Chapter 14 - A Crossroad

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I was preparing to bathe Miracle when Chris called letting me know he had arrived safely and that they were gonna start practicing as soon as Chris settled into the hotel. He told me he missed me already and that he'd be excited to see us when he came back so I hung up shortly after and bathed Miracle and let her play in her swing. I walked into the living room plopping myself onto the couch flipping through Netflix and settling on some reruns. Aiden texted asking if he could come over and CJ was out picking up Delilah from work so I told him to come over. I was bored anyway. About 30 minutes later Aiden came giggling into the living room and jumped on me. "Guess what?" He grinned and hugged me. "You are the bestest friend ever!" He laughed and hugged me again. "Why am I the bestest friend ever?" I questioned and raised my eyebrow at him. He kissed my cheek. "Because you love me even when I'm drunk!" He laughed and fell into my lap. I laughed and smacked his arm. "Get off me I knew you smelled horrible." He pouted and rolled over on his back with his head still in my lap. "Melody I gotta tell you something." He got serious and was slurring slightly but I shrugged internally. "Okay what do you need to tell me?" I tried to be serious but smiled slightly and forced it away. "We've been close since we dated right and you've always been here for me and I've been here for you right?" He hiccuped and I almost giggled. "Yeah we have Aiden, you're drunk you need to go to bed." He shook his head. "Please listen I know I've been drinking but I need to confess this while I've got courage." He teared up. "Melody I never wanted us to break up you know that? I only did it because I thought you needed space and that I was being to clingy or something but I was wrong to ever let you go. If I would have been a man then maybe Dustin would have never had the chance to hurt you!" He cried hugging my stomach. "I love you so much and I'm so glad you're happy now, I just wish I would have seen how wonderful you were before it was to late." I was so confused and just stared at Aiden who passed out in my lap and I slid out from under him and threw a blanket over him from the linen closet. "Geez." I picked up Miracle and sat outside on the patio singing to Miracle as CJ and Delilah drove up. "Hey we have a problem." I blurted as CJ walked up the sidewalk with Delilah close behind. "What happened now? Is it Chris?" He questioned. "No, no Chris is fine he's at practice but Aiden came over completely wasted and he's passed out on the sofa. He also confessed his love for me but I'm just gonna pretend that didn't happen." I grinned. "Help me out?" He rolled his eyes. "Sure thing let me nurse his soon to be had hangover but I swear if he throws up on me he's sleeping with the fish." He walked inside and laughed as Aiden was sprawled out on the floor in his own vomit. "Oh god that's nasty!" He laughed harder. "Melody? Guess who's gonna have to shower princess?" I walked in next to Delilah and my jaw hit the floor. "Oh my god are you kidding me? I can't bathe him that's disgusting and that's a guy thing CJ I don't wanna see all that in the nude." I looked at CJ serious. "Fine I'll bathe him and get him some clothes but I'm not dressing him." He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "You're on your own for that." He lifted Aiden's arm over his shoulders and pulled him to his feet practically dragging him to the bathroom. I sat Miracle in her walker and went to the kitchen to find some cleaning supplies. "Delilah help me!" I yelled as I filled a bucket with hot water and Pine-sol. She laughed and grabbed a rag to get the vomit off of the sofa and coffee table. She scrubbed the couch and table and I mopped the floor. "This is disgusting." I huffed and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. She laughed and dropped the rag into the bucket along with the mop. "Did he really confess his love to you?" She grinned. "Well Aiden's my ex-boyfriend but after we broke up I mean we just stayed close and have always been there for one another you know? Like you and CJ." I dumped the bucket into the sink wringing out the water from the mop. "Yeah I get it. I just wonder if it's like a best friend/brother love or intimate love." I rubbed my forehead again and sat the mop in the pantry. "He's got his life and I got mine and in all honesty, I don't think it was ever an intimate love to begin with. I think we just both found comfort in having each other's back but eventually that just wasn't something I wanted anymore. I wanted to not be afraid of getting any closer and getting screwed over so I broke it off, and I've stayed that way until Chris." I sighed internally. "So I'm not concerned." In that moment CJ yelled from upstairs. "He's clean but naked!" I laughed and trudged to the bathroom and covered my eyes. "CJ please don't make me dress him, that violates all things in the bro code." I laughed and CJ shoved clothes into my arms while I squeezed my eyes shut. "To bad, he's sitting on the counter by the sink. Good luck." He patted my arm and closed the door behind himself. Awkward silence set in until Aiden spoke up. "Melody I can dress myself." He mumbled and I peeked through my eyes to see he had a towel around his waist just resting on his hips and slumped back against the bathroom mirror. "Aww, Aiden." Suddenly I felt bad for him and eased over to him looking through what CJ had supplied for clothes for Aiden, it consisted of a black tee-shirt, white pajama pants, socks and some boxers. "Okay Aiden I think we can get you dressed then into bed." I smiled to myself until I felt a hand brush the hair behind my ear. "You're so beautiful." I instantly flushed and handed Aiden the boxers. "Alright big