Getting used to married like and Yuki finding out . Chapter 10

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Eito stops and looks up at me and Ghost.
Eito " auntie Pheonix can I have my favourite breakfast. Mummy what are you doing hugging my favourite princess she's my princess not yours Geez."
I kneel down to Eito.
Pheonix " hay I'm still your princess , and of course I'll make your favourite breakfast."
River " Eito she's mine how many times do I have to tell you, I'm gonna marry Pheonix when I'm big and strong."
River throws his arms around me.
Eito " damn it River why do you have to like my princess. Anyways she's already married."
I stand up and walk down stairs into the kitchen and Yuki has already prepared breakfast.
River" I don't care if my princess is married I'll still marry my Pheonix."
Eisuke is sat at the table reading a newspaper.
Eisuke " good morning boys."Yuki pulls me into a hug ."
Yuki Arisugawa " River, Eito I hear  you want to marry this princess yes."
Eito " well yeah she's mine I saw her before you ."
River " did not , she's mine."
I bury my face into Yuki's neck .
Yuki Arisugawa " well it wouldn't be fair now would it , why don't you both eat your breakfast."
Eito " shut up Yuki, I'll make Pheonix my wife just wait and see."
I pull away from Yuki and kiss the twins .
Prince Glen " mum mum ."
Princess Mercedes " mum mum Milk."
I go to the fridge and the boys are arguing over me , I pull out the bag of breast milk and place it in a beaker and bring it to Mercedes. When all off a sudden a wave of sickness comes over me , I rush into the laundry room and throw up . I hear Ghost doing the same. I wipe my face and find
Ghost.Pheonix " ghost were are you."
Ghost " I'm in your bathroom."I head up stairs into my room and she doesn't look good
.Pheonix " ghost this isn't alcohol as we didn't have any."
Ghost " look after the boys I'm gonna go to the chemist."
I walk back into the kitchen and the boys are still fighting over me.
Prince Glen " mum mum I want out now."
I pull him from his high chair and I lift up my top.
Pheonix " boys mum is going out , so it's just us. I've got to check something so eat your breakfast."
Carrying Glen I open the office door and sit at the desk. When a video call comes in
Doctor " ahh Pheonix I'm glad I caught you, I cannot find anything on Cathy."
Pheonix " how can that be , thought they go into archives when there finished with."
Doctor " you would think so but no. Let me speak to Taiga as he may know."
Pheonix " alright let me know a.s.a.p"I find Dollie's email .
Dollie Arisugawa " hey mum something isn't right with Cathy she's sleeping all the time . Is it something to be worried about."
I press the button on the phone and dial Keith's number.
Prince Keith " wow Pheonix I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon."
Pheonix " I need to know the times Cathy is sleeping and for how long ."
Prince Keith " well yesterday she fell asleep when you and Yuki exchanged your vowels. Then after you was shot, she never attended the after party. And she's still sleeping now."
Pheonix " fucksake, Keith I need you to bring Cathy here we're I can watch her."
Prince Keith " Wilfred can as his schedule is clear."
Pheonix " Fine make sure she's comfortable."I hang up and fall into the chair rocking glen , Yuki knocks and walks in.Yuki Arisugawa " you know them boys are funny, fighting over you."
Pheonix " you do know there twins right."
Yuki Arisugawa " yes I do . Why do they look like you ."
Ghost comes in the office and hands my a paper bag.
Ghost " Yuki, I cannot bear children. River and Eito are Pheonix's and don't worry her and Eisuke never had sex."
I open the paper bag to find a pregnancy test.
Pheonix " ghost what's this."
Yuki takes it from my hand .
Ghost " our monthly's are still the same right."
Pheonix " yes why."
Ghost " well I haven't had mine in over a month."
My eyes go wide and I look at ghost.
Pheonix "  if that's the case then your pregnant. The doctor told us both you couldn't have any."
Yuki Arisugawa " so let me get this straight, ghost was told she couldn't have any children at all, Eito and River are Pheonix's and Eisuke's and there is two pregnancy tests here."
Ghost " yes that's right. Pheonix you never told Yuki."
Pheonix " that's not my decision to make is it , god ghost you really no when to tell people my secrets."
Pheonix " and right now the boys don't need to know . There happy thinking I'm there auntie. Jesus Ghost I really don't know what to say ."
Tears fall from my eyes I get up from the chair and leave the office, I put glen into the lounge and he walks off and plays with Mercedes. I walk out the house and climb into the car and drive . My phone starts ringing and I ignore it , I drive to the town over and find my cousin Minni. I get out of the car and she's feeding the horses
Minni " Pheonix I wasn't expecting you , aww babe why are you crying."
