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Shoyo's POV

I walked to the cafeteria where I heard chatter. "Hey girls~" I said as I walked into the kitchen. They all turned their heads to me and squealed. "EEEEE WE FINALLY MEET IN PERSON!" Mai-chan says. I chuckle and nod.

You see we all have been texting each other in the managers group chat that Yoko-san created. We mostly talk about love lives(more specifically mine), yaois, yuris, and more random shit.

"It's nice to see you in person too Mai-chan. And the rest of you!" They all giggled and said the same back to me. "Unfortunately I can't stay long, I just came to make some lunch for someone." Kaori-chan wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Soo~ Which special someone? Don't keep us waiting!" yelled Hana-chan while she was frying something. I sighed.

"It's for Sakusa Kiyoomi..." It was silent for three seconds until they all squealed. I couldn't tell who's voice was who's but I heard "YOU GOT HIM TO SIMP?!" "Woow~ You really have some god-given powers Shoyo." "How'd you manage that?" and so on. I just winked at them and went to making a bento for Kiyo-chan.

I was about to leave when I turned to the girls. "He hugged me and I accidentally called him hot." Then I turned and almost ran out the cafeteria and to the Itachiyama dorm. I swear I could still hear squeals and shouts.

After I successfully delivered the food to Kiyo-chan and flirted a little, I went to Nohebi's room. At this point I can't even be fazed if the whole team is hot. I shook my head to get rid of negative thoughts, took a deep breath, put on a smile, and knocked on the door.

3rd Person

Hiroo opened the door and looked at the ginger. "of course the one who opens the door, is hot. why not universe?" "Uh hey there. I'm here to mingle with you guys until lunch. If that's ok?" "Yeah sure, we're bored anyways. Come in," Hiroo said. He stepped aside to let Shoyo in.

Hiroo led Shoyo to where everyone was and they all looked at the sunshine that was before them. "Hey guys! I'm gonna hang with you all until lunch. Is that okay?" They all nodded without hesitation and Shoyo gave them a smile that all the boys were almost blinded.

"Well~ Since I'm gonna stay here, we might want to introduce ourselves. I'll go first. I'm Hinata Shoyo, but please call me Shoyo or anything that's not my last name. I'm one of Karasuno's managers. Now it's you guys' turn." They all looked at each other then back at the goddess.

"I'm Daisho Suguru, captain and outside hitter. Pleasure to meet you Shoyo-san." Shoyo smiled and said, "Likewise, Guru-chan." Daisho blushed and the introductions continued.

"I'm Takachiho Yoshiya, opposite hitter." "Nice to meet you, Yoshi-chan."

"I'm Numai Kazuma, outside hitter." "Nice to meet you, Kazu-chan."

"I'm Hiroo Koji, middle blocker." "Koj-chan, did you know that you look like the love child of Tetsu-chan and Kozu-chan. But don't worry that's a compliment because you look really cutee~" Shoyo said seeing the resemblance of both Kuroo and Kenma in the middle blocker. "Tetsu-chan and Kozu-chan?" questioned Kuguri.

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