Twenty Seven: Agreement

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I had several more dreams during the next few weeks, all of them about Corrupted me's team, which I learned was called the Dark Sanses. Nothing worth noting, although I got to know them a bit better. Turns out Killer can't feel feelings, Dust is slightly bothered by the color red, Cross has some incredibly traumatizing backstory and a ghost demon child that is attached to his Soul, and they have all killed multiple monsters.

Man, these three seem like a mess.

Corrupted me, on the other hand, seems pretty organized and forceful. He likes getting things done and getting them done right, especially when it comes to the team's enemies. I've heard mention of another team that's their sworn enemies, but I don't know anything about them and I'm not interested to learn. To be honest, I don't like Corrupted me very much. He's rather violent and a bit scary.

I've also had time to think over things, despite not really wanting to. It seems my powers react based on my emotions, so when I'm positive and more focused I have my silver magic, and when I'm negative and less focused I have those weird tendril things. However, I've steered clear from using my magic since the incident where I almost corrupted, so this is just a guess. I've also been training my basic aura sensing powers, so I could feel the auras of everyone in the area. I learned how to tell each aura signature apart to identify who was who and how they were feeling.

Patch and Seed visit from time to time, but not for long. They check on me, see how I'm doing, and inform me how the multiverse is doing. It's been stressful for them, since Thread's attacks have started increasing and he has Three and Blackout to help him now. Patch also updates me on the search for Dream, since Seed hasn't told them (he said it would bring up some conversations he would prefer to not have) and I can't bring myself to. After that, they'd leave.

I've been trying to sleep more too, but failing. It's hard, since my mind is so active, but also for another reason. Every time I close my eyes, the darkness behind them seems a bit thicker. A bit blacker. A bit more. It terrifies me, reminding me of that dark emptiness that spread through me as I fought off the corruption. So I'd try to wait it out until morning, but normally didn't succeed and would find myself in another dream or just waking up the next morning. After all, I needed my sleep.

I had been home for maybe a few weeks when Three made the mistake of returning. I felt his aura arrive near the orchard and knocked him senseless before he did anything. It felt good to have some action, but half of my mind was focused on not pushing myself too far. I'm guessing he had someone with him, probably Blackout, because I felt a second aura appear by him only to immediately disappear after seeing me. A small part of me enjoyed that, feeling the two run away like they're scared of me, but I quickly pushed the thought away.

Overall, it was a boring few weeks.

Not long after Three attacked, I got a visit from someone that left me surprised: Pen.

I was resting near the hill the Tree of Feelings was on when I heard the noise of someone approaching but felt no aura. I turned around to see Pen walking towards me, hands shoved in his pockets, looking away from my gaze. He stopped a few inches away from me and looked at me with one dark yellow eyelight and the other dark pink. He looked rather reluctant to be here.

"Hey Night," He said, sounding both stressed and annoyed.

"Hey," I respond.

"Look, Patch told me that you apparently did help Three, but you had no control over it or something like that."

I nod.

"So... uh... I think I overreacted a bit."

"A bit?" I say, unable to stop myself.

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