She pulls me into her arms and we sit on the bench under her favourite tree.
Minni " what's happened."
Pheonix " do you remember 11 years ago when Ghost was told she couldn't have any children, and her and Eisuke tried every avenue before hand. They tried for two years prior. I was asked to go and see them . Ghost asked me to have a child for her, I wasn't sure so I spoke to a doctor and they explained the procedure. I then booked an appointment for both of us to be there , 3 months later I was expecting the boys."
Minni " aww babe I knew you did something so selfless. Especially for someone else and truth be told your a stronger woman then I am , I couldn't leave my children."
Pheonix " well today ghost told Yuki, to be honest I didn't wait for a reaction I just drove here."
Minni " come on now that guy loves the bones off you , he will understand. Plus the boys are old enough to know. Say why don't I saddle one of my girls and you take her for a stretch."
She kisses my forehead head and grabs a saddle. My phone chimes with a text
.Ghost " I'm so so sorry."
Eisuke " I will be talking to Ghost about this . And Yuki has left the house, don't worry the twins are happily playing."
Minni brings out the horse and I climb on to her .
Minni " she loves to go fast so be careful."
PI tap her side and she trots off , when we're in the open I let her stretch her legs . She starts to gallop we go for miles, I look across the horizon watching the sun go down. I race back to the stables. Minni isn't in sight I put the horse away and put the saddle on its stand , I head for the car when Yuki comes out of Minni's house.
Pheonix " fucksake Yuki I cannot go anywhere ."
I climb into the car and Yuki climbs in to.
Yuki Arisugawa " you wasn't answering you phone, Pheonix please look at me when I'm talking to you."
Pheonix " why so you can see how much pain I'm in , them boys are mine there's not a day that goes by that there on my mind."
Yuki gets out the car and walks over to my side , he opens the door and pulls me into his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke explained everything, ghost is pregnant."
Pheonix " them boys have never wanted for anything I send money on a regular basis, I stopped seeing them because it hurt so much to see there little faces."
Yuki Arisugawa " then I think it's time they know who you really are. Pheonix don't ever think because you did something in your past is going to hurt me . Remember I love you for who you are. And ghost needs to stop opening her mouth at the wrong times. Now kiss me I haven't felt them lips on mine . Let's go home ."
Yuki climbs back into the car and we drive home. We walk in the door and ghost has put the twins to bed .I find Eisuke in the office he looks up.
Pheonix " Eisuke can we sit down with the boys I want to tell them."
Eisuke " I've been waiting for this day . Yeah there in the lounge."
I go upstairs into the nursery and ghost has just put Mercedes down. I pull her into me .
Pheonix " ghost I'm so happy you can finally find peace . Having a baby of your own ."
Ghost " I'm so sorry about telling Yuki, I never ever wanted to hurt you."
We embrace each other for a bit longer.
Pheonix " I'm telling the boys the truth."
Ghost " I believe they should know. Aww Pheonix I still love you you know that."
She rests her forehead head on mine . And there is a knock and Yuki pokes his head in.
Yuki Arisugawa " sorry to interrupt you girls but the boys are waiting."
Ghost kisses me and leaves , I walk out the twins room and pull Yuki into ours. He sits on the bed and i pee on the test. When I'm done I put the test in his hand and we go down stairs. I find Eisuke in the armchair and the boys waiting. I walk into the room and ghost sits on Eisuke. I fall to my knees infront of the boys. I look to Yuki and he gives me a smile, I look at Eisuke and he moves ghost of him and sits on the table and puts his hand on my shoulder.
Pheonix " Eito, River there is something I need to tell you. For 11 years I have kept a big secret I have never told anyone about it. Just remember one thing I will always love you but I cannot be your princess anymore."
Eito " why not this is so unfair."
River " yeah why can't we marry you ."
I place my hands on there cheeks and let out a sigh and tears fall again.
Pheonix " because 11 years ago I wanted to help my best friend and Eisuke. I'm your real mummy. You are part of the crown ."
I start to sob tears free flowing.
Pheonix " my friend couldn't have a baby so me and your daddy decided that daddy and ghost was trying for a family that I'd play the biggest part."
Eisuke " what were trying to say is Pheonix is your mum. She stayed with us for a year after you was born. Eito you see glen and the way he is . You was exactly the same. River is like Mercedes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I cannot make that kind of decision with out your mum. So do you understand."
Eito looks at his father and ghost, Yuki and me . He wraps his arms around me
Eito " I had a feeling you was my mummy, and I have two sisters and a baby brother."
River gets up and smacks ghost across the face.
River " all these years you made me call you mummy when my mummy is right there . I hate you."
