Chapter 37: There was no cat in today's video call

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Edited by Divetus

It was 8:00 p.m, and there weren't many people outside.

Several students in school uniforms passed him holding snacks in their hands. The smell of food filled the air.

He took a sniff and suddenly missed the takeout that he had just thrown into the garbage can.

When he got into the taxi, the taxi driver looked up into the rear-view mirror and asked him, "Young man, where do you want to go?"

"Go..." Yu Yan got stuck.

He also didn't know where he wanted to go. He had just felt a little sore after walking for a long time, and a taxi had also happened to pass by, so he had stopped it.

He thought about it and said, "Go to Bountiful Spring Mountain."

The driver's expression instantly grew strange.

"That's too far, young man. It'll take three or four hours." He was about to say more but then bit his tongue. "Or... do you want to get another cab?"

Truthfully, he did like to go long distances, but this Bountiful Spring Mountain wasn't just far away, it was also a cemetery. He was really reluctant to take this trip.

Yu Yan responded, "Then, you can drive as you like ba."

Driver: "..."

Was this a movie?

Seeing that the driver had yet to move, Yu Yan recalled what he had said, and also thought that it was a bit ridiculous.

He opened his wallet and took out a note with an address on it. "Go here."

The driver glanced at the address on the note and then hurriedly stepped on the accelerator to set off, fearing that Yu Yan would change his mind.

After getting out of the car, Yu Yan stood outside the two-story villa. He put his hands into his pockets and didn't rush to go in.

There was a soft yellow light on the villa's first floor; it looked very warm. Outside the villa, there was a small garden and a swing.

He just looked at the villa for nearly ten minute before turning to leave.

"Xiao Yan? Why are you here?"

The man behind him was dressed in a suit, carrying a briefcase in his hand, and his expression was slightly surprised.

Yu Yan froze. He retraced the steps he just took. "... Uncle."

Just after the door was opened, a gentle female voice sounded. "Husband? Why did you come back so late today, did you work overtime again?"

Instead of taking off his shoes, Yu Minyang opened the shoe cabinet first, took out a pair of slippers, and put them beside Yu Yan's feet. "En, there was an urgent case I needed to deal with... Is the food still hot?"

"It might be a bit cold now, but you have to make do with it and eat ba. You came back too late so our daughter even finished eating already."

"Heat it up a bit ba." Yu Minyang said, "Xiao Yan has come."

"Xiao Yan?" There was the sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged woman poked her head out of the living room, still holding the TV remote control in her hand.

Yu Yan greeted her, "Hello Aunt."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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