Just wanted some cuddles chapter 9

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Yep, you can probably guess by the title what this chapters about, but just in case you don't I'm not gonna tell, anyway, ONTO LE CHAPTER!

Killers POV:

I was sitting in the grass cuddling with nighty, and it felt, amazing, I can't believe the king of darkness himself was my boyfriend, just thinking about him makes my face hot
" hey nighty, when should we tell the others, about, you know, us?"

"We can tell them whenever you like, there's no rush, I can keep a secret for as long as you need"

He said whilst giving me a kiss on the cheek, it tickled, so I laughed

"Pfft hey! That tickled!"

"Oh it did huh? Well then"

Nighty starting to bombard me with kisses making me laugh till my stomach hurt
"PFft haHa NigHty stAhP!!"

Then I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket, it was Horror?


"Killer? Thank goodness, you need to come back home quick!"

Nightmare heard horror and decided to butt it

"Horror? What's going on over there?"

"Wait, Boss! Is that you? Are you with killer (GASP) ARE YOU TWO ON A DATE!

"Wtf no! Now tell me what's going on back at the mansion (I decided to go with mansion lol)"

"Cross being the stupid idiot he is flooded the whole house!"

"What the? Of for f*ck sake! Right well be there in a second!"

I hang up

"Well, that was unexpected, anyway, Spose we should head back now?"

"Yea, sounds like cross is gonna be in a lot of trouble"

I giggle at my own remark

Nightmares POV:

F*ck that was cute, his laugh is adorable, ugh I wish them stupid idiots didn't have to ruin our moment together
"So kills, have you decided yet?"

"I'm not sure we should tell them just yet, it doesn't feel like the right moment"

"Okay, what ever you want my queen~"

"Y-your queen?"

"MY queen"

I could see his face glow bright red, how did I end up with this wonderful monster in my life, he really is the cutest skelington in the whole multiverse

"Well, I guess we should get going"

"Sure, but first, give me a kiss~"

He started to get all flustered and cute again, I couldn't handle it he was too adorable, I grabbed him by the waist and gave him a kiss, and I was pleasantly surprised when he put his arms around my neck and melted into it

I reminded myself that we had to leave soon, so we stopped, and settled for one last hug before we left for home

"I love you my queen~"

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