sʜᴏʏᴏ's ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ

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hey flowers~ yes i DID cry while making this. got a problem? no. didnt think so. i'm gonna go sob now:')

Hii~ Lei-sama aka Author-chan has asked me to do a runover of how my life has progressed.

I'll start with present me. I'm currently 29 years old and married to every single one of them. Yeah, I kept my last name but I have a ring and a necklace. On the inside of the ring is the date of the day of the first training camp aka the day I had all of the loves of my life in the same room. The necklace has a thing inside it where I have all of their names in it.

We all live in one mansion that we all got with everyone pitching in and we all have our own rooms due to them not knowing how to FUCKING SHARE LIKE GROWN ASS MEN! Haha~ Sorry, got a little off track there. We have a pool, a big ass kitchen, a movie room, a volleyball court outside, a sex room(that was requested by them and I didn't have a say), and the rest of normal household rooms. I could talk forever about the mansion, but let's start with what happened during the first training camp.

   After the whole me-passing-out incident happened, Yaku and Lev was explained on why we were in the gym together in the first place. And that's how they became the first people to know about my volleyball skills and the firsts out of Karasuno to know about my past. After that, I started training a lot(well, little by little since the coaches were all over me about not training too hard) and more and more people found out.

   I'll put in list format what happened by the time the two month training camp ended.

-I had sex.... a lot of it
-EVERYONE found out and knew fully well of my incident and my volleyball skills
-My moms ended up adopting ANOTHER girl
-I planned multiple events like going to the beach, fair, and the amusement park(most of them managed to get lost multiple times at all)
-My moms met all of my boyfriends
-I learned how to have a eightsome and not be in ULTIMATE pain by the next day(which I think is pretty fucking awesome)
-Discovered some kinks that I didn't know was there and existed
-Got even Kage-chan, Yuu-chan, and Ryu-chan to get above an 80 on a test
-Memorized every. single. one. of. their. kinks. YES! FUCKING MEMORIZED
-Also claimed the coaches as my father figures(whether it be grandpas or just regular dads)

   Did I mention I had sex? I did? Oh... Well, what can you do when you're surrounded by 78 horny boyfriends? Hehe~ Well, I'll move on now.

Let's time skip to the end of my first year, shall we?

-I gave all of my third year boyfriends gifts since I could only attend Daichi, Koshi, and Asahi's graduation
-I got my own volleyball team and even became captain
-Had to quit the Karasuno volleyball team, but was still there as a sometimes assistant coach
-Went on dates and got gifts like every week(I'm still surprised on how I managed my time so well and I'm a whole ass adult T_T Why was 16 year old me better than 29 year old me?)
-Became close with my new baby sister who was named Haruhi(Mom said she loved OHSHC so much she had to name her daughter Haruhi and Mama didn't even try to intervene)
-Ended up passing my exams at the top
of my class
-Karasuno won Nationals and against Nekoma before I quit the team
-Cried with Hitoka once because Painter of the Night ended the same day Shimizu had to go overseas for college
-Almost grew out of giving everyone nicknames and just called them by their given names

There was even more that happened like trips, school events, and... even more sex BUT we must move on due to me having to meet up with the Kinoshita's(yep, they got married. It was so cute I cried more than at my own wedding).

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