Finding out my best friend betrayed me .

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Eisuke " one thing I want from you."
Pheonix " what is it."
Eisuke " for 12 years me and ghost have been trying for a baby. And all of a sudden she's pregnant."
Pheonix " she'd never cheat on you never, I know that girl inside and out I also know when she's lying."
I place the clothes on the bed and cup Eisuke's face.
Pheonix " I promise you now she'd never cheat."
Eisuke " but she has though ."
Pheonix " omg Eisuke I know you both so well , let me talk to her."
I'm about to leave when Eisuke pulls me into his arms. Yuki stand in the door way
Eisuke "Pheonix I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you gave me boys that now no the truth."
Pheonix " Eisuke would you mind Yuki is looking a little jealous."
Yuki comes in.
Yuki Arisugawa " I heard everything, Eisuke I'm starting to understand why you despise men touching your wife. But I'll let this slide only because of the relationship you have with my wife. If you was someone else me and you would be fighting by now."
Still in Eisuke arms I turn to face Yuki to feel his lips on mine .
Pheonix " mmm I really love your lips Yuki, Eisuke would you mind . I will talk to ghost I promise."
Eisuke lets go and walks of of the room. And Yuki pulls me into him.
Yuki Arisugawa " what if ghost has cheated on him."
Pheonix " I can tell you this if she has it would break him. Omg Yuki what am I going to do if she has , Jesus I really don't want to think about it."
Yuki thightens his arms around me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I really don't know what to say that would help. You really know them both so well , surly ghost would of said."
Pheonix " if she has then she's keeping it from me as she knows my feelings on that . Fucksake . Anyway me and you have a meeting at the office in the morning. I'll ask ghost tonight."
That evening after my brother and Cathy Arriving I check on Cathy I find her room and knock on the door .
Pheonix " hay how's my favourite girl doing ."
I check her blood pressure and vitals and her temperature.
Pheonix " how about I make you some soup."
Princess Cathy " I'd like that thank you Pheonix."
I leave the room and head downstairs I see Yuki at his desk and Wilfred and Eisuke. The boys are in the lounge watching tv. And I find Ghost in the kitchen I find a tin of soup and heat it .
Pheonix " I'm glad your here ghost I need to speak to you."
Ghost " what is it."
I pull a chair from underneath the table and sit down I see Eisuke and I give him a nod.
Pheonix " ghost I want your complete honesty, this baby is it Eisuke's."
She turns her head away from me , I lean over the table and grip her face.
Pheonix " ghost seriously please tell me otherwise."
The microwave pings and I get up and sort it I pull out a tray and cut the bread into triangles and pour the soap into a bowl and carry the tray I look at ghost and she's crying.
Pheonix " I'm taking this up to Cathy, this conversation isn't finished with."
I take the tray up stairs and place it on Cathy's bed.
Pheonix " try and eat some I'll be back in a Bit."
I head back down stairs and ghost in sitting on the step outside the front door.
Ghost " this baby isn't Eisuke, he's gonna flip when he hears."
I can't control my anger towards my dearest friend.
Pheonix " fucksake Ghost why omg who is he and don't fucking lie to me."
She looks at the floor and tells me who he is and that he's staying in the hotel not far from here.
Pheonix " I'm so angry right now."
I walk back into the house and I knock on the office door and I make my way over to Yuki.
Pheonix " I need the car keys, I'm stepping out I won't be long."
As I leave Eisuke grabs me and he can fill the gun in my back
Pheonix "Eisuke not now. Please."
I walk out the office and shut the door.
Ghost " what are you going to do ."
I raise my voice at her.
Ghost " please don't ."
With out thinking the office door opens and I swing my hand into ghosts face.Yuki
Arisugawa " Pheonix."
Pheonix " Yuki fuck off , I'm going to do something let me do it."
I climb into the car and ghost stands outside, I drive a few miles and pull up outside Eisuke's hotel, I get out of the car and walk inside.
Receptionist" excuse me miss can I help you."
Pheonix " I need to know what room Riki Yanase is in."
Receptionist " is he expecting you ."
I pull out my phone and call Eisuke.
Eisuke " what's wrong."
Pheonix " I need you to tell your receptionist to give me the room key."
