Yuki's proudest moment with the children. Chapter 31

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I'm still embracing Yuki from behind and he's hands hold mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby this is the proudest moment ever, watching the children encourage Storm."
Rhilina " Storm you need to throat punch them if they don't back off."
Storm " but that would really hurt them."
Yuki " that's what it's designed for . Mum beat up nearly everyone in her school for picking on auntie Ghost."
Eito " didn't I hear that your Dad helped."
Storm " wooh Daddy helped mummy now that's cool, I want to find a best friend and marry him like mum and dad. Then that way any fights I end up in my husband will be by my side ."
I tighten my arms around Yuki and whisper into his ear,
Pheonix " I guess Storm is like me after all. This is a beautiful moment seeing that her siblings will fight along side her ."
Yuki Arisugawa " since when is she getting a husband, I never agreed to any of that nonsense."
Pheonix " aww Yuki she's only 8 give her time, at least you know if she falls her siblings will be there to pick her up."
Yuki Arisugawa " Storm Daddy will teach you how to fight, but your only allowed to use it in self defence."
Rhilina " ahh shut up dad , we're having a moment here with our baby sister."
I leave the room and take a shower and get dressed, when I come out of the shower Eisuke is sat on the bed.
Pheonix " Eisuke what is it."
Eisuke " where is Ghost."
Pheonix " I don't care where she is right now , ring her . Please leave so I can get dressed."
He leaves and I get dressed and go down stairs, I give the boys there gifts.
Pheonix " boys I'm sorry it's not much but I've been so busy I haven't had a proper chance, there bigger gifts are from Yuki and Storm."
They boys opens there's and pull out an 18ct gold curb chain River has a pair of boxing gloves and Eito has a pair of diamond headphones hanging from it.
Eito " thanks mum this is awesome."
River " yeah mum thanks a lot ."
Eisuke hands over his and they have matching bracelets
.Eisuke " boys I really didn't know what to get it was only because your mum brought your chains that it gave me an ideal."
Yuki Arisugawa " my gifts ain't as good as your mum and dads but seeing that you had your ears pierced I thought these would go."
They open the box to find Diamond studs.
Eito " this is rad thanks Yuki."
River " yeah , it's not something dad would allow but this is really cool."
The boys get me to put there studs in and Storm comes out with a Big box with holes in it.
Storm " Eito and River this is a shared gift and boy is it heavy."
Pheonix " baby why can I hear scratching."
The boys rip open the box to see a pure white cat with the name tag with Eito's name on it and a pure black cat with the name tag River.
Pheonix " I'm not sure Yoogi's gonna like this ."
Rhilina" Yoogi is too old to care ."
Eito and River" Storm did you pick these out yourself."
Storm" I had help auntie Autumn helped me."
Pheonix " Yuki what happened to yours ."
Yuki goes all shy all of a sudden, and pulls out two small boxs from her father's pockets and gives them over and she wraps her arms around her father's neck. Eito opens his and it's a ring with the letters E. And River has the same.
Eito and River" Yuki will cherish these we promise."
Pheonix " right it's time we leave you boys alone, no funny business. Uncle Yuzuru will tell me if there is."
We leave the house and climb into the car.
Baileys " mum where are we going."
Pheonix " well Eisuke is taking you to the zoo. And me and Yuki have an arrangement to get to."
Jean " so what about mummy and daddy.
Pheonix " they will be back soon mummy is choosing her dinner service and flowers for the wedding."
We drop them off and me and Yuki head over to Minni's place and check on the horses.
Yuki Arisugawa " it's been a while since we came here."
I saddle the two horses.
Pheonix " Yuki I have somewhere to take you."
I climb the horse and we trot side by side enjoying the sun , we arrive at a house.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix were is this place."
Pheonix " remember we brought some houses a while back , this is one of them . This has a fantastic view as well as other things."
I jump down off the horse and place them in the stables I take Yuki's hand and pull him inside the house .
