Chapter 13 - Livestream

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Chu Ying remained silent for not even three seconds, before his lips quirked up.



Even after the Rover's rear had vanished from the parking lot, Su Yi was still standing there looking like a fool.

"Uh, are you going up?" A woman walked into the elevator, shooting a strange look at the person still holding the door open.

Su Yi finally came back to herself, taking a few tries to get her floor number. "Excuse me."

After finishing this sentence, she looked down, hiding all of her emotions behind her hair.

Before bringing her hands up and tightly covering her mouth, just in case she made too much of a racket.

...... What could she do? She was almost overwhelmed by these unknown feelings.

Once she got home she hurriedly went and took a cold shower to cool herself down.

Hanging her legs over the edge of the bathtub, she thought about it before making a video call to Wu Xue.

The other picked up really fast. Wu Xue was donning a facial mask; when she saw on the screen the half exposed shoulder of Su Yi's, she couldn't help the 'Damn!' that escaped from her mouth.

"Little Xue, hurry up and let me know, how did you get Liu Minghao?" Su Yi leant her head against the edge of the tub, the slit of her eyes appearing even sharper at this angle, akin to the seductive vixens of the past.

Though now it appeared that, other than how she wasn't harming anyone, she wasn't all that different from the other vixens. Only, the other wasn't a weak scholar, instead, a strong warrior.

"Are you looking to get punched, your ankle's already like this and you're taking a bath?!" Wu Xue first scolded her, before saying, "Who told you I pursued him? He's the one who pursued me."

So Su Yi changed her question. "Then how did he get you?"

"What about it? How did I not know that you're this into gossip before." Wu Xue thought about it, then said, "He didn't try too hard. Once my bag was stolen, and he grabbed it back for me. Then he took me out for a few meals, I didn't really dislike him. He confessed, I agreed."

Su Yi tsked. "Why are you so easy to get?!"

Wu Xue sneered. "When you're saying that, you should think about yourself first."

Su Yi apologised. "Sorry."

"Right, just nice. I have something to say to you." Wu Xue took out a book. "As your cover was brought up by a week, the livestreaming was brought forward too, I'm going to write down all the answers you need to give and you need to do your homework later."

"Got it." Su Yi asked, "When am I getting the new script for 'Undercurrent'?"

Wu Xue said, "I haven't gotten any news yet, go ask Li Min later."


After hanging up, Wu Xue quickly sent the file over.

Su Yi spun the pen idly in her hand, thinking that it really wasn't easy being an actress. Not only did she have to memorise her script, she had to memorise her speeches too.

She quickly skimmed the document and her attention was caught by one question.

"You have some success in your career, how about your love life?"

The answer Wu Xue gave was, "No (quickly shake your head), I'm slower at getting close to people. Currently, I'm more focused on my career, and I haven't met anyone suitable recently anyway (smile)."

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