Chapter 12 - All Alone

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I was so flustered with myself I didn't know what to do. I just paced back and forward calling Chris over and over leaving voice-mails but he didn't answer. I felt myself falling apart at the seams and I did the next best thing I could. I rushed to see CJ and apologized over and over sobbing so bad I wasn't even crying anymore I was more or less having a panic attack. "Please CJ you have to help me get him back! I can't do this, you were right Munro hasn't changed at all you have to help me please!" I sat down then got back up instantly pacing again. "Calm down and sit down you're making me dizzy." CJ sat up rubbing his forehead. "Look you have to tell me what happened." I took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit. "I told Munro to come over so I could make sure his feelings for me were done and over with you know?" He nodded. "Then what?" He questioned. "Well I talked to him and then he started talking about how he felt about me instead of Dani and then he pushed me over and kissed me and Chris walked in and got furious with him and took off." I started getting upset again. "Geez, okay okay look he called me earlier saying he was gonna come by to talk to me so I'll try to talk to him but you and Munro need to stop now. I told you he was up to no good and bam here we are." I sobbed realizing just how bad things were right now. "Stop crying Mel, everything's gonna be okay, but you need to tell Munro to get lost because if he doesn't you're gonna lose Chris. For good." He looked at me and I nodded. "Now get out of here before he gets here." I hugged CJ and walked outside seeing Chris's truck in the parking lot so I darted through the parking lot behind some cars to avoid being seen. I got in my car as fast as I could and left going back home. I paced in the kitchen glancing at my phone. Miracle was banging her toys together and I sat next to her kissing her head. "Hey sweet girl. What you doing?" She grinned banging her toys harder and giggled. I smiled at her and rubbed her head. "Mommy loves you." I picked her up and cuddled her to my chest as she nuzzled into me. I didn't' know what to do if Chris didn't want me back. I loved him whole hearted and I hurt him in the worst way possible. I knew what I needed to do and I was planning how to do that. I picked up my phone calling Munro who answered immediately. "Hey Mel...?" He questioned. "Look Munro that thing that happened is done okay? I can't do this anymore. I trusted you and you screwed me over yet again. I'm done Munro, don't talk to me don't call me, don't even think about me. You need to do your thing with Dani and go on with your life and I need to do my thing with Chris and my daughter. It's done Munro. Done." Before he could even reply I hung up and stood there clutching my phone. I felt lifted almost like a weight was off of my shoulders and I fell to my knees crying again. "Please God help me." I prayed and sobbed as hard as I could and after a few moments passed I calmed down again and picked up Miracle kissing her nose. "Come on sweet girl lets go take a nap." I trudged upstairs with Miracle in my arms and walked into my room staring at Chris's side of the bed. I laid Miracle into her napper and laid on Chris's side of the bed taking in his scent and clutched his pillow drifting to sleep feeling my heart break.

                                                                      Chris's Point of View

I walked into the rehab facility heading to CJ's room seeing him in the middle of his exercises. "Hey man." I sat down in a chair next to him. He stopped pushing his legs against a weighted board. "Okay so what's going on with Melody?" I rolled my eyes. "She cheated on me with Munro." I said sarcastically. "Don't get smart Chris, that's still my sister and you're still my brother. Like it or not." I shrugged. "She wasn't fully at fault Chris, Munro made advances on her but her fault is trusting him not to screw her over. But I can't blame her solely because she had hope that he'd changed so I can see why she wanted their friendship to work." I looked at him. "They have history together, he was her best friend but she told him to leave her alone for you two. She loves you more then their friendship and told him to leave her alone so things could work with you two. That takes a lot, I don't know if I could do it myself. She must love you a lot if she's willing to give everything she knows up for you." He looked at me. "I know you love her Chris and I know you're hurt but she is too. You're her missing piece and she needs you." I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows. "I love her too but she cheated CJ, I can't just forget that." I replied. "Correction, she was taken advantage of. If she were cheating then she wouldn't have been so quick to explain herself." I knew he was right but I was hurt. I got up hugging my bro and headed for my truck looking at my phone. 122 missed calls, 94 text messages and 47 voice-mails. All from Melody. I shook my head and started the truck driving towards CJ's house and stopped myself in the street in front of the house. I tried to make myself get out but I couldn't so I drove to a nearby hotel and stayed there for the night. 

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