Pheonix " I'm thinking about giving it to Keith and Dollie as a wedding gift."
Yuki Arisugawa " but I enjoy having them home."
Pheonix " this can be there place to hide away , come on don't tell me your not interested in having a Granddaughter running around."
Yuki Arisugawa " I see now this place is just a fuck pad for them."
Pheonix " exactly, I'm sure there going to need loads of privacy when there married. Oh yes I also booked them 2 weeks in Hawaii for there Honeymoon."
Yuki Arisugawa " you realise this wedding is going to leave a dent on my credit card."
Pheonix " so what if it does it won't be long before Rhilina gets married, we're will we be then . Yuki and Storm will never leave home and the boys are not planning on marrying let alone have girlfriends. Glen wants to marry and have a big house with lots of children."
Yuki pulls me into his arms .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby are you happy."
Pheonix " of course I am your the only man who can make me happy and the love you show me everyday, I love the idea of falling in love with you over and over. I'm glad that the children see that your worship the ground there mother walks on, Storm wants to follow in my footsteps. While there still young let's make enough memories that when we leave this world they'll remember everything that we ever did for them."
Yuki Arisugawa " what happened to my wife have you drugged her as she seems to be very high."
Pheonix " I'm high on you . Yuki I love you so much and I'm glad the children feel it the most."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's very true our children love you so much. But let's not forget you had me fall for you, I always looked forward to seeing you at school, I feel in love with a fearless woman strong willed a woman who never let anyone walk all over her, a woman that wouldn't allow anyone to mess with her friends. I will happily fight by your side. Pheonix "I'm glad that your mine, I'm especially glad you didn't marry anyone else."
Yuki cups my face and kisses me he then places he's lips to my ear and whispers.
Yuki Arisugawa " if you would do it again would you marry me."
Pheonix " I'd marry you without hesitation. Why?."
Yuki Arisugawa " we've been together 11 years and you have given me enough to think about in 10 years time."
Yuki's phone breaks our peaceful day.
Yuki Arisugawa " what is it."Eito " we're finished tell mum she can come home."
Yuki ends the call. He takes my hand and we leave.
Yuki Arisugawa " the boys have had enough, fancy joining me on the horse."
I take the reins for the other horse and climb onto Yuki's he hugs me from behind and places his hands on my tummy.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm glad we're having these boys. "
Pheonix " I bet you are , omg more chaos in the Arisugawa house hold."
Yuki rests his head on my shoulder and we make our way back . We arrive at the stables and put the horses away and drive home , Yuki holds my hand playing with my wedding band. We arrive home and climb out of the car.
Pheonix " we're home."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll make you a tea go join the boys in the lounge."
I head into the lounge and the boys are playing a video game
Eito " Mum fancy ago."
Pheonix " yeah go on then , where are the others."
River " dad took them to the hotel for the night."
I take the control and I end up beating River and Eito starts laughing.
River " ahh shit Mum you just knocked me out of high score."
Eito " haha Glens gonna piss him self laughing all this time he couldn't knock you off the high scores, mum plays one round and kicks you clear off it ahh this is funny . Mum wait a sec I have to take a snapshot and send it to Glen."
River " actually I don't mind mum kicking my ass at the game let her thrash you Eito."
Eito " very well mum want to try."
Yuki comes in with my tea and puts it on the table and sits down he lifts my legs on his lap and massage's my calf's. And I play against Eito again I knock Eito of the score board.
Eito " you can't be serious mum how the hell."
Yuki Arisugawa " when mum was pregnant with the girls and couldn't sleep at night she'd play this game. "
River " well then that explains it , Mum drink your tea before it gets cold , Yuki it's your turn."
Eito passes my tea and I sip it watching Yuki and River play.
River " damn it Yuki that's not on."
Yuki Arisugawa " River you play Durtie know wonder Glen can't beat you."
Eito " Mum there must be something your not good at."
Thinking it over Yuki jumps in .
Yuki Arisugawa" mums shit at poker , ."