boy I'm gonna turn around while you put those on and then I can help with the rest okay?" I covered my eyes with my hands turning my back to Aiden and heard him slide off the counter. "Okay.." I heard the towel fall and the boxers being put on. "I'm decent." He wavered a bit but I grab his shoulders to steady him. "Pants or shirt first?" I asked trying to ignore the look on his face and glanced downward to his defined stomach and chest that tensed under my touch. "My pants." I held out the pants as he laid his hands on my shoulders for support and stepped into the pajamas. He pulled them up to just under his belly button and nearly fell but I grabbed his arms again. "Slow down." I blushed and handed him the shirt. "Thanks." He pulled it over his head and put his hand on my cheek. "Thank you." He smiled and I moved his hand from my face and over my shoulder walking him into the spare bedroom. "Sleep off the alcohol then we'll talk." I sounded firm and he practically collapsed onto the bed. I shut the door behind me as I made my exit and trudged downstairs to see CJ and Delilah on the sofa playing with Miracle. "Okay...he's in bed. Delilah can I talk to you?" I rubbed the back of my neck and stepped out on the porch with Delilah behind me. "What's wrong you look like you're about to cry." I sat down on the stairs lighting a cigarette and rubbing my forehead. "Aiden is pushing the line between friends and something more Delilah, he told me I was beautiful in the bathroom and rubbed my cheek but it wasn't like an innocent thing." I took a drag off of my cigarette and looked at Delilah who did the same, she took one of my cigarettes and lit it as well sighing. "Well this could go one of two ways. You can talk to him and tell him he can't do the same thing Munro did or if you feel the same then see how it plays out." Delilah shrugged. "But I love Chris not Aiden, I don't think I ever did love Aiden that way but I don't want to lose the friendship we have." She nodded. "Then tell Aiden the truth." I nodded as well and put out my cigarette and we headed back inside together and CJ raised an eyebrow at us and handed me Miracle. "Everything okay?" I nodded and took Miracle upstairs to lay her down for a nap. She fell asleep as I rocked her and I let my thoughts drift to Chris. How would he take hearing what happened with Aiden? How could I even tell him? I had just got Munro out of my life and Chris and I were working on wedding plans now. I had to talk to Aiden and sort this out on my own. I laid Miracle down in her crib and walked downstairs just in time to see CJ plant a kiss on Delilah's cheek. I walked into the kitchen and pretended I didn't see it and turned on more coffee. "Delilah do you and CJ mind going to get something for dinner before Chris gets home?" I yelled and stepped back into the living room with a cup of coffee. "Sure, what do you plan on making for dinner?" CJ asked getting up off the sofa throwing his favorite leather jacket on and sliding on his Vans. "I don't know, what do you guys feel like for dinner, Delilah you're staying for dinner right?" CJ smiled at her and put his hand over her mouth. "Yes she is." He grinned at her and she blushed pulling his hand off her mouth. "As long as you don't mind." I grinned at them and laughed. "Never!" CJ grabbed his keys off the counter and walked to the door with Delilah behind him. "See you soon." They pulled off and Aiden came downstairs and sat on the couch holding his head. "Oh my god, what the hell happened?" I looked at him and thought to myself. It's now or never Melody, time to confront what happened. I leaned against the doorway in the kitchen and looked at him. "Well, you jumped on me said I was the best friend ever, cried in my lap and told me you loved me and then threw up on the couch and floor and fell in it. Oh not to mention I had to have CJ bathe you and I had to dress you and put you to bed." His mouth fell open and he looked stunned and then blushed. "Oh god no I didn't!" He slapped his hands on his face and yelled. "I'm so sorry Mel I didn't mean to do all that and cause such trouble." I knew he felt bad but I needed to make sure there was no confusion on where we stood. "Aiden did you mean all that you said last night?" I questioned and pushed my bangs out of my eyes. "I...I don't even remember what happened how am I supposed to know?" He strained almost pleading that he was sorry. I sighed and raised an eyebrow. "Aiden you know I'm happy with Chris, what happened between us was great but it's in the understand that won't happen again right? I want you happy but it won't be with me." He nodded but the hurt that flashed in his eyes I knew what he had said that night was true. He stood up and walked over to hug me. I let him of course because I didn't hate him I was just confused. The hugs that once comforted me best now felt worn down and unwanted. He whispered that he was sorry again and told me he understood before letting go and slipping on his sneakers. "I'll bring CJ's clothes back later okay?" I nodded and watched him step outside and begin the walk down the sidewalk. I leaned my head back against the wall and groaned in frustration. Shortly after CJ and Delilah came back home with arms full of groceries. "Welcome back." I said in a monotone voice. Just then my phone rang. "Hello? Hey sweetheart you heading out?" I questioned. "Yeah, I'll be home this evening around 5." I smiled to myself. "Be careful driving please, and call me when you get closer." "I will, I love you." I blushed and smiled even more. "I love you too." I hung up and looked up to see CJ and Delilah grinning at me. "So cute!" Delilah beamed putting the food away. I blushed worse and helped Delilah plan dinner. "Where's Aiden?" I looked at CJ and told him he left that he said he'd bring his clothes by later.

