im sorry🥺🥺

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just to clarify-







im simply going on haitus until feb 20

the reason for this is because my family decided to send me back to hawaii(well i wanted to go back, i just didnt expect to go so early) and i'm going to be pretty busy doing school and figuring out all types of custody things and moving stuff and whatnot sooo yeeaaa

again i'm terribly sorry and when i come back, i'll surprise you guys with like 20 chapters(you wont believe the inspiration i get when i talk to my mom)

i'll still be interacting with everyone and reading other books so it's not like i'm going to be disappearing

uhh if there's any questions concering why i'm going on haitus or anything about the book, i'll be happy to answer

if you just wanna talk, dm me and i'll happily talk to you guys:))

ok i'm gonna go now! until next month☺️☺️


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