Episode 4 : Scaring With Death

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It is now deep in the afternoon, Bulan, Liski and Lakam are now on the way to the defense area of their tribe......

Bulan: (keeps walking)
Lakam: Bulan, are you excited about meeting the love of your life?
Liksi: (elbows Lakam) Lakam.. can we all stop talking about this??? Bulan doesn't even want to talk about it...
Bulan: Lakam, that is not a love of my life.... I never met her so how the hell would I already be in love..... and, I am too young....
Lakam: but Bulan, if I was the king or a prince of the tribe, I will be grateful to have somebody married to me.....
Bulan: and I am enjoying my youth Lakam... if I get married soon and I become a king, do you think I will still have time to roam around the whole tribe with you???
Lakam: well... you have a point... (looks down sadly) I regret what I just said.... I am not ready for Bulan to fulfill his duties.....
Liksi: me too... but Bulan, I never really seen you in love with anybody....... do you even feel love???
Bulan: love? for me, love is an option.....
Liksi: but in a popular and royal bloodline like you, yes it is a must....
Bulan: (kicks the rock annoyingly) that makes my life somehow stupid.....
Liksi: so what plans Bulan? I know you can easily convince anybody.....
Bulan: I just have to convince dad that I am not ready for marriage.... and besides, I still have to find out about who I really am and why do I.... (looks at Lakam)
Liksi: (looks at Bulan looking at Lakam)
Lakam: why?
Bulan: ugh... (bites his lips) I mean is.. why do I have to be what my father wants me to be..... can I just be myself and be the king?
Liksi: I agree... (nods) they should not pressure you.....
Lakam: why not just give the king position to your father if that is the case.....
Bulan: only if I could... (shrugs)

At the defense area of the tribe, Sidapa was there collecting the souls of the dead troops......

Sidapa: (looks at the pile of dead bodies) (feels stressed) (in his mind) these are a lot.... I have no choice to use this again.... (takes out his soul collector staff) (lifts up the souls of the dead bodies) I hope I do not separate a soul from a living body like the last time.... (looks at the sick troops) I think they will be fine... (raises up his staffs)
*souls starts to get vacuumed by the staff*
Sidapa: (struggles to control the force of the staff) (covers his staff) (in his mind) oh God... I still cannot handle this easily..... (looks around) did I take any unnecessary living soul???
Sick Troop #1: (screams and panics) (widens his eyes at a dead troop) help!! why did he just die all of the sudden... he was the least ill of us all here...
Sick Troop #2: you are right??! (looks around) we need him to be separated right now...
*Lakas and Lakan approaches the troops*
Lakas: what happened here? what is with the screaming??
Sick Troop #1: somebody from us suddenly died without any reason....
Lakam: he must've not survived.....
Sick Troop #2: but he was okay unlike us.....
Lakas: well, we cannot disagree to fates that death gives us..... if its his time, its his time...... even if death doesn't make sense sometimes....
Sidapa: (feels guilty) (blushes) oh God... I did it again.. (looks at his soul collector staff) I killed somebody......
Sick Troop #1: please save him Lakas....
Lakas: (takes out his sword) sure.... let me offer you to death instead.....
Sick Troop #1: (crawls away) I was just kidding.... (looks awkwardly at everyone)

Outside the tent of the casualties of the war yesterday, Briseo and Kaja were together telling and distracting children with stories so they refuse to see dead people......

Briseo: (looks at the children) and kids... that is why you should not go near dead people because when their soul leaves their body.... it is said that they will take the soul of the other people that they might see......
*children starts to feel nervous*
Kaja: and even if there is no dead bodies nearby...... the forest is full of lost souls... the bad people who died and as they turn to lost souls, they will seek evilness by dragging lost people and make them lost souls like them......
*the children screams in fright*
*Liksi, Lakam and Bulan approaches the children, Kaja and Briseo*
Liksi: another free storytelling to the children huh???
Briseo: oh hey boys! we were just telling these kids stories about how they shouldn't come near dead bodies with fresh souls.... they might take them......
Lakam: I am now confused if that is a real folklore or it is one made up story......
Bulan: folklores are also made up Lakam.... those are unreal.... how else can it be more realistic???
Kaja: oh... you want to be impressed huh? then lets all go straight to the point.. there are dead bodies here so the death, the monster of the underworld is here taking them and if you kids don't go back to your homes.....
Sidapa: (walks out of the tent) (peeks at Kaja telling stories about him)
Kaja: (screams) the death will eat you!! *the children screams and runs away*
Sidapa: (looks confused at Kaja) that sounds gross.... what the hell?!
Bulan: but aren't they God instead of monsters?
Kaja: they are the biggest enemy of a human being..... death! (raises his eyebrows) so they are still the main antagonist of every human's life.......
Sidapa: (murmurs) stupid stories.... another reason why I rather not be here......
Bulan: (notices Sidapa walking away from the tent) (eyes widens) (in his mind) he always comes to the place where there's dead people... and I never seen him for like months or years.....
Liksi: (notices Bulan looking at nothing) (in his mind) is he seeing him again???
Sidapa: (notices Bulan looking at him) (feels nervous) (walks faster and disappears to light)
Bulan: (looks down sadly)
Briseo: what is it Bulan???
Bulan: huh? (looks at Briseo) nothing father....
Liksi: (keeps looking around)
Sidapa: (peeks at Bulan from a tree) (in his mind) he really still want to meet me? and I cannot do anything yet but to avoid him..... (feels sad)

I am so excited for Sidapa and Bulan to meet but before that, we have to see Bulan and Sahaya to meet soon.. tune in!

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