     As I fried some pork chops my phone buzzed. "Hello?" "Hey beautiful! Come outside." I smiled and dropped my phone and the tongs I was holding and bolted out the door to see Chris parked in the street standing against his truck. I ran as hard as my legs would let me and leaped into his arms instantly feeling tears prickle my eyes. "You miss me a little?" He laughed and hugged me tightly to him, walking up the sidewalk with me stuck to him like a monkey. "Hey man." CJ yelled as I slid off clutching his arm. "Sup bro?" He smirked hugging CJ with one arm as I still held on for dear life. "Glad you're back in one piece, this one's been crazy without you here." CJ chuckled as he messed up my hair. "It's called love you butt head." I grinned and finally let go of Chris's arm and settled on holding his hand. "Now let's get dinner done!" Delilah yelled from the kitchen. "Sounds good to me, I'm starving." CJ laughed and we all walked in together. Chris saw Miracle and picked her up holding her tight. "I missed you so much sweet girl." He kissed her head over and over and she wrapped her little arms around his neck. The sight warmed my heart to pieces until Miracle leaned back to look at Chris. "da..da.." She smiled holding onto his shoulders. The shock across our faces would have looked great in a picture but then reality hit me like a truck. I knew one day she'd be old enough to figure out that Chris wasn't her real father and I would eventually have to tell her about Dustin and that was enough to send my hopes and dreams spiraling back down. I choked up rubbing her head and looking at Chris who in turn, knew exactly what I was thinking. "Yeah...sweet girl...that's daddy." The tears streamed down my cheeks and she hugged Chris again and he didn't let go of her. He held her so long she fell asleep on his shoulder while we finished dinner. Alright guys time to eat." Delilah smiled at CJ who was setting the table and Chris had walked upstairs to lay Miracle down in her crib. My stomach was in knots and my heart was hurting so bad I thought it was tearing through my chest. The look must have been obvious across my face because Delilah nudged my shoulder to get my attention. "Are you okay?" She whispered stirring the mashed potatoes she'd just finished. "Yeah. I'm fine." I forced the fake smile I was becoming all to well at and she gave me a concerning look. "If you need to talk I'm here, okay?" She leaned her head on my shoulder and I sighed looking back at Chris who had just come back downstairs and was setting cups on the table. I grabbed the finished bowls and set them in the middle of the table glancing at Chris for a minute and I could tell he knew what I was thinking. He gave me a heart warming smile but it just hurt me more to know how bad this must be hurting him too. We all sat down together over dinner with light conversation and I knew I was the elephant in the room from the worrisome looks I was getting. I tried to keep my head down but Chris squeezed my hand and leaned over to kiss my cheek. CJ tried to lighten the mood by joking around but he knew when something was wrong. "Oh come on, That's not fair Chris." CJ piped up. "What's not fair?" He replied with confusion as he pushed away from the table. "You have a girlfriend to love on, Delilah tell him it's not fair." He smirked looking at Delilah who's face instantly flared red and she coughed and covered her face. CJ winked at me and I knew he was up to something. "D, come on. Don't be shy." I hurriedly shook my head no at CJ trying to get him to chill out a minute. We exchanged a eye conversation via the looks we gave each other and he patted her shoulder. "I'm just messing." She sighed and uncovered her face to reveal bright red cheeks and a super embarrassed look. Whatever was going on between them was confusing but I've never seen CJ so happy. I like him this way.

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