I pass her the phone and I hear Eisuke
Eisuke " give her anything she needs and tell her me and Yuki are leaving now."
I take my phone and the key card and head upstairs to the room , I swip the card and close the door quietly and sneak into the room I see Riki lying on his front, tears full from my eyes I drag him off the bed by his hair.
Riki Yanase " Pheonix what the hell."
Pheonix " I can't believe you , Jesus Riki you cheated on me 12 years ago and you still haven't changed."
Riki Yanase " wow Pheonix this again."
Pheonix " tell me you didn't sleep with Ghost."
Riki Yanase " fuck yes she was easy."
I pull him up and I place my hand around his throat as I smash him into the table, I hear the door open and Eisuke and Yuki comes inside.
Pheonix " you'll never learn will you."
Whilst my hand is gripping his throat my other hand squeezes his balls he starts screaming.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix."
Pheonix " Yuki I asked you once don't make me ask you again."
Riki Yanase " listen to your boyfriend."
I climb onto the table and saddle him and Yuki looks on in shock.
Eisuke " Pheonix what has you so worked up."
Pheonix " Riki tell me why you choose Ghost."
Yuki holds Eisuke back .
Riki Yanase " She was the one I cheated with when we was together, then a few months ago she turned up at my door , telling me she couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't look the boys in there faces knowing she couldn't bring them into the world. Pheonix you don't have to do this ."
Eisuke falls to his knees and tears fall from him .
Pheonix " you see that guy there you have just broken him knowing you got his wife pregnant."
Riki Yanase " Pheonix please get off me."
Pheonix " if I do you don't think Eisuke won't finish you him self."
The table gives way and Riki and I fall threw it .
Pheonix " I can't walk out of this room knowing that you would do it again."
I use Riki to climb to my feet as I walk away from him he pulls the gun from my back and grabs me .
Riki Yanase " come any closer and she dies."
Pheonix " Eisuke I'm so sorry, Riki you forget who I really am."
I flip him over my back and he goes down with a thud, I stand on his chest and Yuki kicks the gun from his hand and he grips my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm sorry that this peace of shit has hurt you again ."
Pheonix " I'm far from hurt, he thought ghost was an easy fuck ."
Eisuke comes over just as I grab his arm .
Eisuke " why Pheonix and my wife."
Yuki kicks him in the rib.
Yuki Arisugawa " we'll answer him ."
Riki Yanase " me and Pheonix was dating for about a year but she was called away for a bit and I saw ghost in a nightclub, so I tried my luck she never told me she was friends with Pheonix. A few months later Pheonix come back , she found my phone with all the messages, she walked out and 5 years ago was the first time I saw Pheonix again. But ghost told me that the woman who gave birth to your boys Eisuke was Pheonix. Ghost said she couldn't conceive a child even ivf treatment failed. I honestly thought it had something to do with you why she couldn't conceive. But she told me that her ex fucked her up pretty bad. And stabbed her and was told because of the damage she couldn't have any children. I received a text yesterday look on my phone it came from ghost."
Pheonix " even still Riki you have destroyed two hearts in the process. "
Eisuke puts his face into my chest to hide the fact that he's crying.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke lift Pheonix for me please."
Eisuke picks me up into his arms and Yuki stands Riki to his feet .
Yuki Arisugawa " you have one chance to take a swing at me and I may let you walk out of here alive."
Riki Yanase " you wouldn't kill me , it's life in prison for that."
Yuki Arisugawa " not for me it isn't, plus Pheonix is licensed to kill anyone."
Riki looks to Eisuke and Yuki.
Riki Yanase " I see what this is , she's fucking you both . Pheonix really."
Eisuke lets me go and I punch Riki in the face and he just laughs it off.
Riki Yanase " so it's true."
Pheonix " omg Riki you just perverted. Eisuke is a good friend of mine and Yuki is my husband."
Riki Yanase " don't ballshit me Pheonix, the way they both look at you says otherwise."
I step into Riki's face .
Pheonix " lets get one thing straight card on the table yes. Eisuke looks at me with admiration knowing I gave him twins , so if he feels any love there it's because of that reason. Yuki looks the way he does because he's in love with me and fears on what I could actually do."