Eito " that's it then Yuki wanna play."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll go get the cards , you'll need money."
Pheonix " there's money in my purse, wait a minute Yuki how high are the stakes here."
He leaves the room and calls us into the garden and we go and sit Kazuomi and Yuzuru appear.
Pheonix " that's it I already fold Kazuomi cheats and Yuzuru tries to look at my cards."
They start laughing.
Yuki Arisugawa " you both need to sit far away from Pheonix. Baby play the game."
Yuki shuffles the cards and deals .
Pheonix " now then boys uncle Kazuomi and Yuzuru play very high stakes so I have one thing as a last resort but you boys better win. Yuki this is un fair I've lost to you many times what's in it for me."
He comes over and kisses my neck and whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " you still need to be punished. If you win I'll let you decide."
Eito and River win a peace.
Eito " dads gonna freak gambling at the age of 16."
Pheonix " now boys this is a family game I would never allow you to play if I knew you was going to lose."
They all fold except Yuki I watch his face and the look he gives me he's lost .
Pheonix " Yuki my darling I'm going all in and that includes my precious kawzaki ."
River " shit mum dad will throw a fit if you lose that bike ."
Eito " yeah I know that bike cost dad a shit load."
Yuki places his cards on the table and to my surprise I win. But don't revile my cards, I get out of the chair and walk over to Yuki and Kazuomi, yuzuru and the boys look worried.
Pheonix " baby you put in you car keys and 100,00 down ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I did why what's wrong."I cover the cards and rest my chin on his shoulder and spread the cards on the table.
Pheonix " do you remember what you said."
Yuki Arisugawa " uh huh."I flip my cards over and the boys start laughing as well as Yuzuru and Kazuomi.
Yuzuru " shit Pheonix you won your first hand. Yuki what's it like losing against that beautiful wife of yours. Haha."
Eito rings his father and puts it on load speaker.
Eito " Dad you have just missed a night with mum playing poker and Yuki lost haha."
Eisuke " Eito Mum has Cctv so I'll find out. Well done Pheonix maybe we can play sometime."
Pheonix " if Ghost is looking after the children I think I still have one game left in me."
Eisuke " I'll be there in 10 don't start without me."
We wait for Eisuke and yuzuru goes and gets a bottle of Burben and glasses, Eisuke makes his way and sits. Yuzuru pours everyone except me a glass.
Pheonix " boys don't drink it in one take your time."
Yuki shuffles again and deals the cards.
Eisuke " how high are the stakes."
Yuzuru " anything really but if the boys win the money goes into there accounts. If they win the cars of Pheonix's kawzaki then will think of something."
I watch around the table, and watch there faces , Kazuomi folds as well as yuzuru and the boys.
Eito " Dad what if mum wins again. What will you put in to sweeten the deal."
Eisuke "I'll do something for the twins."
Being that I've come to know there facial expressions I walk back into the house and back out again. I throw in another set of car keys and keys to one of our mansion.Eisuke puts his cards on the table and so does Yuki. I place mine upside down .
Pheonix " Yuki Eisuke if I win this round I own you both ."
Eisuke "I'm not happy about you putting your bike up for calatorol but will you just flip all ready."
Yuki Arisugawa " please baby I can't take the suspense. If you win these guys won't let us forget."
Yuzuru " haha you got that right."
I kiss yuki's neck and flip my cards, all of a sudden I hear laughing Eito , River yuzuru and Kazuomi.
Kazuomi " fucksake Pheonix you've gotten good what's the secret."
Pheonix " I'm not saying nothing."
Eito " Yuki you said mum was shit."
River " yeah two hands and she wins both."
Eisuke " I'm just glad she still keeps the bike."
Yuzuru " I really can't believe it you both just got owned haha."
Yuki Arisugawa " one more them I'm out."
Yuki hands the cards to Eito and he shuffles and deals I look at mine and place the on the table upside down. And watch again there facial expressionless
Kazuomi " I fold."
