Chapter 15 - The Good Times

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                                                                      - A Few Months Later - 

 "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Miracle, Happy Birthday to you!" We all cheered as Miracle turned 1 year old. I was clutching Chris's arm, and CJ had his around Delilah's shoulders. I smiled looking at my baby girl poking her birthday cake and glanced around at everyone who came to her party. Zeik was laughing with Lucy at Miracle's frosting covered mouth, and CJ was smiling down at Delilah who he had asked to be his girlfriend a few weeks ago. Aiden had met a nice girl named Andy who had burgundy hair and a dazzling smile, they were holding hands and smiling at each other and I was snuggled into Chris's side watching our little girl enjoy her cake. Munro and Dani sent her a birthday card and Dustin tried to call from prison but due to the restraining order I had put against him, he was in deep trouble for trying to contact us. Everyone was happy for once, I had my family in one piece and was loving every second of it. "Melody, Chris, get behind Miracle so we can take a family picture!" Lucy yelled breaking me from my thoughts. I kissed Miracle's frosting covered face and grinned at Lucy with Chris smiling at me. "On 3. 1...2...3...snap." I laughed as Chris rubbed frosting on my face and it was just in time for me to bust out laughing in the picture. I glared at him and kissed his cheek smearing lavender colored frosting on him. He laughed and hugged me as Lucy snapped more pictures. "Cutest couple ever!" Delilah laughed and CJ grinned at her. "But I have the cutest girlfriend ever." He leaned down and kissed her softly making her instantly flush pink. I smiled at them knowing my brother was finally getting what he deserved, love, undying love. CJ smiled at her and she smiled back at him the way I look at Chris. Lucy and Zeik continued to snap pictures of everyone until we headed onto the patio out back for the barbecue. CJ and Chris grilled together while Delilah, Andy, Lucy and I sat down with our legs in the pool. "So do you think she had a good birthday?" Andy asked looking at Aiden who was laughing with Zeik looking at pictures from the party. "Definitely, thank you guys for coming too." I smiled at them and they all nodded. "That's what family is for Mel, we're always here no matter what." Lucy smiled at me and then grew concern across her face, looking over my shoulder. I looked back to see Dani and Munro walking through the backyard over to CJ and Chris. "Uh oh.." I hopped up bolting over to Chris's side nearly knocking Dani over. "What the hell do you want Munro?" I crossed my arms over my chest glaring daggers at him. "Get out of here." Delilah came up behind him with Andy as well and by then the commotion got Aiden and Zeik's attention who were now heading over themselves. Chris pushed in front of me and bowed up. "You've got balls I'll give you that Munro, but now's not the time to test my patience." His voice almost came out like a growl and even scared me a little but I knew what was coming. It had been coming for a while now. Munro puffed up his chest staring Chris dead in the face. "Don't even go there about testing patience Chris, you've been testing mine ever since you stole Melody from me." His voice grew deeper too but wavered slightly seeing as how much bigger Chris was than him. "Oh yeah?" Chris pushed Munro. "I'm not the one messing around with your girlfriend, but you seem to have no problem trying to steal mine." Munro pushed Chris back. "She was mine first, you think she'd still want you if she knew your dirty little secret?" He glared at Chris and pushed him again. "Did you mention that to her, or did you just forget that too like the shit with Jamie?" He pushed him again and Chris's eyes darkened and his lip curled into a grin. "Push me again little man and I'm gonna beat the hell out of you." The words came out so cold and so dark it was unrecognizable. Munro went to push him again but Dani grabbed his waist. "That's enough!" She yelled as Delilah shoved him back towards the side of the house. "Tell her Chris! Tell her all about how you fucked Jamie after you asked Melody to date you! Tell her!" He screamed at Chris and the gasps echoed as it fell eerily silent. I slowly turned to Chris who's face grew red with rage. "Liar...." The words came over my lips almost like a whisper and before anyone heard it I charged Munro face on and slammed my fist into his jaw hard enough to hear it pop. By the time I went to swing again Delilah had me slung backward onto the grass, and at first I was even more enraged until I saw why. Munro had raised his hand to hit me, to actually hit me. I sat there stunned looking at everyone, Chris had picked me up looking for a mark and Delilah and CJ were shoving Munro forcefully away from me. Dani apologized to me and I heard them both speed off. Delilah and CJ came jogging back around the side of the house and looked me over. "Did he hit you?" CJ lifted my chin to look at my face. "No. I'm fine." I looked at him and then Delilah and back at Chris. "Really guys I'm fine." I smiled and chuckled. "I knocked the hell out of him though." I smirked looking over my bruised knuckles and CJ laughed. "Yeah but if Delilah wouldn't have pushed you back like she did, he would have hit you and then he would have been dead." Chris's grip tightened around my waist. "Ok, with that in mind lets get back to the party." I smiled at them as we all slowly separated back to what we were doing before. "Sorry about shoving you." Delilah patted my arm. "Did I hurt you?" She questioned. "No, really I'm fine it just shocked me." I laughed and looked at her and Lucy and Andy. They all laughed too and slowly we started having fun again. Delilah got up and hugged CJ who was bringing plates of food around. We all sat down and ate together and slowly everyone went home, Delilah, CJ, Chris and I all went back inside and Delilah and CJ went up to his bedroom for the night as Chris and I sat downstairs smiling at Miracle who fell asleep in her play pin. "I'm glad you're okay. I almost lost it when he raised his hands to hit you." Chris pulled me closer rubbing my arm and kissed my head. "I don't even know what came over me. I guess just seeing him push you like that just made me snap and I lost all self control and was out for blood." I shivered thinking about what would have happened if Munro would have hit me, would everyone have jumped him or would that have made me lose it and try to kill him myself? "I'm glad he didn't put his hands on you, because then I would have seriously hurt him." Chris pulled me closer snuggling into me. "Let's go to bed." Chris smiled and picked Miracle up in his arms before we headed upstairs together. My little family was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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