Newsies in Quarantine

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kinda proud of this ngl


Always has hand sanitizer

Like always

Honestly how does he have so much

Is constantly freaking out about spit-shakes

As been listening to lo-fi hip hop on repeat


Tries to meditate but race keeps interrupting him

Probably prays for his sanity every night

Constantly making sure Les is social distancing

Sings to the littles till they sleep

Generally making sure that everyone doesn't go insane


Tries to cook

Nearly burns down the lodge

Is now not allowed in the kitchen

Watches bob ross religiously

Has issues not being able to spit shake

Katherine tries to give him and the newsies supplies

He tries refusing them

He fails

Has painted santa fe 9234785036535+ times

Probably snuck out to visit Meda

Probably got sent back to the lodge with gentle scolding

Is working on a surprise painting of all the newsies to hang in the lodge


*adhd intensifies*

Has been rick rolling whoever comes to close to him

Spent like 3 months straight trying to get a recipe right

Pulling all nighters with albert

Watched all the marvel movies in one go for no apparent reason

Won so many rounds of poker

Felt bad about having gotten most of the newsies money and returned it secretly later

Is always on ft with someone

Refuses to tell the other newsies who it is

Very proud of being so secretive

(it's spot because my ships must thrive)

They all know but have decided to stroke his ego a bit longer and pretend they don't

Has hidden food all over the lodge just in case there's an apocalypse


Binging south park

No one knows if he actually likes it or is just trying to annoy them

Has tried like 67 different hobbies and hated all of them

Decides to devote his time to annoying race instead


"PaY aTtEnTiOn To Me"

Watches the news a lot

Ordered 200 tiny multicolored plastic babies

Has been hiding them around the lodge

Attempts to be discreet when he films peoples reactions to them

Fails miserably

Always fighting with race about who gets the top bunk


Making everyone masks

Keeps compulsively buying stuff on amazon

Somehow ended up as a plant mom

Where the hell did that cactus come from

"Her name is patricia:)"

Watching old disney movies with elmer, finch, and jojo

Worried about everyone

"I'm worried about Jack, he's becoming isolated and weird..."

Has been sewing a quilt for months

The thing is HUGE

Tries to make sure that the newsies aren't on screens to much

Plays with the littles

Bought a BUNCH of candles


Among us addiction

Really just likes trolling people on it

Typically it's calling emergency meeting constantly and shooting off bad pick up lines

He thinks they're actually really good

They're not

"I think I'll nickname you banana because i find you aPEELing"

Can list 50 just off the top of his head

Its kinda scary ngl

Has been watching he office on repeat

Cocky ass twat

We all love him

I might do a part 2 idk, have this for now!


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