Yuki show's me his past while in barbados. Chapter 21

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Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you do and I will seriously punish you."
He has me covering him in my juices but still holds off letting me cum.
Pheonix " omg Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix don't you dare."
Pheonix " MY KING."
He stops licking instantly and removes the straps from my wrists. He lays me on the bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " would you like me to proceed."
Pheonix " uh huh."
Yuki Arisugawa " come on now Pheonix I need to hear you say please."
I'm still blindfolded. He hovers above me barely allowing our skin to touch.
Pheonix " Yuki please."
His lips are on mine and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He pulls back a little and he finds the bed restraints , he flips me onto my front and whispers.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm going to strap your wrists in places, then I want you to bend over and show my you're dripping wet pussy."
He straps my wrists either side and I stand up and bend over he holds me in place to spread my legs apart. His fingers caress my cheek and I feel his lips on my ear .
Yuki Arisugawa " would you like me to make you cum."
Pheonix " I'd love for you to make me cum but I know you well enough that you have something planned."
Yuki Arisugawa " one second baby."
I feel him get off the bed and he switches the ceiling fan on and I hear him walk out of the room. A few minutes later he comes back and places a straw over my lips.
Yuki Arisugawa " drink I know your thirsty,."
I open my mouth and drink what taste like Vodka, I take a few drops and Yuki pulls the glass away.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll allow you to cum ."He places his mouth over my pussy and I let go soaking him in my cum.
Yuki Arisugawa " I need you to move to the edge of the bed."
With his helps me I grip the hands  of the four poster bed and I feel Yuki sit underneath me.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby fall to your knees. I've got you."
I fall to my knees and he glides inside me I throw my head back into his chest .
Yuki Arisugawa " I've missed this beautiful body of yours. I will draw out my bad girl trust me."
His hand lightly touches my sides , I listen to his moans and we both cum. Yuki undoes the straps around my wrists and he wraps his arms around me and we fall to the bed .
Pheonix " Yuki I need your complete honesty, I read the file."
Yuki Arisugawa " when , I haven't shown you anything."
I pull my self from his arms and walk to my bag and pull the file out.
Pheonix " Yuki you've told me everything . But you lied about Coco's mother."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix come on now."
Pheonix " I want to see this bitch and if I don't like her I will take her life. So Yuki if you don't tell me I'll ask Eisuke."
I sit and wait and he rubs his face with his hands and lets out a sigh. What feels like a life time I open our case and I get dressed. And walk out of the penthouse, I ring ghost as I don't know the lay of of the hotel and I'm lost.
Pheonix " err ghost I'm lost and I need to talk to Eisuke."
Ghost " follow the corridor that your in all the way to the other end and turn right, our penthouse is off there."
She hangs up and I find there suit and head in I find Eisuke in his office and he's on the phone and end his call and pull on his shirt.
Eisuke " what the hell Pheonix ."
Pheonix " you got 10 seconds to explain that comment of the plane. And why Yuki can't tell me."
Eisuke " when you went to the palace ,Dion I think her name is contacted Yuki asking if she could see Coco. Yuki told her it's not happening and that Coco had a mother, Dion threatened him and said if he wouldnt allow her to see Coco then he would Die."
Pheonix " so let me get this straight she appears out of know we're and demands to see her . My god she's 14."
Eisuke " Pheonix that's not all , Dion isn't royalty she's a prostitute an alcoholic and drug addict. She tried to kill Coco when she was born."
Feeling a little shocked I let Eisuke go and Yuki comes in .
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke you told Pheonix."
Eisuke " dude you have to understand I know Pheonix well enough. She needs to know . Come take a seat and explain to her."
Yuki sits down , and I flick through the file and it shows that she lives in Barbados and is a waitress .
Yuki Arisugawa " when I met Dion I didn't know she was these things, and we used each other. A few weeks later I had some dude knock at my door draped in gold and he asked for his money. When I explained I didn't know what he was talking about he pulls Dione hair and draggs her in between us. He said I didn't pay for fucking his girl then I would regret it .I could see she was drunk and doesed up. I refused to pay them any money, 8 months later she turns up at my door pregnant. When she had Coco she tried to sell her at first then because she couldn't get anywhere with that she tried to kill her. I got a call saying she injected our daughter with crack. So I did the only thing I could I arranged with the royal family and the courts that I would be her sole provider and I would protect her , I paid Dion to get out of our life's . When Coco was just 3 months old the maids mentioned your name and said that you was working with the crown and that your marshalarts was amazing, plus if ordered you would shoot to kill . I new then I found you again , when you gave Coco a document saying that your her mother and no one would ever change that I knew then if Dion come between you and Coco you won't rest until she's dead."
I pull Yuki from his seat and wrap my arms around him.
Pheonix" tell me next time ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry baby. What will you do."
Pheonix " I'm taking the bitch out. She's not getting near our daughter."
We stand embracing each other and Ghost decides to break the silence.
Ghost " can it wait, we have dinner reservations and this restaurant at the Cliff Beach Club."
My eyes go wide in shock.