Eisuke " me too."
Yuzuru and Yuki put in more money.
Eito and River " we fold too."
I chuck in my car keys and some money.
Yuki Arisugawa " I thought the boys had all the money."
Pheonix " they did this is my personal stash."
Yuki turns his cards . I kiss him on the lips and flip my cards
Pheonix " baby I'm so sorry."
Eisuke " fuck me Pheonix , next time we play I'm letting Soryu and the others know . We should make a night out of it, just promise me you won't ever gamble with your bike again."
Kazuomi can't stop laughing.
River " wow Mum you're good."
Pheonix " yeah will do. Yuki I'm ready for bed. Boys I'm glad you had a brilliant day."
Eito " even more so playing poker with you."
River " yeah dad we want more money to play next time."
We say goodnight and make our way to bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " all this time you was really bad at playing what gives."
Pheonix " haha like I'm telling you."
We walk upstairs and I walk into the bathroom and get washed.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix tell me darling."
I walk back out and Yuki puts his arms in my shoulders and pulls the hair pin from my hair.
Pheonix " baby that would ruin the hole game,"
He disappears into the bathroom.
Yuki Arisugawa " have you decided what you want to do with me , it can be anything you really want."
Pheonix " how about you submit to me for ones."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I wasn't keen on it the last time , it was only because you gave me a fantastic view that I couldn't help it."
I pull out Yuki's box from underneath the bed and take a look inside it. Thinking out loud
Pheonix " mmn I don't think he'd appreciate it I used this."
I dig future into the box and find a box that's wrapped , Yuki takes it from my hand.
Pheonix " Yuki what is it ."
Yuki Arisugawa " it belongs to Eisuke."
Pheonix " let me see , and why isn't his stuff in his room."
Yuki Arisugawa " because he already has one ."
I look at Yuki trying to work out why Eisuke has two, I walk over to him and slide my fingers into his hair and yank his head back.
Pheonix " I'm happy to fight you for it, plus if Eisuke already had one in his room why do we have one."
Yuki Arisugawa " I cant say."
I slip out of our room and head into Eisuke's as I switch on the lamp I turn to see Eisuke's exposed naked body, I turn my head back to his nightstand and pull open the draw, as I find the box Eisuke grabs my wrist.
Eisuke " Pheonix what on earth are you doing."
Still holding my wrist I pull out the box and my eyes go wide.
Pheonix " Eisuke please explain this and also tell me why Yuki has one."
Yuki comes into the room and watches everything unfold.
Yuki Arisugawa " uh Eisuke think you need to mmmn ."
Eisuke grabs a pillow and places it over his member.
.Eisuke " Ghost loves me using this on her."
Pheonix " but explain why Yuki has one."
Eisuke " ahh Geez Pheonix take a guess go use it and find out what it does, I'm sure you'll find it very pleasurable."
Just the way he says the word Pleasurable ignites fire in my core .I read the box and instructions and Eisuke slides his fingers into my hair and whispers.
Eisuke " now Pheonix let Yuki have his way with you. And next time you decide to walk into my room and I'm naked don't get any ideas. I know that head is swimming with kinky shit."
He kisses my ear and I practically run out of the room and into mine Yuki comes in and my gown slides to the floor and Yuki stands there while I open the box .
Yuki Arisugawa ' baby would you like some help."
Pheonix " nah . Let me figure it out."
Yuki walks over to me from behind he slides his hand to my throat and gently pulls me to him and the other hand slides down to my thigh and he lifts my leg onto the dresser and whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " now try , now remember I've never used anything like this on you so please be careful."
I slide the toy inside me and I press the button on the wireless part when all of a sudden I feel something suck my G-spot. Yuki kisses the back of my neck as he watches my reaction in the mirror on the dresser as I bite hard on my bottom lip. My free hands grips his hair.
Pheonix " OMG! Eisuke is right about the pleasurable."
Before I can complete my sentence I start to rock my hips and let out a moan so loud the house hears.
