Chapter 6: Greenhouse

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POV: Willow

I sat in the greenhouse of the school, noticing how every plant perked up, or drooped down. Studying the ones that drooped, I stared as I twirled my finger in a circle, bringing the plants back to life. That's when it hit me! Luz obviously isn't too into me at the moment, so what about a one on one date! Obviously I won't advertise it as one, but it'll be like a... surprise!

By the time I was finished decorating everything, the warning bell rang. I quickly rushed out of the glass building, my books tightly in hand. Now that I finished setting up, I just hope Luz will come with me.

When I came near my locker, I noticed Amity was with Luz, and they were laughing together, Amity's cheeks were dusted pink with a blush. I gripped my books tighter as I walked towards them. Didn't I ask her to stop flirting with Luz?

"Oh hey Willow!" Luz beamed, I noticed Amity slither away before I could reply, "What's her problem."

"Uh... not sure." I looked towards Amity as she walked farther away from us, then back to Luz who was following Amity's every move, "So... did you enjoy the game yesterday?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah yeah... it was cool." Luz replied, seeming distracted. I hid my annoyance by clearing my throat, her attention coming back on me, "Sorry, Am was just really uh... upset yesterday. I wanted to make sure she was okay."

"Hey, no offense, but don't worry about her! You shouldn't be letting other people's worries affect you. Now how about this, we skip class to visit the greenhouse! It'll be a nice relaxing break from everything."

"Yeah... okay that sounds like fun!" Luz smiled, seeming like herself again, which made me smile as well, "I don't know how I feel about skipping class though..."

"It'll only be for a little while, but if you don't want to I completely understand." The bell screamed again, so I reached out my free hand towards her after putting my books in my locker, "So what do you say?"

She seemed hesitant, but she put her hand in mine anyways. We ran through the busy hallway, our fingers intertwined. The closer to the outside we got, the more the hallways emptied so by the time we made it to the door outside, no one was around. Luz ran ahead and went inside of the greenhouse ahead of me.

"Wow," She smiled, looking everywhere in the room as I walked in, "All the plants are so beautiful, Willow!"

"Have you never visited before?" I asked her.

"No, and to be honest I didn't know it was here!" She continued to explore around the small glass house.

"Well, not many people visit, and I'm the only one who keeps them alive. But it's still peaceful." I grinned.

"Wait, did you just want me to visit so you can show me these awesome plants?" She asked me, sitting down on a white bench near the entrance.

"Well not really, I just wanted to hang out! We haven't really talked alone for a while." I smiled, sitting on the bench with her.

"Oh... that makes sense..." She paused, looking down at the ground, her smile fading before she looked back up at me, "Willow... can I tell you a secret?"

"Uh, yeah. Of course." I was slightly confused, but kept a serious tone.

"Okay... don't tell Am I told you, but..." She took a deep breath before finishing, "I have to go soon. Not tomorrow, but the day after." Luz frowned while I froze. Luz was leaving?

"W-what? Why?" I asked her, the confusion showing in my voice. She placed her hand on top of mine.

"It's a long story but Emperor Belos wanted Amity to kill me, so Amity and I came up with a plan to save both of us, but it would mean I have to return to the human realm."

"Why can't Amity just refuse to do the job? Then you won't have to leave!"

"Amity would be turned to stone like Eda almost was, and I could never live with the guilt of hurting her. Trust me, I don't want to leave, but this is the only way. No illusions, no spells, nothing. Nothing can help us now. I'm sorry." Her face started to scrunch up slightly as tears spilled from her eyes. I quickly pulled her in tight and hugged her, having her cry into my shoulder.

I was more angry then sad. This all happened because Amity didn't stand up to her parents. I thought she would change after we started to hang out again, but she hasn't changed. At all. Now Luz has to go back to a place where no one understands her. This is all because of Amity.

After some more thinking, Luz pulled away from me and stared at me. Her eyes were red from crying.

"I'm sorry Willow, I really am." I then grabbed one of her hands and held it gently.

"You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault. At all." I smiled slightly at her, in a comforting way.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Willow."

Then silence. We just stared at each other for what felt like hours. I noted everything I could about her. Her brown hair. Her big eyes. Her small nose. I could feel myself start to lean in a little bit, and I couldn't stop. I think Luz was doing the same. I was inches away from her face when I heard the door open and I backed away quickly, Luz looking over while wiping her eyes.

"Uh... sorry but did I interrupt something?" Amity asked us, her face slightly red.

"No of course not! What brings you here Amity?" Luz asked, her mood instantly changing.

"I just noticed you and Willow weren't in math class so I thought you might be here." Amity seemed slightly embarrassed as she fiddled with her hands.

"Well would you like to join us?" Luz scooted over leaving a tiny space between us, I scooted over the opposite direction since Luz obviously wanted to sit next to Amity.

"Uh sorry, I have to go soon and I can't stay long. Especially since... you know."

"Oh... yeah okay. Thanks for checking on us!"

"Hey Amity can I talk to you... alone." I asked her, I could tell I sounded slightly annoyed. Her face went pale.

"I'll just go get my lunch... don't have to much fun without me!" Luz said before running out the door. Amity still didn't move.

"So uh... Willow! What's up?" She laughed nervously.

"I hope you know Amity, I know you didn't do it on purpose, but this is technically all your fault." I looked at the ground. I felt bad for calling her out, but I couldn't stand the thought of her not realizing it.

"W-what d-do you mean?" She stammered.

"Amity, I know what happened with Emperor Belos yesterday, and it's your fault."

"Willow... how is it my fault?" She seemed nervous and confused.

"It's like when we ended our friendship. You couldn't stand up to your parents so I suffered. Luz is now going through the same thing I did, but now it's worse. All because you couldn't tell your mom you didn't want to join a coven."

"Willow I'm sorry, I just-"

"You can't get out of it Amity." I stood up going in her face, "It's one thing to hurt me, but to hurt Luz? I don't think I can forgive you for that." I could hear her whimper as I walked away, guilt finding it's way to me, but I didn't care. Amity should have seen this coming. I had an urge to look back, but I didn't.

A/N: Sorry I took so long, I just realized that I needed to branch out with Willow's character a little more, even though she is one of the most surprisingly complicated characters in this story and I really struggle with it. Probably means you'll get only one more chapter with her POV, but I will try to make that one better. Thanks for reading again!

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