First One Shot yAy- Ralbert

399 4 47

Modern AU

Prompt: When I was seven I had a crush on a guy in my class and I didn't know how to deal with it so I wrote him a letter that said "get out of my school"

TW: poorly written fluff, might be some swears

Word Count: 1339 

Requested by: -hello-lovelies-

 An: Okay what!? THIS HAS BEEN OUT FOR FOUR DAYS AND SOMEHOW ALREADY HAS 100 READS???!!! Also. this took so damn long to write because I got major writer's block right before the end and couldn't finish it yghuijuhgytfrtgyhujikoijhugyft! YuP have fun- (I typically prefer Sprace but Ralbert is really cute and definitely underrated) Heehee here I go first one-shot yayyyy totally not procrastinating fvlwiufhwuhgluhtlguhlkjv (translations are in the comments)

When Racetrack Higgins was seven years old he was thrown a balled-up piece of paper. Once flattened out properly, it read "get out of my school". It was scrawled messily across the page in a pink crayon with a small heart in the corner. He kept it.

A few weeks later he was properly introduced to Albert Da'Siliva (AN-sorry, I think I spelled that wrong). The two immediately got along and soon became best friends. They did everything together.

When Race was 9 years old, he and Albert had been trying to see who could finish the monkey bars first. Race, like any other 9 year old, had obnoxiously greasy fingers (i don't like little children) and slipped before he could do anything. Albert immediately ran to get a bandaid from their teacher to patch up Race's bleeding knee. A moment passed between the two as Albert made sure his friend was okay. "Your eyes are pretty" Race quipped, examining Albert's face which had quickly turned bright pink. "Stop fidgeting..." He muttered, keeping his eyes down.

The two boys were sitting in Race's room, both 12 years old. They had been laughing over a photo album filled with old photos of them for around an hour when a small piece of paper fell out. Albert picked up and handed it to Race who began to laugh as soon as read it. "I remember this!" He exclaimed, waving the paper in front of Albert's face. "Some kid randomly threw it at me in like 1st grade, I don't even know why I kept this!" he giggled to himself. A soon as he realized what it read, Albert felt his face heat up. He made a mental note to never mention who wrote it.

-4 Years Later-

Race sighed loudly and threw himself onto Albert's bed. "What's up?" Albert said, raising a single eyebrow. Race lazily turned his head so he could properly see his friend. "Albie. We're 16. And single. Very Single. I don't think I can show up to another school dance like this." he groaned. "Then don't go." Albert deadpanned. "That's no fun!" Albert shrugged and continued to mess around on his phone. "Oh, Albieeeeeeee..." Race sang, getting up with a wicked look on his face. He sat down in front of Albert, his normal shit-eating grin having returned to his face. "30 bucks."


"30 bucks if I can get a date before you,"

"Race, neither of us has a nickel to our name,"


Albert stared at his friend's eager face for a bit before smirking "You're on." Race jumped up and pulled Albert into a tight hug before jumping up and running out of the room. "I'm going to win this!" He yelled over his shoulder. As soon as Albert heard his front door slam shut, his smile faltered. 9 years. 9 freaking years and he still couldn't build up the courage to admit how he felt. He sighed to himself and made his way over to Katherine's house with an utter lack of hope.

A few seconds after he rang the brass doorbell on her large house, the door slammed open to reveal a pissed off Katherine. "My father is busy damn-it!, I'm not a messenger! Talk to him yourself and let me write in pea- oh hi Albert, sorry about that."

"Are you..okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, his employees have just been leaving messages for him all day and I need to finish the article in two days..." She trailed off with a sigh before looking up again and smiling at me. "So, what's up?"

"Will you go to the dance with me?"

"You're gay."

He glared at her. "Well, I know that!" She crossed her arms and sighed "Albert why are you asking me to go to the dance?" She whispered, her face softening slightly. "Well, Race and I made a bet-" He was quickly cut off by her hand covering his mouth. "You're doing this because of Racetrack?" She asked, removing her hand. He nodded slightly and she rolled her eyes. "Come on in, let's fix up your hair then you're going to go tell that boy how you feel."' She said, pulling me into the house. "But-"

"No buts."

Albert sighed, defeated, and began to follow her into her house.

~An Hour later~

Glancing at the small piece of paper on his desk, Albert debated whether to bring it or not. In the end, he grabbed it along with the small bouquet Katherine had given him as she claimed that the weeds he had grabbed from his yard would not suffice. He took a deep breath and attempted to fix his hair one final time before he left his house and began to walk. He had walked the same way to Race's house thousands of times without a care in the world, but today was different. Today, there was a chance it would be his last. 

Within minutes he arrived at the rickety apartment that belonged to his best friend. As soon as he had rung the doorbell, he heard the sharp barking of Race's dog, a loud screech that sounded along the lines "Dio mio, stai zitto!" and a quick "Merda!" accompanied by the sound of something crashing. After a minute of listening to Race's profanities slowly cease, the door swung open.

 Race immediately noticed the flowers in Albert's hands and began to cackle. "Rejected already Albie?" He teased, pulling him inside. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Something like that," Race laughed again the sighed. "Me too...I'm gonna win this though!" He exclaimed, the usual sparkle having returned to his blue eyes. Albert smiled to himself and kept his head down. "You might..."

Race let out an airy laugh and turned back to Albert, fidgeting with his cigar. "You want something to eat?" Albert scratched the back of his neck, the reality of what he was about to possibly jeopardize was sinking in with him. "Actually... I wanted to ask you something." He said quickly, looking up.

Race nodded, and Albert took it as his cue to start talking. "Look Racer, I've known you forever and I don't know how to say this but- I... just- here." He shoved the flowers into Race's hands along with the small paper." Race looked down at the note and quickly unfolded it. "Get out of my school." He read out loud, he looked back over at the redhead with a puzzled expression on his face. "I wrote it..."


"When we were seven, I liked youse and I didn't know what to do, so..." He trailed off, gesturing weakly at the paper.

"Liked...Do you still-?"

Albert felt his face heat up as nodded meekly. "I'm sorry Racer, I should go." He muttered, turning around. A gentle grip on his arm spun him back around. Race admired Albert's red face before he crashed his lips into his friend's. After a second they broke apart and he pressed his forehead against Albert's and took his hands. "I like youse too idiot." He said with a smile. "You wanna go to that dance?" Albert mumbled. "Of course, this means I won though, right?"

Let me know what you thought! I've never written a one-shot before!


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