As I step back Riki pushes me too quick for Yuki or Eisuke to grab me and I smack my face of the glass on the floor and Yuki and Eisuke see my face all bloody I grab the gun and Yuki helps me off the floor.
Pheonix " Riki you don't fight fair."
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke take Pheonix out of here ."
As we're about to leave Riki pulls a small knife from his pillow and stabs Yuki in the shoulder.
Pheonix " Eisuke help me."
I raise my arm with Eisuke's help and I pull the trigger and I callasp . I wake up to a cold flannel over my head and Eisuke helps me sit up.
Pheonix " omg where is Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm right here ."
I pull myself ontop of Yuki I feel his arms wrap around me .
Pheonix " Eisuke what are we going to do about ghost."
Eisuke " divorce her , I can't stay with her not after all this."
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke its not my place to really say this but I'm going to anyway. Riki used them both, you love ghost."
Pheonix " were is Riki now."
Eisuke " at the hospital."
I climb to my feet and I call ghost.
Ghost " yes."
Pheonix " meet me at the hospital."
Yuki Arisugawa " are you alright to drive."
I nod I go over to Eisuke and pull him to his feet I take his hand and pull him out the hotel, we arrive at the hospital and I find a room to clean my face. I look in the mirror while Yuki and Eisuke sit down. I open the draws look for swabs and something to pull the glass out of my cheek. When I've finished I pull off my top and check the dressing on my shoulder and change it . I stitch Yuki's knife wound .I put my top back on and my phone chimes.
Ghost " I'm in the waiting area."
I go and find her and pull her into the room I sit on Yuki's lap .
Pheonix " ghost you have seconds to explain yourself."
Ghost " I'm not sure what to say."
Yuki Arisugawa " you have to be shitting me , me and Pheonix nearly died tonight and you come out with that comment."
Ghost " what do you want me to say."
Eisuke leaves the room.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix go find him I'll talk to ghost."
Just before I leave I look at ghost.
Pheonix " me and you were finished, god girl you could of fucked anyone but nooo you choose Riki not once but twice. You both cheated on me . And now your husband is falling apart."
I walk out of the room and find Eisuke over Riki.
Eisuke " I really want to hurt you right now ."
Riki Yanase " do it then , my child will grow up hating you."
I pull Eisuke away from him .
Pheonix " don't let him piss you off come on he's not worth it."
Eisuke " Pheonix should of killed you."
Pheonix " Eisuke please."
I walk over to Riki and press on his wound.
Riki Yanase " Jesus Christ Pheonix why have you got to do that for ."
Pheonix " because I felt like it . Oh and Riki I'm your doctor so if you leave the hospital will call me."
Me and Eisuke find Yuki and he's face is in ghost's he's screaming at her.
Yuki Arisugawa " ghost do you realise what you have done, there is know coming back from this."
Ghost " sorry won't be accepted with Pheonix."
Yuki Arisugawa " you got that right. Wow ghost there are other ways of getting pregnant. Why Riki."
Ghost " he's nothing like Eisuke."
Yuki Arisugawa " like I'm going to believe that remark. I'll tell you something something Pheonix doesn't know about me. Everything Eisuke is I'm exactly the same , that choker she wears around her neck it's not for fashion it's my claim to her and no one but me can remove it. I control Pheonix with out her realising it . How can a best friend sleep with her best friends boyfriend. I really cannot understand it."
Ghost " so what would happen if Pheonix cheated on you."
Yuki Arisugawa " wow really you really wont to know."
Ghost " I do."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'd make her life hell id ruin her ."
Ghost " wow."
Yuki Arisugawa " but the difference is I know for a fact that Pheonix would never jump in bed with a guy . Plus if the tables was turned she'd never have sex with Eisuke to get one over on you. And I will standby Pheonix if she decides she doesn't want anything to do with you."
I knock on the door and open it and walk in to the room.
Pheonix " Yuki I'm feeling tired and want to go home."
Yuki Arisugawa " okay baby lets go home."
Pheonix " ghost I don't care we're you go but right now your not coming home."
Ghost " Eisuke."
Eisuke ignores her and all go home. We walk through the door and Wilfred is asleep on the sofa and the boys are too. I lift Eito into my arms and River wakes up.