Ghost " Pheonix don't look so scared."
Pheonix " look at the file and tell me my eyes deceive me."
She opens the file and her eyes go wide.
Ghost " damn girl this must be a flouke , who is this peace of trash. My god she looks so ruff you'd think she would be a zombie."
Pheonix " Soryu I need a gun. Eisuke, ghost we will have a meal at this place but you need to watch out for her. And Yuki I'm going to punish you just for not telling me."
Soryu disappears and Eisuke and Ghost go and get ready . Yuki pulls me back to our penthouse on the other side of the hotel. He turns the shower on and strips me out of my clothes.
Yuki Arisugawa " I didn't bring your bulletproof jacket."
Pheonix " I don't need one . Yuki I wanted to tell you something earlier but your surprise made me forget."
Standing under the shower in his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " what is it my darling."
Pheonix " the year I was in the palace killed me being away from you and the children, even though Keith kept bringing them to see me . The last day I was due to come home caused me to be delayed was because I was in a meeting with the royals. I told them Mauritius is our home , and I believe the citizens need to know that they have a Queen, if they allow it then the country will run smoothly, I want to make sure we upgrade all the hospitals, the water companies, I know you joined our country's but uncle Glen doesn't want to run the country, Mauritius is independent and I would like to keep it that way. Even mum said even though she was born there she wants me and you to give Mauritius what it really needs. I've spoken to the university's and there agreeing that we should keep the criculum in every school as well as college's give students the freedom to choose there studies with out payment. Plus Yuki I have decided I don't want to be a Doctor unless it's an emergency and I don't want to become a singer because Sean J and everyone love my voice."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby what ever it is I'll accommodate your every need."
Pheonix " my Eito and River are nearly 16, Coco is 14, Mercedes and Glen are 12. Storm and Yuki's 10. I want to be a mum for a bit. And I also want to have more of your children."
Yuki burys he's face in my neck and starts laughing.
Yuki Arisugawa " I get you want to be a stay at home mum , and I love the idea of you being barefoot and pregnant with my children, you already have a football team. "
Pheonix " then let's make it fair what would make you happy."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby you have satisfied everyone of my needs . One thing I want from you though. And I will allow you to have another child you know I cannot refuse you."
Pheonix " I already know what it is and the answer is yes. But I'm scared of hurting you."
Yuki Arisugawa " you won't hurt me ."
His lips fall on mine when I hear his ring tone that makes me laugh.
Pheonix " I haven't heard that tune in forever. Crazy frog , and who did you assign it to."
He pulls me out the shower and dries his hands and shows me the name. I bend over laughing.
Sean J " yo Yuki any chance I can borrow dat sexy wife of yours."
Yuki Arisugawa " you can but we're getting ready to leave as Ghost and Eisuke made Dinner resivation's."
Sean J" I hear ya . An I know da place it's me mums , listen your gal can play da piano right and I really need a stand in as the stand in is sick."
Yuki passes me the phone.
Pheonix " Sean J you better make it worth my while , other wise I'm not doing it."
Sean J " alright den gal , I need dat banging voice of yours . I want ya to sign me old songs . Dis club luvs me old songs and I really need ya , if your gonna make me beg I will I'll fall to my knees an beg ya."
Pheonix " find me at the restaurant."
I end the call and Yuki gives me a dress bag. I find the underwear he brought me and put them on and slide the dress on I look in the mirror and it hugs me showing every curve.
Yuki Arisugawa " damn Pheonix you look fucking hot."
Pheonix " Yuki how many times have I told you stop buying me dresses that are too short, if I bend over it will give Eisuke, Soryu and Ghost something to think about."
I see him look away in the mirror.
Yuki Arisugawa " please don't , plus I love to make people jealous. Your my wife I want to show off this sexy beautiful body of yours."
I feel his fingers glide up my leg. He bends down and puts my anklet on and kisses my leg , I do his tie and he carries my heels and pulls me out the penthouse, we meet  Eisuke, Ghost , Soryu , Baba, Ota and Yuzuru . Soryu hands me a thigh strap, everyone except Yuki turns . Yuki lifts my dress to my bellybutton and puts the thigh strap on and slides in the gun. He kisses my pelvis over my underwear and pulls the dress down.
Yuzuru Shiba" I really need to find a wife, thanks Yuki displaying Pheonix is enough to turn anyone's mind."
Ghost " ahh yeah before I forget, Pheonix I looked up this night club and we're going there after dinner."
Pheonix " wow , I feel like Eito getting told what to do. Ghost if we go then Yuki and Eisuke ain't sitting on there butts all night."
Ghost " haha , Dollie has been teaching Eisuke. At first it was funny to watch."
Pheonix " Omg! . I've got to see this."
Yuki puts my heels on the floor and I slip into them and he pulls me into him and we walk out of the hotel. We walk to the restaurant and we are ushered to a table, when I hear a loud voice.
Sean Js mum" well if it isn't my darling Pheonix, come here girl let me feast my eyes on you."
I walk up to her and being 6"2 including heels , she grabs my waist making her look like a dwarf.
