Chapter 19

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Helloo, again so sorry for the wait I am being super lazy during this quarantine, so I hope you forgive meh, but anyway aside from that, I just want to say thank you for all of the comments, when I read through them they really do put a smile on my face and encourage me to write even more, so thank you guys for that! (Wow okay that was super cheesy ONTO THE CHAPTER!)

Uf pap

Errors POV:

I can't believe that d*ckhead, ditching me, where is red anyway, I've been walking around for a few minuets and can't find him.

When I'm walking through here I can see everyone looking at me, they all know who I am and what I'm capable of doing, so that might explain why they aren't attacking me

"There you are, I was looking all over f*cking snowden for you!"

"AlRiGhT jEeZ"

Red let out a sigh

"Come on, follow me"

Error followed red to his house, when he got there he saw that, all of the potted plants were smashed, and all of the pavement was torn

"WhAt hApPeNeD tO yOuR HoUsE?"

"Just a bunch of f*cking losers trashing our house, I don't know if you can tell, but we aren't really liked around here"

"I sEe..."

The two skeletons enter the home, which may of seemed ugly from the outside, but on the inside was actually pretty decent

"HuH, I WaS eXpEcTiNg It To bE wAy MoRe tRaShY hErE"

"Wow thanks for the compliment"

"YoUr wElCoMe"


"WhAtEvEr, hAvE yOu sEeN InK?"

"Ink? I havnt seen him in this au for a long time, I doubt he would come to a sh*hole like this again"

"WaIt wHaT?!"

"Wait you thought he was here?"

"ThAtS wHaT dUsT sAiD!"

Red burst out laughing

"Ya duma*s"

Red continued to laugh a little more

"What's so funny"

When pap had talked it startled red a little

"O-Oh, hey boss"

"Sans, who is that, and why is he in our home!"

"Uhh, this is error b-boss, he was lookin' fura, a friend"

"Well can you 'kindly' escort him BACK TO WHERE HE CAME  FROM!"

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