River " mum your home."
Pheonix " I am let's go to bed okay."
I carry Eito up to bed and Eisuke kisses his head and River waits at the top of the stairs, I place Eito in my bed and River climbs in next to him .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix are you okay ."
Pheonix " to be honest I don't think I'll ever be alright I cannot believe my dearest friend betrayed me like this."
I cover the boys and check in on Cathy.
Princess Cathy " hi Pheonix."
Pheonix " I'm glad you eat all your soup."
Princess Cathy " Pheonix I'm still hungry."
I kiss her on the head and go and find something to make for her. I go into the kitchen and Yuki is smoking in the laundry room, I go into the room and wrap my arms around him.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll be up soon don't worry."
Pheonix " I'm not Cathy is hungry."
Yuki Arisugawa " let me cook her something, go find your brother."
I kiss Yuki and leave , I find Wilfred still asleep on the sofa , Eisuke is in the armchair in deep thought. I wake my brother.
Pheonix " hay Wilfred take your self to bed , sleeping here isn't good ."
He gets up and walks up to his room just as I'm about to leave I hear Eisuke.
Eisuke " Pheonix how did you manage to escape the hurt ."
He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.
Pheonix " I kept my self busy , I blocked it all out . But I'm a woman we handle things differently then men."
Eisuke " I know how you felt that night when you feel to your knees in the penthouse, does the pain ever go."
Pheonix " it does in time , Eisuke your a good person. I'm just sorry it's taken till now for both of us to know the truth."
Eisuke " Pheonix I really love her."
Pheonix " I know you do, I can imagine what your heart is going through."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I've done Cathy some boiled eggs,."
As I leave Eisuke grabs my wrist.
Eisuke " you and ghost need to amend your friendship, "
Pheonix " I don't think I can , unless Your considering on taking her back."
Eisuke " oh good god no , I'll be filing for a Divorce."
Pheonix " then my friendship is none invoid . Anyway I'm still your friend and so is Yuki."
Eisuke " your more then just my friend, you have always had a place in my heart because of the boys."
Pheonix " Eisuke stay as long as you need. I need to take Cathy's eggs up . If you need me I'll be in my room."
Eisuke kisses my four head and I leave the room and Yuki gives me the tray, he puts his lips on mine .
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll be up in a minute."
I take the eggs to Cathy and leave her room , I head for my room and change into my night clothes and climb onto bed . I feel Rivers and Eitos hand on my tummy and I fall asleep, not long after Yuki climbs in and I hear his voice.
Yuki Arisugawa " I love you so much Pheonix."
I'm laying in the arms of my Yuki and the boys when my phone rings and Yuki answers for me.
Yuki Arisugawa " Ghost what is it."
Ghost " tell Pheonix I need to talk to her please."
Yuki Arisugawa " Fine , ill tell her but if you upset her you'll answer to me."
Ghost " I'm out side the house."
The call ends and I climb over Yuki to get up as I'm walking away he grabs my wrist.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix what are you going to do."
Pheonix " I'm going to hear what she has to say ."
I walk down stairs and open the front door, ghost walks in and I head for the office, Eisuke is sleeping on the sofa. I sit in the chair at the desk and she sits on the desk infront of me.
Pheonix " well I'm listening,."
Ghost " Pheonix I'm truly sorry it was never my intention to hurt you. Back then I must admit I betrayed your trust, I did have sex with Riki."
My hands start to shake and my eyes water . Yuki slips in with out me knowing.
Pheonix " Ghost we made a promise to each other in primary school, that we'd always have each other's back , I protected you when you was being bullied I even beat them up because I wouldn't allow them to walk over you. When we went to high school I'd even do your homework because you found it boring. College and university. I remember clear as day not long after Dollie started primary school you called me because you was fighting with your ex. When I arrived he had you against the wall screaming in you face telling you that you made him sick , all the bruises over you he raped you I wasn't going to let him think he was better then you . I ended his life that day . At the time I didn't know he stabbed you until you fell ontop of me . After you recoverd and I found out that Riki cheated on me I never knew it was with you , but what I could never understand is why you hid that from me , if the shoe was on the other foot , and Riki was with you I would never in a million years sleep with him because of the fact that we are best friends. Let me tell you something Ghost when I worked with Eisuke for a while we become very close we would talk about you I told Eisuke about your past. And Eisuke asked me if he could date you , I agreed. And to be honest Ghost I'd never agree to anything . That night in the penthouse we had sex. Eisuke wasn't upset or hurt by it, and I honestly thought we cheated on him but Eisuke kissed me on the head and explained that you was in love with two people at the same time and considering it was me you was having sex with it didn't bother him. As a matter of fact it made him more hungrier for you. So you see Ghost you may have betrayed me but Eisuke is the one that is hurting right now .
