Chapter 12: Tricks

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POV: Amity

My eyes felt glued shut, my neck aching with pain. I slowly lifted it up and rolled my neck, a few cracks echoing in the room. I opened my eyes surprised to be met with darkness. Pitch black darkness. I squinted, seeing a figure. I tilted my head slightly to try and make out what I was seeing. I tried to stand up when I realized my hands were cuffed to my chair, my ankles were stuck as well.

"Hello?" My voice was horse, so I cleared it. Since there was no response, I started to try and move my constrained wrists, pulling them out and in, side to side, in circles, no matter how much I moved nothing would budge. Then it hit me I can literally do magic. After internally face palming, I started to circle my finger in a circle motion, the light from the spell circle making me wince from the brightness. When I completed the spell circle, a jolt of electricity flowed through my body, shocking me. I whispered a few curses before trying again, the same shock sending pain through my body. Guess that wasn't going to work.

"Amity?" I heard a soft voice ask, I turned to the left to see a doorway, letting light in, I forced my eyes closed, "Amity, is that you?" The voice was closer now.

"Who is it." I asked, keeping my eyes closed.

"Willow." I widened my eyes, seeing it was true. Willow was standing in the doorway. She wore a smile before it turned into a scowl.

"Willow! Please, you have to help me!" I frantically whispered. She rolled her eyes as she walked over to me.

"Amity. Amity. Amity." She slowly walked over to me, "You really expect me, who is only 'half-a-witch', to help the girl who ruined any chance of me ending up with the girl I love! Ha!"

"Willow... you know I didn't mean that... just please, I'll convince Luz t-"

"I don't want your pity, Blight," She placed her foot on my chair, leaning into my face, "It's too late for me... just like it's too late for you. I'm not helping you." My stomach dropped.

"Please, listen. I didn't mean to hurt you. My parents forced me to and I had no idea you were lying until Mattholomule told me."

"I said I'm not helping you." She pulled away from me before walking back towards the light, "She might, maybe." My teary eyes stayed glued to the doorway. Who was she? My question was soon answered when a certain human ran over.

"Amity!" She gasped when she saw me, running over and pulling me into a hug, "I'm so sorry." She frowned.

"Luz, this isn't your fault! Please trust me on that." I smiled at her, assuring her it was alright. She nodded as she started to use pull out a glyph, "Wait!" She turned to me, "Magic makes it worse."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She frowned and backed away, placing the paper back in her pocket.

"No it's okay, you didn't know." She thought for a moment before she smiled.

"Amity, I know how to make it up to you." Her smile was off-putting, but it could have just been the lack of lighting that was making it seem that way.

"You really don't have t-" Before I could finish, she was sitting on my lap, causing my cheeks to heat up. She placed her hands on my shoulders, giving me a smirk, "Are you okay?" I asked her. This isn't something that Luz would do.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." She started to lean in, and I froze. Something didn't feel right. At all.

"Are you sure?" She stopped moving, her lips inches away. The smirk turned into a scowl as she hoped off my lap. I could feel her grab something from my pocket. The flower she had given me.

"Actually, now that I think about it, why would I help you?" She asked.


"You have been nothing but horrible to me and you think I'd like you? You're dumber then your grades say, huh Blight?"


"Oh come on think about it!" She said louder, the sound making me wince a little, "I wouldn't be in this mess if, like you said, you just told your parents that you didn't want to be in the Emperor's coven. I hope you know I regret that dance, I regret forgiving you, I regret meeting you... I regret coming to this hell hole all because of you. No one else. Just you." My nostrils flared as I bit my tongue. I never realized I hurt her this bad.

"Just go then..." My voice came out as a sob. She walked over and held my face with her hands, forcing me to look at her.

"What? Is little miss perfect going to cry? Go ahead. Just proves how worthless you really are." She threw my head to the side before walking off. I heard a crunch sound before something hit the floor.

"Goodbye Luz... I'm sorry." I whispered as I turned my gaze to the bright red flower.

"Well... I'm not." She laughed, "Oh Miss Blight!" She left, her laugh growing louder as my parents walked into the room, fueled with anger, my siblings snickering behind them. My stomach dropped again as I licked away the tears from before. This is something I've learned to do whenever I know I'll get in trouble for crying.

"Amity Blight, you went against the Emperor?!?" My mom screamed in my face, sending chills down my spine.

"I-I'm sorry mom I-" I stuttered in response.

"I can't even deal with you anymore! You worthless piece of shit! You ruined this family's reputation forever. We are going to be dirt poor all because of your little crush! Who even raised you?"

"That's offensive to whoever actually raised her." Emira snickered, causing my brother to laugh. They weren't even a little sympathetic.

"You are lucky you are being sent to your death, because you would have suffered much worse from your mother and I." My father boomed, keeping a serious expression.

"Hey um... unpopular opinion!" Edric snickered, elbowing his twin, I held a little hope but knowing my family's recent response, it was barely existent, "Maybe you should just show her a little taste, you know, to get your anger out!" Emira slowly lifted up her scroll.

"What a good idea Edric," She grinned, taking the glove off her hand, "hold this dear." She almost threw the glove at my father, "Now this is what you get for being the most pathetic witch in the history of witch-kind!" She lifted her hand my eyes widening, I quickly winced, waiting for the pain, but nothing came. Only silence.

"Miss Blight, are you ready?" When I opened my eyes, the lights were on, the door now in front of me. My family disappeared.

"What happened?" I felt numb.

"I asked if you were ready."

"I... I guess so."

"Well then I suggest you enjoy your final moments here cause they are about to come to a close."

I looked down again and noticed the flower was gone. It was all a dream, or maybe illusions.


A/N: So this is the last chapter before the Epilogue! Thanks again for all of the love and support! Also, I was gonna publish this tomorrow, but I'm really excited to publish it so here you go.

All Because of Willow | A Lumity vs Willuz fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now