Pheonix " oh Kat it's been some time."
Kat" how many times call me mum yes . The last time I saw you was when you was in university."
She pulls me into a hug.
Kat" let me guess still like my cooking yes."
I nod and she pulls away and disappears, a try of drinks are placed on the table.
Waitress " bourbon for Mr Shiba here , a malt whisky for Mr Ichinomiya and Mr Baba. A pint for Ota , Prince Yuki I wasn't sure so I did a brandy. Mrs Ichinomiya and Miss spencer are Vodkas."
As she hands ghost hers I pull the glass a neck it.
Pheonix " ghost will have a banana surprise no alcohol she's pregnant."
Waitress " yes Miss spencer my apologies."
She goes and makes ghost's drink when i feel yuki's hand pull my face to look at him.
Yuki Arisugawa " when she comes back please correct her with your name."
Pheonix " I will , Yuki is something wrong."
Yuki Arisugawa " no , just tell her your last name."
He lets go of my face and Sean J walks in and waves me over . I climb to my feet and to his word he falls to his knees.
Sean J" please imma beggin ya sing wid me ."
I start laughing and place my palm over my mouth.
Pheonix " aww Sean J I hate seeing you so desperate. Of course I'll sing with you."
He pulls me into his arms and whispers into my ear.
Sean J" I want ya to sing, my gal is sick but she'll see ya on dat there."
He points to a camera and I look.
Pheonix " Sean J I'd love to but is she aware."
He pulls out his phone and rings the number and hands me the phone.
Pheonix " hello, I'm sorry your not feeling well ."
Women" my name is Keri Kat deluna, Sean J said you have an excellent voice.  I'll make it up to you of course, and I can't believe my brother fell to his knees to grovel. Haha you must be someone special for Sean J to be asking."
Pheonix " you could say that , im married to Yuki Arisugawa. And I would love to sing No one ."
Keri Kat deluna" OMG!. No way .Now I understand. Alright I've doesed my self up and I know it's your birthday tomorrow, so I'll see you on stage ."
Pheonix " if you tell me your symptoms I can tell you how to get rid ."
Keri Kat deluna " your a Doctor too. Very well , I'm feeling exhausted I'm stressed and have a blocked nose and my head hurts real bad."
Pheonix " lavender bath oils the pure stuff not the fake shit. Pour into a steaming hot bath , take migraleve and soak for as long as you need. By morning you'll feel way better."
Keri Kat deluna " thank you Pheonix I'll give it ago, have fun tonight alright."
We end the call and I see the curly haired girl give Ghost her drink and I grab her arm before she walks away. I look at everyone and Yuki gives me a nod and a smile.
Waitress " I'm sorry Miss spencer is there a problem."
Pheonix " yes there is . First my name is not Miss Spencer, my full name is Baileys Pheonix-River Yuki Arisugawa. And secondly if I find any alcohol in my girls drink you'll regret  ever crossing me. Understood."
She goes white as a sheet and I can see fear in her eyes.
Waitress " so your married to Yuki."
Pheonix " that I am and by your reaction I know exactly who you are."
Waitress " please I don't want to cause a fuss."
Pheonix " I will be needing to talk to you very soon."
I let her arm go and test ghosts drink while she watches. She walks away and another waitress brings the food over.
Waitress " now then mumma Kat is very happy to see you all here and everything is on the house.
Pheonix mumma Kat wants to see you before you leave tonight."
I give her a nod I slide off my heels and place my legs over Yuki.
Ghost " I can't believe Sean J got on his knees."
Pheonix " he was desperate his sister is in bed and she asked me to sing No one  for her."
Ghost " don't play like that . I'm Keri's agent."
Pheonix " call her and ask."
Eisuke saves me by shoving chicken in her mouth. We enjoy our food and enjoy the conversation around the table.
Yuzuru shiba." Pheonix Yuki said your after better technology in the university."
Pheonix " yeah , why you interested."
Yuzuru Shiba." Actually yes , fancy co-joining with me."
I look at Yuki not knowing what to say before I open my mouth.
Yuki Arisugawa " of course she would, plus if your planning on moving to Mauritius the boys would love it."
Yuzuru Shiba "well I'll write the contract and we'll sign tomorrow."
I hear Sean J shout my name across the mic.
Sean J" sorry me sister ain't ere but I ave someone very special would ya give a round of applause for my gal Pheonix."
Yuki kisses me and pushes me to my feet and I walk over Sean J puts his arm around me and hands me a mic.
Sean j" dis is a one off so Pheonix imma let you sing your heart out."
The music play and I give a wink to the camera.

( Pheonix:)
I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry
'cause Everything's gonna be alright People keep talking, they can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's gonna be alright
People keep talking, they can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you
Can get in the way of what I feel I know some people search the world
To find something like what we have
I know people will try, try to divide something so real
So 'til the end of time,
I'm telling you there ain't no one
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh o
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh..
I take the sheet of paper and my eyes go wide. As I scan the words Yuki walks over and Sean J hands him a mic .
Yuki takes my hand
Yuki Arisugawa " baby you got this show them."...

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