Chapter 23: Can you sing a song for us to listen to?

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Edited by Divetus

After a long time, he said, "... It wasn't that exaggerated."

"Wow, I shouldn't have called you little Gege." One of the girls said, "You sound younger than me ah, are you an adult?"

"An adult." Yu Yan asked, "Play?"

Tuantuan hurriedly said, "Play, I'll queue right now."

Just after entering the game, the takeout had arrived. Yu Yan came back with the takeout and saw his game character standing in Manners Plaza, surrounded by three young ladies..

No. 1 asked, "Little Didi, why aren't you talking, where are we jumping to?"

No. 2 said, "Parachuting in the PC version of PUBG is too unreasonable compared to the mobile game version ah. I always skydive slower than others and die in the sky every day. It's so damn annoying."

No. 1 said, "Little Didi, your clothes are really too ugly ba. Call me Jiejie once, and I'll buy you a beautiful outfit."

Tuantuan spoke up, "Alright you guys, calm down a bit. He's so scared of you guys that he won't talk."


Although he was previously an accompanying player, he had still never seen this kind of squad formation before. "I'm sorry, I was just getting my breakfast. You guys can jump anywhere you want, just mark it ba."

Tuantuan asked, "Can you choose a place with fewer people? We're not very good at playing."


In the end, they chose Zharki. Yu Yan calculated the optimal time to open his parachute while eating the youtiao as he slowly drifted down.

After a while, he discovered that something wasn't quite right——there were no parachute indicators beside his teammate's names in the lower left corner.

He asked, "You guys didn't start parachuting?"

No. 1 asked, "What's parachuting?"

No. 2 added, "I don't know."

Tuantuan responded, "I'll Baidu it."

No. 1 said, "Don't waste your energy, we can't learn it even if we Baidu it."


The barrage had already gone mad with laughter for a while.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Why are these little Jiejie so funny hahahaha]

[Obviously, these three are all entertainment anchors, and two of them are emotional radio stations. Give them a stage and they can set up a comedy sketch for you.]

[I recall that Boss 1 also didn't know how to parachute either!]

Cr rbbc jr Tl Jtfc fcafgfv atf ilnfragfjw, tf rjk tlr PG jqqfjg lc atf yjggjuf.

Kbvjs kjr j gjgf vjs ktfgf tf vlvc'a tjnf jcs wffalcur. Coafg tf olclrtfv gfjvlcu atgbeut mbwqjcs lcobgwjalbc, tf bqfcfv atf ilnfragfjw kfyqjuf. Ktlr kjr atf olgra alwf tf erfv atf mbwqjcs boolmf'r mbwqeafg ab bqfc rbwfatlcu atja kjr cbc-kbgx gfijafv.

He was the livestream's archangel, so a prompt popped up when he entered the stream. However, because the barrage was getting excessively spammed, the prompt was very quickly pushed to the top, and almost no one saw it.

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