Devistating start part 2:

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Hi guyssss! I'm back with chapter 2! This is a short introduction, so let's get to the story!

??? POV:
I saw a strange skelington kneeling on the ground, he looked injured, and like he was about to faint, I approached him, he had a knife in is soul, but the main feature about this skelington was his eyes? There was black liquid pouring out of them, like a waterfall made of tar, I could see he tried to speak, but when he did he just coughed up blood. This is bad, I thought, there was a lot of piety unity for him, and with that the smaller skeleton dropped to the floor, I had no choice but to take him back to dreamtale with me, and then when he heals I can ask him about his au, and why there was so much negativity in it.

Time skip~~~~

Killers POV:
Last thing I could remember was a black figure in the distance, and then just black, am I dead? I thought to myself, but then I heard a voice?

"Wake up, hello? Can you hear me?"

It was strange, I didn't know who it was, the voice seemed unfamiliar.

"Come on get up, there are some things we need to discuss"

It kept talking to me, and every word the spilled from there mouth, I became more and more conscious, until I woke.

"W-what happened, ugh my head"
"There's time for that later, right now I need to have a word with you"
"Who, are you, and where am I!?"
"That's not important, right now I need you to tell me what happened to your au, and why you was in the ground almost dead from blood loss, you should be great full, I saved your sorry ass"
"I-I dont remember..."
"Liar, I can tell when your lying, I'll ask you again, what happened to your au!"
"...I, I killed all of the monsters..."
"All by yourself?"
"Who else was with you?"
"An, o-old friend..."
"If they was your friend then where are they?"
"They, left me for dead..."
"Then are they really your friend? Or a traitor"
"It doesn't matter, she's gone, and is never coming back"
"Well then, as your so called friend left you, I have an offer that you can't possible refuse"

Killer was hesitant at first

"G-go on?"
"If I let you stay here, let you have a place to go then you will help me to destroy them stupid silly aus that my dim witted brother and his dopey friends protect"

Killer thought about this hard

"How can I trust you?"
"Let's just say I won't go backstabbing you when needed help the most"
"Perfect, I'll go get you a bandage and you can take care of yourself, and be careful, those sofas are brand new, and I don't want blood getting on them"
"Alright, uh?"
"Nightmare, the name is nightmare, but you will call me boss, understand?"
"Yes, boss..."

Time skip~~~~

Killer had been at nightmares castle for a long time, but over the years nightmare had managed to make a team, a team of which we call ourselves the bad sanses.
This team included members from aus that were destroyed, or in a very bad way, like mine. There was dust, horror, error, cross, nightmare, and of course, me.

Dust: haha you'll have to catch me first!!!

Cross: pfft, you guys are acting like losers

Error: sAyS tHe WaLkInG cOw!!

Cross: shut up!

Nightmare: will all of you please shut the f*ck up I'm trying to FOCUS!

All except kills: yes boss

Killer: hey boss, don't mean to interrupt, but when are we gonna attack the starts?

Nightmare: I'll figure it out, but can you get them bosoes out of my sight!"

Killer: sure thing boss

And with that killer basically threatened to stab them all if they didn't shut up.

Killer: you d realise if you don't shut your gobs boss is gonna kill all of you, and I don't mean figuratively!

Dust: We know, but your not boss are you?

Killer: W-well no, but he put me in charge!

Dust: Yea only cuz you've been here the longest, and your obviously his favourite!

Killer: I may of been here the longest but boss definitely doesn't have favourites

Horror: pfft you sure? Every time you have a problem he actualy helps you, every time we have a problem he couldn't give a sh*t

Cross: ooo looks like boss has a crush on killer~~~

Killer: Shut up! He does not!

Horror: omg its so obvious how did we not see it before!

Killer: Oh yea says the one that's in love with a sl*t

Horror: Lust is not a sl*t! He's actualy very kind!

Killer: Whatever!

Nightmare: what is going on here? Killer you were meant to put these baby's back into their place

Killer: I tried, but they won't listen to me!

Nightmare: oh? They don't huh?

Nightmare looked at them all with a murderous look sending chills down each of their spines

Nightmare: You listen here you little sh*ts, if I say killer is in charge, he is in charge, and you listen to him, other wise each and every one of you will suffer the consequences...


Error: uGh whATeVeR


Killer left, he didn't want to deal with this right now

Horror: Hold on a second!

Dust: Horror what are you doing?!!!

Nightmare: No no, let him finish I want to see where this goes

Horror gave a massive gulp, and tried not to seem terrified

Horror: H-how come he's a-always in charge, why not, o-one of us!

Nightmare: ...haha

Horror: huh?

Nightmare: HAHAHAHA! YOU IDIOT, you dare question my decisions!!!

Horror: What! N-no I was just asking a q-question

Killer: Boss? Why are you shouting at Horror?

Well, this seems like the perfect place to finish the chapter, this do be getting heated tho, i can't wait for chap 3!!! See you all next chap, byeee

1029 words!!!

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