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hey flowers~~ did i just do a double update? yes. yes i freaking did. anyways enjoy!


>•At the beach and after all the introductions•<
3rd Person

   "So now that we know each others names and whatnot. Give me two seconds and you can ask whatever questions you have for me," Shoyo said smiling, then he texted Narita and Kinoshita where to find him.

   "Alrighty~ Boys sit." He said directed to the twins but everyone sat. He started laughing. "You guys are funny. I was only talking to the double trouble over here, but I guess I'll sit down too." Shoyo giggled as he walked to Kita and sat in his lap. To the team's surprise, Kita didn't do anything about it. Shoyo clapped his hands together. "Kay so before my friends get here and I go swimming, any questions?"

   Aran spoke up. "Are you dating anyone?" Shoyo laughed. "Very straight to the point aren't you, Ara-chan? Oh well, I have 9 boyfriends. If you wanted to ask me on a date, you could've just said it." Then he winked. Kita spoke up. "Wait, 9? Are you cheating on them or.." "Nope! I'm poly and they all know about it so it's ok. I just reassured them that my heart is big enough to love multiple people at once. Plus it keeps my life interesting, they have some really big di- I mean hearts. Hearts? Yeah. Hearts. Big hearts." Atsumu said something, "Sho-kun~ Don't tell me you already lost itt~" Shoyo sat up from Kita's lap and went over to Atsumu. He pulled the older's collar and gave a smirk.

   "And so what if I did? That just makes me better for when me and you fuck right?" Atsumu froze and got hard. While the team was both shocked at the smaller's words and jealous that it was Atsumu it was toward. Shoyo then spoke again.

   "Now didn't I tell you that you were to be quiet? I did, didn't I? Now look what you've done. You're gonna get punished. Now sit there and I better not hear you speak again before I give you the real punishment." Atsumu just nodded and Suna pulled out his phone to start recording what was about to happen. Honestly, everyone wanted to see what happened.

   Shoyo let go of Atsumu's collar and went over to Osamu with everyone's eyes following him. "Sam-chan~ Would you like to be the first one on this team to taste me?" He said seductively. Osamu didn't know what to do. He didn't want to lose this opportunity if the younger was serious but if he's not then the older would probably be with his brother. In the end, he just decided to be quiet.

   "Ah~ No? Oh well, Rinta-chan and Shinsu-chan~ Meet me by those bathrooms over there. I'll take you guys with me and might even let Rinta-chan record." Shoyo said while smiling. The two boys that were mentioned just nodded and the rest of the team was filled with jealousy. Suna was really happy he decided to record him saying that.

"Don't worry to the rest of you~ I'll let you have a taste sooner. Just be good and wait yeah?" The others nodded and were hard thinking of what they could do to the little ginger in front of them. Then Shoyo saw his friends and put on the innocent act again.

   "Nari-chan!! Sashi-senpai!! Over here!!" Shoyo called out while waving his hands. The two ran over to him and Shoyo hugged the second years. "You guys can leave your bags right there where my duffel bag is," he said pointing to his bag he had thrown earlier. "The twins will make sure nothing happens to it, right?" He said looking at the twins. They nodded and Shoyo looked back at his senpais. "I'm gonna go get changed, I'll be right back! Oh. And make sure that the twins don't make a sound other than breathing and chewing on food." The two nodded and went to sit in the little circle that the team has made.

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