Chapter 35: Yanyan, say hello

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Edited by Noks and Divetus

Zhou Yan was so angry that even his head felt hot. He put his hands on the keyboard and clattered away. The sound of the keyboard rang throughout the office.

He finished his sarcastic remark with great difficulty, and then pressed the Enter key as if he was venting out everything with this motion.

Yet in the end, not only did the message not go through, but a window also popped out on the livestream page.

[Will Never Eat Chicken has been kicked out of the stream by Moderator 1]


[These two are too fucking strong, lolololololol ah my god]

[If I were the boss, I would have expired from anger lololololol]

[Wait... I just want to ask. Aren't the yellow vests given to a boss just ornamental? I remember in other streams, bosses can't kick out stream followers.]

Yu Yan was also stunned, but he quickly returned to his senses. "Others can't, but 1 can."

After saying that, he felt that something was wrong. He added a sentence, "...I let him kick that person out."

Yi Chen laughed and thought to himself that this person's lying skills were really poor.

In the second match, Tuantuan and the rest insisted on going to Pochinki—to feel the thrill of the fierce gun fights that happened there. As a result, three people became lootboxes as soon as they landed.

Yu Yan was left alone to cut a bloody swathe through the battlefield, and then carried the strength of a city's worth of materials into the final circle.

There were only five people left in the game. He held his breath, laying prone in the grass and tensely looking around.

At this time, a neither light nor heavy sound reached his ear. "Tch."

Yu Yan paused and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I regret it." Yi Chen's tone was light. "Shouldn't have kicked him out just now."


"Should've muted him first and then let him sit in the stream to get cursed out." Yi Chen asked, "Isn't he on your friend's list?Let him come back again for a bit."


[lololoololololol fuck it, I surrender.]

[lololololololololololololololololol I'm laughing my head off, are you the devil ma???]

[Every time I quarrel with someone, I will be very upset afterwards and feel that I didn't play well...]

[ TooReal.JPG ]

He streamed until midnight, and only after he turned the computer off did Yu Yan feel that his eyelids were heavy and flustered.

Recently, he had kept streaming past the set time. He sat in front of the computer for at least 12 hours a day, and it was really unbearable after a long time.

After washing and returning to bed, he found his cellphone full of messages.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Kejcaejc: Qts tjrc'a atfgf yffc jcs wbnfwfca ogbw Dbrr 1? Pr tf cba ublcu ab tfiq sbe milwy atf gjcxr klat uloar?

Tuantuan: Although it doesn't really matter if he gives you anything or not la. You'll see in a bit that this competition is all about padding. It would be a waste for 1 to even send anything.

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