Yuki Arisugawa " that good huh."
I look at Yuki through the mirror and Nod, he moves to the side of me and slides his fingers to rub my clit as I throw my head back his other hand cups my head, my I let out an animalistic growl as I scream out in pleasure my essence start dripping out of me , cum runs down my leg.
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck Pheonix I think I'm keeping this toy."
There's a knock on the door and Ghost appears.
Yuki Arisugawa " Nice to see you back Ghosts."
Pheonix " oh baby I'm cumin again."
Ghost comes round to my other side as I'm falling apart in yuki's arms.
Ghost " Pheonix please forgive me, I take it you enjoy that new toy."
I Nod and Yuki takes his hand away from my clit and Ghost places her fingers over my swollen nub and Eisuke comes into the room.
Eisuke " Ghost were are the children."
Ghost " I put them in there beds don't worry. Pheonix Girl you so fucking wet, Eisuke honey would you fetch mine."
Yuki still has a hold of me and Ghost slips around to Yuki and she lays her lips on his.Ghost " I'm sorry for smacking you , I was wrong to ever think anyone could come between us."Pheonix " Ghost would you stop kissing my Yuki. Ohh , Yuki I cannot stand any more."My legs start to shake and he takes the wireless gadget and presses the button I wrapp my arms around him as he sits me on the sofa. Eisuke comes in and Ghost starts undressing infront of me Eisuke pushes her onto the sofa next to me and slides her underwear off.Pheonix " why in my room."Yuki Arisugawa " baby don't worry about that , will be in the new house soon."I watch Eisuke lick his fingers and places his fingers inside Ghost, when he has her wet enough he pushes the toy inside her.Eisuke " I have an idea."Pheonix " the answer is no , the only people who's allowed to touch me is Yuki and Ghost."Yuki Brings his lips to my ear as I watch him swap the wireless gadget with Eisuke.Yuki Arisugawa " me and Ghost will be touching you , will you be a good girl and let Eisuke turn you on with the button."I look at Eisuke and he places the other one into Yuki's hand . Yuki press the wireless button on Ghost and she starts moaning, Eisuke presses the wireless to mine on a lower setting, Yuki drops to his knees and places my legs over his shoulder he burys his face into my pussy I feel his His mouth over my pussyhole and he gently sucks my essences from me. Ghost " aww Pheonix Yuki really loves your pussy doesn't he , you know it turns me on just watching him and the way he drinks you in."I lace my fingers into his hair, I turn to Ghost.Pheonix " oh uh huh. Your lucky with my bump in the way I can't see , and I love watching Yuki and his tongue."I place my fingers over Ghosts clit and bring her on the edge, Eisuke watches both of us fall apart. He sees a hand appear on my tummy and he places his palm ontop of the tiny hand.Eisuke " wow that's incredible watching the baby move. Pheonix if you wish to watch Yuki I'm more then happy to video it for you."Pheonix " fuck off , you would keep a copy for yourself. Uh Yuki right there that's it."Eisuke presses the button and the sucking is more powerful then the last . I reach a point of no return and sprat yuki's face .Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke thanks for the gift I think I'll be using it more often."Ghost slides her fingers over my soaking we pussy and wipes her hand over Eisuke's face. Pheonix " Jesus Ghost we agreed the only one that has the pleasure of tasting me if Yuki and you."Ghost " listen to me girl, my Eisuke loves the taste of you plus there is no harm in it . It's not like he's face is buried in you essence now."Pheonix " Fine Ghost play this Game of yours but I'm telling you now I'm gonna make you spray so hard that Yuki will be tasting you for weeks."Yuki helps me off the sofa and I open Ghost 's legs Yuki and Eisuke sit either side of me, I place my palm onto her pelvis and place my mouth over her soft pussy, I start off slow and watch her start getting frustrated with me she laces her fingers into my hair and I pull back.Pheonix " Yuki would you mind holding that wrist for me please. Eisuke take the other for me."

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