombs. Maybe if you didn't drop the last one--," Raven Says.

"Any engineer worth his salt knows to plan for failure. Two is one, one is none. It's called--" Wick says overlapping Raven.

"Redundancy," The two say at the same time.

"That's it. Redundancy. That's it," Raven says.

"What is? What are you doing?" You ask.

"They built more turbines than they need. We blow the other four, this one with take the load. Surge protectors will ramp it down to---," Raven explains going to work.

"Keep it from blowing up," Wick finishes.

"Yeah, we need to shut down this turbine, Wick," Raven says.

"Catastrophic Failure? That's your plan?" Wick questions.

"Ok, when you say it like that, it doesn't sound like a good idea," Raven says.

"I'll set the detonators," Wick says and head off.

"Whatever engineer talk you guys just went through, great. Just as long as it works," You say. Raven finishes her work while Wick is still finishing up.

"Today, Wick," You yell.

"I'm moving as fast as I ca--," Wick says before being cut off by banging.

"Actually I can go faster," Wick says.

"I'll go hold them off," You say.

"No, stay close," Raven says. You nod and move to get into view of the door and get ready to shoot an arrow if needed.

"Did you get it done?" Raven asks.

"Push the damn button, Raven" Wick says moving to you and Raven. As soon as she clicks the button the detonators go off, taking the turbines down.

"It's working," Wick says.

"We're too close," Raven says guiding us away but the mountain men make their way in.

"Freeze. Arms up. Don't move. Show me your hands. Drop your weapon," The men say.

"Just keep backing up," Wick says.

"Stop moving. Right now," A man says.

"We're still too close," Raven says.

"Not as close as they are," You say.

"Get down!" The men say as you Wick, and Raven run away before the turbine blows up.

"Raven. Wick," You say trying to get ahold of yourself.

"I'm here. Raven," Wick says. "Hey, ahhh, my arm," Wick says checking on Raven.

"Raven?" You ask as you notice her waking up. Wick looks at her leg mechanism as it seems it was broken.

"I'm just saying my brace would've held," Wick says as you roll your eyes.

"I'm just glad we're alive," You say before coughing.

"Come on. Let's get out of here," Wick says picking Raven up, but stops as his arm was hurting.

"Let's get her up together," You say standing up weakly. Just as you helped to get Wick on his feet more mountain men made their way in. You didn't have the strength, willpower, or the arrows to shoot them down, leading the three of you to get caught.

A/N: Sorry for all the short parts. But I still wanted to separate these eps. Plus leave a slight cliffhanger (kinda). I hope you enjoyed it!

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