Jealous much? Chapter 8

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Hi guys! I'm quite excited to write this chapter, especially since it's continuing from last chapter, so without further adue, let's get to it!


"OMG NO WAY!!! Who is it?!"

"Uhh, w-well, there one of my really close friends, and I don't know how to tell them"

"(GASP) I could help you out!!! Who is it!"

"It's, classic"


"Heh, and I was wondering if you could help me"

"Of course I'll help you! Now, pretend I'm classic, and you can practice on me!"

(This idea is not mine I got it from kawaiishipper go check her out, honestly her book, that one feeling is my absolute favourite one whatpadd! I recommend you go read it"

"Uh, okay, um... classic, I have been meaning to tell you something for a while, well, i-i think your really neat, and amazing, and funny, so, I was gonna ask if, if  you would be m-my boyfriend?"

"Oh outer of course I'll be your boyfriend! ( I was playing along)"

I laughed and outer looked flustered, then we heard a snap behind us, we looked, and it was, nightmare?!

Nightmares POV:

Where are you killer, I was scanning the area, and there he was, but with another skelington next to him, that's, outer!  I could feel some rage boil inside of me, I didn't like outer, and I especially didn't like when he and killer were alone together, then he stood up, and starting saying something, killer looked really excited, but why? Then after outer was done speaking, I heard killer shout "Oh outer of course I'll be your boyfriend!" And that was when it happened, my soul filled with a strong emotion, not the one I usually would get around killer, this was a negative feeling, it bubbles inside of me like an active volcano, ready to blow, until I couldn't handle it anymore, I stepped forward and a twig snapped beneath my foot.

And with that nightmare lost it, he grabbed outer and killer with his tentacles and held outer high in the air away from killer






Nightmare looked at killer, and grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close to his chest


Everything went silent


"He's trying to steal you from me!"


"Your MINE, killer! And no one else's"

Killers face turned bright red, whilst outer was in the air confused, then he realised

"Oh, you think? Pffft HAHAHAHA"

"What's so funny smiling trash bag!"

"Did you actually think I was confessing to killer?"

"Wait, you, weren't?"

"No! Sure killers awesome, but we are just friends!"


After realising what he had done, he dropped outer and looked at killer, who's eyes was showing small whit pinpricks, and had tears dabbed in the corners of his eyes

"Y-yes killer..."

"D-do you... like me"

Nightmare was silent at first, but he couldn't hold it in anymore

"Killer, listen, what I'm about to say might shock you, you have been on the team a long time and... when your around, i always seem to smile, even when you don't notice, I smile, you might think this is a joke, but, killer target, I, I love you, I love everything about you, the way you talk, the way you laugh, the way you squeal when you get flustered your just... your just, perfect, in every way, and I can't resist being just friends anymore, so, will you... go out, with, me?"

Killer was stunned he didn't know what to say,  and soon he started to cry, his target shaped soul turned into an upside down heart target shape
He whispered something

"Uh, I couldn't understand-"


Killer practically screamed and jumped into nightmares arms, and they both shared a passionate kiss, with nightmares face covered in cyan blush and killers in red
He had done it thought nightmare, killer was finally his, and his alone.

After the two skelingtons broke free from there kiss, they just sat on the grass, and watched the starry night sky, holding each other in their arms...

And where's outer during all this? Well, he was hiding behind a tree doing Lenny face the whole time

Oh my god, THE CHAPTER FINALY ARRIVED! YES I DID IT, Im so proud of myself! I wrote this chapter and I was fan hurling whilst I did so ÒwÓ cuz this chapter, was ADORABLE! Anyway, hope you enjoyed, and don't worry, this book is far from over!

792 words!!!

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