Pheonix " River come here , you shouldn't say things like that."
He wraps his arms around my neck.
River " I don't care . Dad you are as bad not saying anything . When you both leave I'm staying here with my mummy."
Eito " so what happens now , I can't be calling you my auntie as that's a big fat lie."
Eisuke " I'm sure ghost will understand if you call Pheonix mummy."
I turn to face Eisuke and he pulls me into his arms.
Eisuke " I'm so sorry you've been hurting for so long . I should of told the boys."
Pheonix " Eisuke I really think you should let me go now. Ghost is in need of you comfort."
Pheonix " ghost if you can't say it shall I ."
She nods and I'm still in Eisuke's arms I'm just about to speak when I hear Yuki.
Yuki Arisugawa " OMG! Pheonix it says your pregnant."
Eito " could you please let go of my mum . You sorry sap."
Pheonix " wait a minute Eito. Eisuke this is as close as we're going to get but my girl is sitting there and she is pregnant too."
Eisuke looks dumbfounded, he nearly drops me . He walks over to ghost and he embraces her .
Eito " ahh shit and there was me thinking it would just me Mercedes Glen and a baby on the way."
Yuki Pulls me into his arms.
Eisuke " Pheonix is there a way to make sure ghost is ."
Pheonix " there is , who fancy's a drive."
Yuki kisses me and the boys stick to me like glue.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll get the twins, and we will meet in the car."
The boys grab my hands and again they bicker
Eito " we cant marry our mum . But this is way cooler."
River " yeah really cool . We're prince's."
We walk to the car and Eisuke climbs into the front. Yuki straps the twins in and the boys do there seatbelts.
Pheonix " now then this place were going to is a small hospital, it's another part of the main hospital me and Yuki went to."
I drive a few miles and pull into the car park . Again into the C.E.O space. We all get out of the car and head inside the hospital. All the doctors and nurses bid hello. And we arrive in the room.
Pheonix " ghost, pop your self on here and let me take a look at you."
I place the gel on her tummy and glide over her tummy, when I detect a heartbeat.
River " ahh man so unfair."
Yuki Arisugawa " still is a magical moment for ghost, Give her some slack boys."
I check the size of the baby.
Pheonix " wow ghost your wrong on the timing your 3moths ."
I push the monitor for them to see , and ghost starts crying.
Ghost " ooh all this time , Eisuke I really love you , and of course I love Pheonix."
I print out a picture for them and walk over to Eisuke I wrap my arms around him.
Pheonix " I'm so proud of you Eisuke, you have made ghost really happy."
I pull away and grab his hand and place the pictures in his hand. Ghost wraps her arms around me and she's really crying.
Pheonix " aww ghost come on now , will you stay with us until the baby is born."
She looks at Eisuke and back at me and nods.
Pheonix " I promise you you'll have the best care in the world. I would let anything happen to your little girl."
Realising what I just slipped out ghost starts to laugh.
Ghost " what about you , are you not going to check."
I look to Yuki and he nods. I walk the door and grab the nurse.
Nurse" Miss Pheonix don't scare me like that."
Pheonix " you won't mind running the scan over me could you."
Nurse " could you do it yourself, you are a doctor after all."
She leaves the room and ghost hops off the bed. I lay on it and Yuki helps he puts the gel on and glides over my tummy. The monitor is facing him, when I hear two heartbeats he pushes the monitor round for me to see.
Eito " omg mum is having a set of twins."
River " shit that's got to be a mix up. Mum having twins again."
All of a sudden I hear Dollie's voice
Dollie Arisugawa " fuck me Yuki twins again."
I pull the phone from Yuki's hand
Pheonix " boys please don't swear. Dollie me and Ghost are due on the same date."
Dollie Arisugawa " fuck off no way. Mum this is perfect news I'm pregnant too."
Pheonix " Jesus Dollie tell Keith he better stay out of my reach."
She hangs up and Yuki can't believe what he's seeing.
Yuki Arisugawa " in the 5 years of being with you, you have given me Mercedes Glen and two more. Plus an added bonus of Eito and river."
Eito " Yuki you really don't know when to be quiet do you. Eisuke man you seriously need to look after your wife. Mum I'd like to go home now."
We arrive back home and I take the twins back to bed . I quitly close the door when Eito is standing there.
Pheonix " Eito what's wrong, that sorry sap is all over ghost. Can I sleep in your bed ."
I walk in to my room and River is under the covers already asleep.
Pheonix " I suppose so. I'm going to find Yuki."
I walk out the door and see Yuki climbing the stairs.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'd of thought you would be in bed by now."
Pheonix " the boys are in our bed."