And being that he is the father to my boys I will do everything to make sure he will be alright."
Ghost " I was black mailed by Riki that night in the club he spiked me drink and I woke up in his bed naked, I knew then something happened. And I didn't know how to face you and tell you. That night you turned up at the penthouse I watched the way Eisuke was with you and I honestly thought he was going to devour you sexually. I texted Eisuke when you was in the shower asking him if I could have sex with you and his reply was go for it enjoy yourself. I told him it felt like I was cheating on him and he told me because it was with you it's not cheating.
And that faithful day when Eisuke called you to the penthouse and he sat you down I watched the way he looked at you when he asked you to give us a child. You said to Eisuke you would never have sex with him for him to give you a baby. But 4 months ago I found an email from Riki saying that he was going to kill you and if I didn't go to him and give him what he wanted then he would seriously hurt Dollie so it killed me inside knowing that he would try and hurt you , so I went to his house and he showed me pictures of you naked and Dollie he even had a gun. Pheonix believe me I wouldn't of done this otherwise , I knew after all these years you thought my corner I had to stop him one way or another."
She shows me the text on her phone.
"Riki I'm not doing what you ask of me anymore, if you go for Pheonix she will kill you herself. And this baby is not yours"
Ghost " I may of had sex with him but I went to the hospital and asked them if they still had your embryos and Eisuke's sperm. To my delight they did I had to go back 48 hours later as they was frozen. Pheonix I really really love you and I'd never want to hurt you for as long as I live."
I reach past her and dial a number of the office phone after a few rings it answers.
Taiga " wow Pheonix I wasn't expecting your call . Can I help you with something."
Pheonix " you can 11 years ago you froze my embryo's and Eisuke's sperm."
Taiga " that's right Eisuke asked for this insistent he was . In case he wanted another child. But I used the last batch 4 months ago actually Mrs Ichinomiya begged me to un freeze them and put them into her. Pheonix I apologise I should of asked you for your permission."
Tears fall from me again.
Pheonix " thank you Taiga. My permission wasn't necessary being that me and Eisuke signed a contract saying the embryos belonged to him."
Taiga " I guess it's alright then . Listen Pheonix I really have to dash as I have surgery in 5 . Goodbye."
I stand up from the chair and Ghost looks petrified. I pull her into my arms and she starts crying.
Pheonix " Ghost promise me next time something is wrong fucking tell me . "
Ghost " Pheonix I wasn't sure how you would react to be honest with you, I took them embryos with out your consent."
Eisuke " so stealing embryos and lying to both me and Pheonix. Ghost I cannot believe this."
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke you won't need to apply for a divorce. And Pheonix doesn't lose you both."
Ghost cups my face.
Ghost" Pheonix I truly love you. I needed to protect you and Eisuke."
I wipe her tears from her face and with out thinking my lips are on hers .
Pheonix " don't ever betray me again do you hear . Now I will finish what I started last night and trust me it won't be pretty."
Ghost is still in my arms for a lot longer then expected. And Eisuke and Yuki stand there and watch.
Eisuke " Pheonix what is it that you're going to do."
Pheonix " I'm going to end Riki's life he's hurt the people I love the most. I'm not letting him think he can walk free."
I pull from Ghost and walk into the room and pull a box from underneath the bed. And I pull out a black cloth. The three of them walk in and Yuki and Ghost' eyes goes wide. I unwrap the cloth to uncover 2 samari swords.
Eisuke " I can't believe you still have these."
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke what do you mean."
Eisuke " Pheonix is a true fighter for her birthday I gave these to her after the twins wore born. It was a token of my love for her."...

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