He pulls me down stairs and into his office. He puts in the code and he pulls me into the room. He lifts me up and places me on the bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " seeing that the boys are in our bed , will have to sleep in here."
Pheonix " Yuki Arisugawa. Of all the rooms in the house you choose this one."
I feel his lips on me and he pulls my top off , he slides his fingers inside my skirt and pulls it off . I lay in the middle of the bed and he puts him self between my legs and kisses my tummy.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm not going to over work you. So tonight I just want you to sleep."
I close my eyes and he lays his head on my tummy, he drifts off to . I wake up to his phone ringing I reach for the phone on the bed to hear my brother.
Prince Wilfred " sis me and Cathy are on the plane, and congrats girl. Seriously twins again."
Pheonix " yeah . Make sure you keep Cathy comfortable."
Prince Wilfred " I will I'll see you soon."
I feel Yuki move . I place the phone on the bed , Yuki sits up and hovers over my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " are you hungry."
Pheonix "starving."
He climbs of me and walks out the door. I hear ghost come in and lay next to me on the bed.
Ghost " so what's happening today."
Eito " ahh really I was hoping to spend some time with mum . And dad will kill you if he finds out your in bed with my mum."
Messing around I push ghost.
Pheonix " yeah listen to Eito. Get out my bed."
I climb off the bed in my underwear and walk upstairs into my room. I head into the shower  after I get dressed and come out when I see a lump in my bed .
Pheonix " River are you still sleeping."
I lift the covers and he pulls me to him.
River " now I got you mummy, your all mine ."
Pheonix " is that so my little prince, want to know a secret."
River " yeah."
Pheonix " my fall Name is Baileys Phoenix River Arisugawa."
River looks at me for a second and smiles.
Pheonix " I named you and of course your always going to be my special little man."
River " mum , what about Eito."
Pheonix " your daddy named him Eito ."
Eito comes in and climbs on the bed and sits on my lap.
Eito " so what is my fall name ."
Eisuke " Eito Pheonix Taiga. Your brother is River Yuzuru Levi."
Eito " but why ."
Pheonix " Phoenix is my name right , Taiga is a close friend of mine and ghost's .Yuzuru is one of Daddy's close friends and Levi is my fathers middle name."
River " so there meaningfull names."
Eisuke " that's right , we agreed on giving you your mothers names solely for that fact that when you was told the truth, you would feel love like no other."
Pheonix " that's right . And this living arrangement, any chance I can have my bed back."
Eito " no way ."
River " same here."
Pheonix " ahh you boys are just terrible. So were do me and Yuki sleep."
Eito " well you'll sleep in this bed with me and River. Yuki can sleep on the floor."
I start laughing when Yuki comes in and over hears us . He reaches for River and tickles him.
Yuki Arisugawa " make me sleep on the floor huh."
River " haha stop it . "
River manages to get out of his grip and wraps his arms around me.
River" you can't get me now."
Yuki Arisugawa " right then mummy gets tickled."
Pheonix " o my Yuki no stop."
The twins come running in a glen starts crying.
Prince Glen " Daddy stop it . "
Pheonix " laughing, I tell glen it's alright."
Pheonix " Yuki please stop now ."
He lifts glen in to the air and Glen starts squealing.Mercedes pulls my hand and I pick her up I leave Yuki and the boys and find ghost and Eisuke in the office.
Ghost " Eisuke let the boys stay here with there mum."
Eisuke " Pheonix has enough to deal with , but if that's what the boys want then I'll agree."
Ghost " Eisuke you brought a hotel here so the boys would still see there mother."
I walk into the office and it goes quite.
Pheonix " ghost take Mercedes let me have a chat with Eisuke for a minute."
She takes Mercedes and leaves the office.
Pheonix " Eisuke we have to let the boys decide, I know we agreed that you would raise them but I think it's fair for them to choose."
Eisuke " why would you agree with ghost."
Pheonix " I'm sorry I'm not agreeing with anyone. I just think it's down to the boys."
Eisuke " and what if I say no."
Pheonix " really your going to tell them no. Wow Eisuke I'm shocked, they may be your children but let's get one thing straight I'm there mother and I will do what's right by them . You do this they will resent you because of it."
I walk into the room and collect the clothes on the floor and Eisuke is behind me as I turn I walk into him.
Pheonix " for as long as I have known you , you have controlled everything your demanding ways . At least allow the boys to grow knowing I didn't abandon them."
Eisuke puts his face in mine.
Pheonix " you don't scare me ."
Eisuke " me and you will always have a bond because of the boys."
Pheonix " don't spoil it now . Let the boys know there background, let them know the real me."

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